Letter from the Creative Director: Episode 23 Revealed!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by NerdOfPrey, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Stone Level 30

    The Joker survived as well,unless we are to assume he was killed,but by who?So wouldn't the Joker be able to be used as well.Speaking of which maybe we will get a Joker story line next.
  2. Magician Dedicated Player

    I am hoping for Aquaman content with the water powers coming out and the BvS movie with Aquaman.

    Then we can talk Batman/Joker content.

    Keep in mind however, if Daybreak adds more Joker content, it likely will NOT be Mark Hamill and then they will change all the voice overs for the Joker in the game.

    This I do not want to see happen.
  3. krytine Loyal Player

    I don't know about you but I have never gotten any op items in almost 5 years of play on any toon.so they are not everywhere
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  4. RyderSM Well-Known Player

    There's a chance now that it will be Mark Hamill since he's gone back on his announced joker retirement by voicing him in the new The Killing Joke animated movie.