It's not's sharing

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Reinheld, Mar 26, 2019.

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  1. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I encountered people where they will follow you around watch you do all the work and they get free credit. Not like they are helping taking out adds, they are there to mooch off your work for they don't have to put the effort in. So yes people don't like that. It isn't about whether they get credit or not, it's the principle of it.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That you did...I was using it as a 'worst case' scenario if they started messing with the code.

    Totally should be able to run these as you see fit, but so should I....and I assume people don't mind the help. If you were to then take off or shake your fist at me, I won't follow you. I'm not sure anyone scours the whole area looking for someone off in the weeds so they can glom onto their kills.....although I think SOME people believe this to be true.

    If I see you out there, I'll stay off your lawn, but you can feel free to 'steal' my pickups anytime. Gets me out faster.

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  3. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    most of these "pests" which follow me around literally seek me out (as i deliberately go into places where NO ONE is ever around (usually) and are typically a vanguard of a literal "swarm" of players consisting of their friends (i assume it's their friends) who all end up following me around. like the forum poster above me stated, it's the principle of the thing, you just don't dog people online anymore than you would in person, that's called being a stalker. also i doubt i have an "inflated ego" when it's all of the people IN GAME chasing ME around like love deprived puppies or flies to dung. as for not "shaking my fist" or taking off, i 'm too polite to do the first one and i often DO warp away from the weirdos after about the 10th time they've sent me a group invite or chased me far enough that i do eventually feel a bit confrontational. again NONE of these same people (or anybody else really) around when i actually and LEGITIMATELY need help with something which ACTUALLY requires a group. so do with that damning evidence what you will.
  4. myandria Item Storage

    Ok! And, if I see you out there and you ask for help on a difficult mob\boss, I'll help ya out. :D
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  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Sharing is fine; more players should do it. It's a lot faster if one person hits adds and the other opens cages, or equivalents, etc. Heroes need to know team-work!
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