Is there any chance FNL will make a return at any point in the future?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ItsSeven, Jan 11, 2022.

  1. ItsSeven Level 30

    I remember when I was younger in middle school/high school and looking forward to coming home on Friday.l for it. For those that are newer, FNL was a weekly thing where the devs would interact with the community, whether it be PvE tournaments, PvP tournaments for prizes or other things like when Spytle told everyone his mom used to hit him with a wooden spoon as a kid. Good times. Would be fun if it returned
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  2. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I do wish FNL would come back but sadly I doubt it . My league was lucky enough to be on an episode of it and we had a blast.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    We are lacking someone who can interact like Spytle did. I would love for it to return too.

    My league got on it too. We did a chill episode with Loche and did PvE showcase.
  4. Achikah All About That Base

    FNL was always a real treat. I never participated (my league's always been on the smaller side) but I really enjoyed watching back in the day. The PvE showcases were my favorite, though there were some really intense PvP matches I enjoyed as well. I do hope it makes a return one of these days, in some form or revival.
  5. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    I dont think legends and arenas are in a decent state to do a competition atm, its fun and all, but last time they did it the teams with the best nature spamming heals always won.

    On the PvE side we had the raid challenges, but leagues stopped signing in (maybe due to the lack of rewards and the pressure of doing live elite content in front of others). I really liked to watch it, but its not fun when half the competition doesnt show up or there is no competition at all.

    I'd want to see FNL back at some time, but I dont feel the mood for it atm.
  6. ItsSeven Level 30

    100%, at least for PvP, it should be done when that’s in a better state

    As for PvE, it is kinda hard to have constant competition as you can’t turn leagues away, it’s open competition so you’ll get leagues of all skill levels. And there will be weeks when maybe the top leagues can’t make it for whatever reason. As for leagues not showing after signing up, I don’t know a solution to that actually except maybe holding them more accountable if they don’t show up without saying anything beforehand.

    I just want to see it return in some capacity though
  7. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I would love that. I wasn't here when FNL was still a thing but once in awhile I do a binge and watch them lol They are entertaining!
    Maybe one of the things that won't be the same is that they have to stream those from home now. They do weekly streams but they are basically just the Dev invasions.
  8. Lowest New Player

    It would be nice but what are the chances of that happening
  9. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    They tried. My friends and I ran the 2nd to last one about a year ago. Speed contest in JLD elite. Was supposed to be a tournament bracket type of deal. So day one, it was supposed to be us va another and I think Success and another league were to run the 2nd. Our original opponents never logged in and was almost canceled and a Brazilian league stepped in. The 2nd groups, both of them, never logged in. So then the next week, it was Success vs whoever and they no showed so I think Success took on someone else. Moral of the story, the devs tried. Players kept bailing and it looked like a mess. I’m sure they’d be game if we were all reliable. The dev invasions never fail tho so those are the easier option but they lag out like crazy and hurt the whole server.

    I still know Mepps hated our groups name, The Unreliable Event. It wasn’t a shot but it was 2 half leagues. The Main Event and Unreliable Drunks. The main drunks just didn’t sound any better lol
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  10. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I do want to add tho that it was the most fun out group has ever had on DCUO. We practiced for hours a night and had a blast. And the day of was hilarious. The devs are funny and made it a great time for all of us. We took a raid that was still taking most people about 45mins to complete (most still couldn’t complete it) down to 11mins. 100% we would throw our names in for another go around. 100% we’d let the Devs name us this time haha. The game needs something like that again, the players that no showed missed an awesome time.