
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLorax, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'd rather have them all as trinkets with good powers and buffs, and then I'd like them in content.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    For anyone that wants to see a video of Krypto

    At the end of the video I woke Krypto up and he proceeded to do the Freeze Breath Sneeze and froze Isis :D
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  3. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Awwwwwwww......... poor doggy. ;););)
  4. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    This obviously favors heroes...again. Maybe if we get a Villain skin I might approve.
  5. Davenport Committed Player

    Not my first choice for the next totem (mostly because I don't like Superman), but I suppose it'd be a decent addition to my Larfleeze base.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Uh, why are you making out like there aren't many villain pets? Teekl, Pengbot, Pengbot Frigidus, Isis - all villain pets. I guess Isis would be subjective because she's Catwoman's pet, but still.
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  7. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    the current event have Captain Cold inspired style... the earth 3 vendor is selling Owlman's style, Gang War have Riddler's style... I have no idea what are you talking about "favors heroes" again...
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  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I like this development but.. Can some one tell me how I break it to THE CATS? lol Isis will probably beo kay with it.. But Teekl? No way! LOL
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  9. Controller Devoted Player

    But seriously this is one of the best additions to our bases EVER.


    Krypto looks awesome.

    I hope he comes with funny interactions based off of what other NPCs we have at out bases (Ambush Bug, Teekl, Isis and the water thingy).....
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    Teekl isn't villainy enough for you?

    That thing gives me the creeps. Never entering my bases except if I need another rug.
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    You know, I’ve always thought that a dog with kryptonian powers would actually be ridiculously dangerous xD
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  12. The Cat-Lady Well-Known Player

    I hope that we will get a similar setup for Streaky the Super-Cat!

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  13. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

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  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Yeah and Teekl likes to hold you captive too. I had my lair set up with a number of things around my bank. I lost track of how many times I'd be in there grabbing stuff to build mods and when I finished ..that cat had camped right beside me and i actually had to pull up my map and warp to rally point. .. I rearranged the furniture by the way LOL I think it ticked the dang cat off.. Now I come home and there are Joker and Riddler tags all over my walls.... still trying to figure out where that damn cat is getting the spray paint.:D
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  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Taking him for walkies has to be an adventure in and of itself. o_O
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  16. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    its just what i wanted.

    in 2013.
  17. RyDub New Player

    EH its cool, but I would have rather them come out with it like an iconic power or something. Like I could say replace my fury over the pet. I don't spend every waking game moment in my base, and it would be weird to have a billion kryptos so have it be similar to the whole event that started the game. Lexcorp or Starlabs bit to give animals powers as well that you have to go in as a single player and have like three to five different pets you need to save the firs tone you save ends up being your companion / Side kick they could gain levels similarly to you or just have them at a base level but you could dress them in gear like you have but obviously in their animal sized counterparts.
  18. inferno Loyal Player

    Awesome. Awesome, Awesome. base item interactions, sooo cute movements.
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  19. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Mepps, any reason why Dex-Starr never showed up in the Lantern content? I mean, he's far more interesting than Vice. I mean, he's a house cat for crying outloud.
  20. Controller Devoted Player

    LOL yeah I already know that Teekl doesn't like me.

    Every single time I did the Halloween seasonal that thing seemingly sought ME out to torture me.

    I can only imagine what would've happened IF I purchased him for my home.

    He / IT would've used ME as a scratching post.

    Our League would have to put out a "Missing Controller" All Points Bulletin. My Toons would've came up missing, Ambush Bug would've been ran off and poor Krypto would've had to call his Master and the entire Justice League to come find me.