legendary and login queue

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AkikoTsunami, Mar 4, 2013.

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  1. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    I understand that at times like these there will be the inevitable queue time. What I find perplexing is that the time waiting for legendary players is significantly longer than for premium players. I thought us subscribers were supposed to get priority , not just normally but in high volume log in times like this as well.
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  2. iROFFLE New Player

    Don't you just love paying 15$ a month to wait 21:19 to just login.(sarcasm)
  3. Meta Flare New Player

    when i tried to log in it said i was 1456 in line and average wait time was 17 mins and ive been waiting for like a half hour. i hate that we cant get in even though we pay to play. i know the game is free but since i am paying i would like to be able to get in over a f2p. i dont feel entitled to anything because i pay, i am just saying.
  4. Abandon New Player

    The bars show how many people of that status are logging in at that moment, not how long their wait time is. Prem logs in after legendary, and free after premium. Although there is an obscene wait time clause, where if one of the lower levels is in a que for an obscene length of time they get bumped to the front.
  5. Ink Soul New Player

    Lol, mine, for legendary is at 1800 place in the queue....
  6. iROFFLE New Player

    Im in 416 place now...
  7. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    Well, at least I've got time for the blackberrry brandy to get settled in before playing.
  8. SoylentBob New Player

    If you watch your Legendary queue, you see the numbers representing your place in line drop quckly.
    If you watch a Free queue, you can stare at 37th place for a few minutes.
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  9. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    It's not the wait that I mind. It's that premiums and f2p are being filtered in at all while there is a half hour wait for subscribers. The only reason I still pay for this game is the supposed priority queue.
  10. Shadow Vlad New Player

    But my legendary estimated time is 21 minutes, Premium estimated wait time is 12 minutes, Free is 25.
    Seems like premes are getting in with half the wait time.
    Not sure how accurate but thats what it says.
  11. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    If that were only the case. Unfortunately its not. It's lie or a sham. I have a premium friend who was on a full 20 minutes before I got in today, and spent half the time in line that I have on the past 3 occasions that this has happened. Don't believe everything they tell you.......
  12. Zizzi New Player

    Lol really? The only reason you pay is for the priority queue?
  13. TrueMarvel New Player

    Actually most of you guys are all wrong. FTP is longer on the que screen most of the time. Only during high login hours are legendary que time is longer. This is coming from someone who has been on both sides of the spectrum. FTP ALWAYS has a login que. an average of 3 min. Legendary only get login ques when everyone seems to be loging in at the same time, by everyone I mean alot of legendary members. FTP players are less concentrated in there que times because most of the time they aren't aware when exactly the world is up. Legendaries generally like to be up-to-date
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  14. Abandon New Player

    I'm just regurgitating what I think Mepps said on the old PS3 forums, & I'm too lazy to go find said quote.
  15. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    my understanding of the how the queue system is SUPPOSED to work is that the last legendary members get in line directly in front of first premium members and the last premium members are suppose to get in line directly in front of the free players. When I see that premium has a shorter average wait it makes me scratch my head. If a legendary player is entering the queue they should be P1-1 in line and if a premium is getting in line they should be F1-1. The queue times should reflect this (i.e. legendary should be shorter than premium, should be shorter than f2p). Can Mepps or someone explain why this isn't what appears on my screen? I thought this was how the queues were explained when the access levels were rolled out.
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We do currently let in one free and premium player per large group of legendary players. The reasoning here is that, under normal conditions, this just ensures that nobody waits in the queue forever. When the server has just come up, and there happen to be a ton more legendary players than free or premium trying to log in, it doesn't work as well. This is actually something we're changing soon.
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  17. SoylentBob New Player

    There are probably ratios.
    For every 100 Subscribers, 10 Fremiums and 1 Free get to move up a space. [hypothetical]
    The problem is, there are thousands of Subnscribers trying to get on at once. If there are 1000 Subscribers, the 50 Fremiums waiting will get in before all the Subscribers (500 Subs = 50 Prem).

    [edit] or maybe it's 100:2 ;)
  18. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    I'm just saying, I have been real time talking with my premium friend on these occasions trying to load up at the exact same time, and he is always on in half the time it takes for me to get on.
  19. Hallows Eve New Player

    Hmmm that's funny because as a premium I never wait more than 12 seconds to log on.
  20. AkikoTsunami Committed Player

    Thanks for the quick response senior Mepps, its appreciated.
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