Let's talk about....the new on duty menu.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Oct 6, 2022.

  1. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    I believe the menu should always have an option so so folks can queue up the classic way they always have. Similar to the way it was before this snafu. Please and thank you very kindly.
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  2. FlexVibrant Well-Known Player

    100% agreed
    Ive tried to log on, do my daily routine. I genuinely gave it a chance.

    I queue up, wait. Check. Have to do it again. Then the queues take so much longer. The reason is obvious. Less people queueing up with the many suspended also and we already had a low population.

    Queueing up now feels like no one is really on. Ive only gotten into a few instances. They were great runs.

    I just dont see the convinience of a new UI.

    why not keep the old one and just add favorites?

    Remember the days we use to be able to jump directly into custom play? Simplicity >>>>
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Say what? I didn't get that from the new menu. If THAT is a feature, I 100% reverse what I said on the menu changes.

    I've been out all weekend....I need to check this out!

    EDIT: That was either a well played troll or it's not working correctly. Just went in and checked only the WV solo, queued omni solo, got warehouse, Deep desires, Lair of the Spectre and Circe's trial 2x....
    Either 'very funny'....or 'very fishy'....I'll be checking to see which one it is.
  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Here is the video I took of me trying in vain to use the new UI to launch the Vault, and failing.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I'd say the same for the current 2 episodes if you have more than 5 people. Queing up with 5+ on Ep 42 or 43 means you can only be doing the raid...and you can avoid the wonky 2nd menu.

    But I've been telling people to use the 1st menu for the current raids for a while now, minus FP...as there were 2 possible raids. Now that it's out of the mix, the 1st menu is actually better (again...assuming you have 5+).
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just asking, why are you queueing both? The pop showed it was for the 4 player, not vault. Did you try with only the vault checked?
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    That is problem. I only queued for the Vault but both show as selected. I have gone all weekend fighting with this trying to get into the Vault with the same results as shown in the video.

    It's incredibly frustrating to point of throwing things. lol
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok. Yeah, I've been out a few days. And generally just do the event queues from the 1st menu, so I have not experienced it. I'll give it a shot so I can be frustrated too along with everyone else.:mad:
  9. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There was an update released that changed the On Duty Menu. I am on PS4 and it has given me nothing but frustration, and unfortunately, I am a thrower of objects when I get frustrated. My poor controller... lol

    OH Flashpoint is now EEG
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You should be able to go into the SELECTED RUNS area and deselect the one you don't want. I can get to it on PC, but it's likely more challenging to do so with a PS controller. Just a suggestion of something to try.
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  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I would recommend against attempting that workaround for Omnibus since it likely isn't intended and may be an exploit. Hopefully I do not get in trouble for warning you, but I would hate to see you run into trouble with all the time you seem to put into the game.
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You didn't scroll down and un-select the alert. That's why it's queueing you up for both. You just scroll down and click on it so the green square disappears.
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  13. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Please consult with the dev team to restore the original on duty menu, all they have to do is add a tab for Omnibus & a Tab for favorites.
    We are not asking for much we just want an on duty menu that is easy to navigate especially for players on console, i would also like to add that the text & icons are too small, not all of us have the best eyesight.
  14. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    I alerted mepps to this issue, i really hope they give us a new menu in the next update.
  15. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Here is a particularly annoying scenario I ran into last night.

    I was with a group forming a TSD run via LFG, the population was low on the roles we needed so we decided to run WBs until we could fully form. We managed to get remaining players, then when trying to que, one of them was too low CR. As we were in a clamped world, we could not easily tell who it was from the CR attached to each group member. We could not see in the UI who was too low either. The big block of text in the middle is so unbelievably pointless when pertinent info is completely unavailable.

    The only indicator we had was the instance was greyed out. We had to inspect to figure it out
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  16. Berza Committed Player

    It worked for me with duo and alert, but since it destroys the spirit of Omni it may got patched.

    Edit: you did it reverse way. You have to queue for Omni solo, and before hitting Ready you go to Custom Play and deselect what you don't want to run.
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nah, I saw that....just hadn't done a lot of queuing it up in there. Was only on for a day or so when I made this post...so yeah, it didn't take long to know it was NOT good. All these details are just 'icing' on the poop cake.
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  18. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thanks to Red Wave’s advice I was able to get into the Vault this morning. Thank you Red Wave! :D
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah tried this last night. Not really worth it IMHO. Took a long time to deselect all the ones I didn't want to run, and it keeps refreshing and putting you back to ready each time, and a mis-click on ready gets you back to the start if you deny it.

    Just as easy to deny a bunch for solos. I guess this would be nice if you had an 8 man group, wanted to polish off your Omni quick and paired it down to DD or FOS3 or Necro or COU or US or whatever....might be worth the effort there.
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I'd doubt it would be registered as an exploit, but it's also not worth the trouble....but the whole 'custom' menu is not worth the trouble anymore either.

    Thanks for the heads up, but yeah, doesn't seem worth the effort....threat of trouble or not.

    However, I don't believe it was intended as it seems to defeat the idea of running omnis.
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