Listen to your community before it's too late.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Taerah, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    All valid points
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  2. Limey Committed Player

    Yay, another "give me what I want or I won't spend any money" thread.

    Aside from the ally favor detector, everything else is very superficial, won't attract new players and will only appease existing players temporarily much in the same way new episodes or weekly events do.

    And while PVP updates would be nice, the issue has been obvious for over a decade. Without separate PVE and PVP powers et balancing and adjustments, PVP balancing will always hear an outcry from PVE players(ie the majority), and that doesn't resolve the issue of speedhackers.

    The reality is this game needs a lot of under the hood modernization before it will ever get substantialy better, particularly in any player-experience related ways.
  3. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I know you're on the EU but I can't help but point out that even the concept of more content has someone complaining.

    Not a slam or trying to argue. Would be nice to see EU and US merge.

    I play in a league of one and when I want to get something done I manage. If I can do it so can you. Sometimes it's a matter of going with the flow, sometimes you have to press it. One thing I am certain of is no other player is going to care about your experience over theirs. It's up to you to make the most of it. Be more tenacious.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    As someone who would love most of this. (Not PvP.) I can safely say we don't "need" any of this.

    The only one that should have some priority, if they were planning to do any of them, is the first one. Balance and updates to existing powers would be a great thing for the game.
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  5. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    *shrug* I'm not complaining. I get done what I want done. Just pointing out simple fact, that more EG content suits long-time players, while making the game more impenetrable to new ones. You can tell new players to "be more tenacious" but they're most likely to not bother and find a different game, because they're not as invested as you are. And without influx of new players the game will wither and die faster than it has to.

    And if you're bored - you may try and find ways to entertain yourself with what you already have, which is what I'm doing. Like experimenting with new and innovative builds, leveling alts, soloing group content, helping new players, et cetera, instead of expecting to be handed new stuff as often as possible.
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  6. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I think these 2 are the easiest to do. We already have walk-in's for a bunch of content, so making a teleporter like walk in might be easier first pass than any size group via on duty. After about 2 months LFG really starts to die out on the villain side. Now even hero side is pretty slow except for reset day. Walk ins would give players a chance to pass the time or go after missing feats.
  7. Tolly Committed Player

    EU server, it is already too late...

    One thing is for sure, licensed MMORPG games like DCUO will have shown one thing, that the managers are not looking to offer a rich MMORPG experience to their players, only profit counts for this type of company, for my part, this will be the first and last licensed game I will make, because in the end it ends in disappointment, they had plenty of things to do to avoid ending up in a dying game, they didn't and now more than ever, we see the result of this non-action from the managers, thanks to the managers of DCUO for this light..

    (Come on now, only one game is coming up, only one licensed game could get me as a big lover of the series, it's the mandalorian)
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  8. L T Devoted Player

    I feel that refreshing PvP will attract players. There's a pretty large subset of gamers who love PvP and pretty much exclusively stick to games with good PvP.

    Since the community can't really agree on how to fix it, the devs should just go ahead and decide for themselves what's fair and good.

    Or they could listen exclusively to me, since I totally speak for the whole community...
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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I get that. I wonder if I would still be playing this game if I signed up the past few years instead of at launch. Early on pre-Hack I actually quit the game. If I had given an honest review of what I thought it would have left the original dev team in tears. If it wasn't for that free month when everything came back up I might have never come back~at the time I lost a good job and took a crappy one just to get by so the game became a cheap source of entertainment for me, plus I love my characters. If this game didn't have the DC stamp on it I don't think I'd be here.

    I agree with the sentiment that pvp needs to get fixed...even if its something basic. If not we need some sort of side quest kind of thing to keep us busy for that time after a new dlc runs its course. I don't know. An in game arcade, a perpetual instance that always changes, something...

    We are in a lull...but even in a lull when I see 4 or 5 hundred players in the House of Legends, 1 or two hundred in Khandaq, a hundred in the open world and a couple hundred other players spread out in other locations and it takes a few minutes for an omni bus instance to pop it means we're all bored.

    More content!
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  10. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    On EU server you won't see more than 150 players in HoL. And you can wait up to 20-30 minutes for an omni raid, depending on day of the week, the time of day and your role. The same few people spam LFG on villain side for hours at a time for an Elite raid, or older content, that's not available for cross-faction play. I'm not going to be one of those people, because I don't care that much. I make my own fun.

    New content is nice and necessary, especially that it brings the EG population back up (although nowhere near the levels of USPC/PS), but I'd rather the older content was made more accessible and villain side was made playable again, or if the factions were merged. And more regular bonus artifact XP (even if not as generous as 2x) could keep people coming back, instead of having 5 of them in 10 months and then none for 6 (and counting)...

    And as for PvP - I literally couldn't care less. The only way to get PvP feats on EUPC/PS other than 1v1s is by trading wins between premade groups. And PvP phases are permanently empty. Because nobody cares about PvP, since the few SP you can get from it are irrelevant and not worth the hassle. We hardly need players (especially new ones) on the underpopulated servers to be pulled away from PvE queues, just to be abused and put off the game by no-lifer cheese-monkeys... :)
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  11. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Refreshing PVP is a big risk and small reward. It will attract returning players but we are talking serious development time and costs to fix pvp.

    I agree with the ally favor detectors. That should be in the game.

    New powers does bring in new players and return new players, however I think refreshing animations for existing powers and fixing balance would take priority over a new power. When 25% of the playerbase is 2 of the 10+ powersets we have then adding a new powerset doesnt really help.

    Walk in teleporters. There is a technical reason why these were removed back in the day and they were never able to fix this nor possibly due to current engine cannot fix this or they simply dont have the dev time/cost to put effor to fix this.

    I believe the simple answer is content. They could come up with a OP weapon that you would grind for over multiple DLCs that would require source marks and Omnibus runs to encourage people to stay engaged on a week to week basis. Ultimately it comes down to using your existing content and making it more relevant while you are creating the next big content DLC.

    Fix powersets, fix movement mode balance, fix the broker, and provide more content is a start.
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    This is a good idea to foster continuous engagement of the content from DLC to DLC. Of course it would grate completionists like me who like to button up everything lol.

    It’s a good idea.
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  13. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

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  14. Taerah Active Player

    Good one but of course i mean balance...all good things need balance :)
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  15. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Lol Tiffany was defending you...
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  16. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I honestly don't have anything to add to a thread like this because it won't really accomplish anything in the end. I just think if we get a complaint about the game thread the same twenty people on this forum will read it and none of them are Devs... Or Mepps so what's the point of arguing amongst ourselves the thirty of us who still use the DCUO forums? If anything actually got fixed that happened from comments on here it'd be an anomaly not a regular occurrence. OP if you complain on here you'll just get people complaining about your complaining so yeah.
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  17. zNot Loyal Player

    I know it was my bad :( and i surely apologize to tiffany,i didnt see that tiffany also had the other persons post quoted..
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  18. zNot Loyal Player

    Thank you again im so sorry about it :(
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

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