It's time for another Dox Nerf!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Aerovenger, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    I'm just out of a failed Dox.
    The Rav was roaming all over the tunnel! :D

    When I joined I realized it was a two troll I inspected the other troll....
    CR85 Raven gear, CR81 ring, CR62 ring, CR 83 mask. UNMODDED!
    Not even criticals.....
    I knew this raid was going to be a fail! CR99 was asked for, but this guy didn't have a troll piece over 85 apart from a CR87 weapon! His dps gear was maybe higher.

    The raid was nerfed and now guys who have gear totaling 1 or 2 CR above the requirement think it's going to be a walk in the park?! :D

    So.......before the complaints come's time for another nerf! :D

    As for the seasonal event - poor T1s that had all pvp gear! You can spot them by some T1 pieces and the majority of -30 pieces they have! A guy had a lvl 18 weapon and 3 pieces of T1 magic gear! :D
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  2. Claytoun New Player

    pretty useless "nerf" because casuals and noobies still have to dodge and move ;)
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  3. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    4 attempts today and all fails!
    3 tanks had gear that was CR85 - that would never have been allowed before the nerf!
    & it stinks of inexperience as well :(
    Dox has got harder in my opnion, based on today! Simply because guys are under-geared & inexperienced!
    I wasted my time, so now look out for "GLF ALL ROLES FOR DOX CR100 EXP ONLY" :D
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  4. Miahztwin Committed Player

    lol Well I guess its still not fun yet for some people. Maybe tomorrow will be better
    GOOD LUCK OP! ;)
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  5. Zodiac Well-Known Player

    I have said since this games launch that player skill > gear.
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  6. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Quite agree.

    Did Dox last night and it was definitely easier, the majority of the change seems to be in the sub boss health/defence and some in their damage out. It will still need communication, awareness and teamwork to complete, especially if the group is going to go for the EO feat.

    I think we'll see a whole new load of players taking part in it now and initially some of them are really going to suck until they learn the tells and strategies. For an average player/team this is still not handing it to them on a plate. Sure the top teams will be doing EO every time but its now accessible.

    I'd say this was a good job by the dev team. There is still plenty of challenge, just not at the ultra high level it was.
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  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Sounds like a good idea to me. As long as it guarantees the elitist will rage quit forever.
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  8. Ice Lantern New Player

    Yes, the raid got nerfed. But now the groups doing them are much worse because people have eased up on requirements.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    But at least maybe one or two of them can learn from their mistakes...something that is IMPOSSIBLE to do if you're not allowed in (I am gobsmacked by the attitudes of players who expect people to be experts when they weren't allowed in for so long).
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  10. Zodiac Well-Known Player

    you see this is actually what I mean. How are you able to determine a players skill without running a raid with them? I openly tend to avoid groups shouting for "CR101" players. I tend to pug randoms and keep a note of players I consider to be good based on their stats AND their ability to listen/call out one shots/avoid one shots/run the raid and generally do their jobs
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  11. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i think theres and ebb and flow to the raids. most of the vet players got their fill of paradox when loot drops got buffed up six or so weeks ago and only run the raid once a week or are on break till the green lantern stuff goes live. currently i think most people gunning for dox are new to the raid or newer.

    theres never been any rhyme or reason to me completing the t5's. it really does fall down to the entirety of the group. i've had hour long runs, four hour long runs, successful pug groups, failed league runs, successful league runs, failed pug groups...even with the nerf i still see things as playing out the same way as before.
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  12. Ice Lantern New Player

    That depends on who is less geared. You can get away with a DPS, a second healer, or a second troller being less geared. But the tank (especially non-Ice) still needs to be geared.

    I don't mind helping people out. But I play the game so that I can have fun, not so others can have fun at the cost of my time and effort.
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  13. Ice Lantern New Player

    You know what worse to have in your raid than a bad player with great gear? A bad player with bad gear. And unfortunately, the guy with the bad gear is also more likely to be a bad player.
  14. Magical Reset Committed Player

    We took a healer and a troller through Dox today without too much trouble. The key is to have anchor players who can carry the raid. It's much easier to that for dox now that you can go through it reasonably well with an anchor tank/troll/heal/dps so long as the other players aren't completely clueless.
  15. Ice Lantern New Player

    Yes and no. The T5 raids are really a test of or DPS'es. The longer you are fighting, the more opportunities there are for something to go horribly wrong. And then on top of that, the general skill, awareness and communication helps people not make mistakes and/or lessens their impact.


    I hear people say, "Lex put an AOE on top of him so I (Person A) couldn't pick him (Person B) up".

    - What if he was better geared so that he would have survived?
    - What if Person B was aware enough to get away from whatever killed him?
    - If Person B didn't see it what was gonna kill him, what if Person C had a mic and called it out to him ahead of time?
    - What if Person A didn't keep DPS'ing and picked him up 4 seconds sooner?
    - What if Person D (a healer who was closer to Person B) called out that he was a healer and thus needed Person A to pick up Person B?
    - What if that Lex had been already dead so that he wouldn't have killed Person B?

    So yes, this seemingly random event of Lex putting an AOE on a downed player might have eventually caused a wipe. But that wipe could have been avoided if it wasn't for so many people playing in a sub-optimal manner. The problem is that so few people pay attention to the little things. So when they wipe, they don't see what they could have done better, they just blame the raid and it's "randomness".
  16. Poo New Player

    I still hate these raids ;p
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  17. Zodiac Well-Known Player

    yes.....and no, I have seen players manage to get to CR97 by farming the raven mission in gotham wastelands, It takes very little effort and requires no real skill, then those players are modding their gear (again no skill required) and jumping into nexus only to not listen and get their backside handed too them. I am no pro, and I have been away for a long time, but this is one of the few things about the game that has always remained the same.
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  18. Ogat New Player

    So hilarious xD
  19. Ice Lantern New Player

    Wow, I even bolded and underlined the words "more likely".
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  20. uXix Committed Player


    Btw this is only on Hero side from what I've seen.