Is The Rumor True? Rumor has it.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by daplatobah, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I'm not a business major. It's a useless major anything you want or need to know out of business will be found out once you actually get out. I'm actually pre-med, I could sleep through a business major's curriculum and still have a 4.0 (that is beside the point though).

    There is the difference between great and good.

    Good becomes comfortable, greatness is never satisfied because you constantly strive for more.

    To be honest, I doubt the business classes would help you, but I thought they may actually teach you that risk does not inherently equal reward.
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  2. Twilight Man New Player

    Considering the importance of names to me and character creation...thats the kinda thing that could make me quit cold turkey. Im good with NOT merging the servers...again lol
  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I wish it was true there's more then a few pc players on US/EU I'd love to catch in pvp phase heck I'd pay money for that .
  4. daplatobah New Player

    A world where everyone wants to come together to bring "world peace" but when giving something to do or a couple or few or 1 mission to do, all hell and war breaks loose..... and then a few sucker punches or 2... maybe 3 or four.

    Anyways, to combine...., your servers, think clearly.
  5. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    It's impossible, because two completely different characters can have same names. & what to do in that case? Two ways - names with "@" & handler just like CO does. Or delete one of characters. But l can't imagine what happens if they deleted e.g. your character named "Mark" from USPC server - Rage CR 114 DPS/Tank, preferring it to newly created or inactive "Mark" from EUPS3 server "Mark" - lvl 13 lce.
  6. DanXVII Committed Player

    Can only dream, cross platform would be a beautiful thing. Most people passionately against it are usually just stuck up trolls and probably closet racists and homophobes too.
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    nope several months ago it was glitched and PS players could access PC servers and it went for the likewise
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  8. HermanRuth New Player

    Wake me up when we can go a full day without losing chat. Do that before even considering anything else.
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  9. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I personally don't care either way. My only question is why? Is the USPC population really low or something that would necessitate something like this? Same question with the EUPC pop.
  10. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    I would just like to say as a PS3 user that has purchased most of the dIc and has six characters I would love to have the ability to play on the PC instead of an aging console. By either permanently transferring my characters and their gear/stats/etc or having a cross platform system in place.
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  11. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    i remember watching pc players livestreaming that lol

  12. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    exactly why we definitely don't need global servers...
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  13. Dogzday Dedicated Player

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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    hey that a sig i havent seen in a while!
  15. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    EUPC server have got low online players, would be connected EUPC and USPC together :D why not
  16. daplatobah New Player

    To be culturally aware and play other gamers around the world would be awesome.
    Obviously some folks out there have no sense of diversity via attacking each other with super powers and run away.
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  17. Mr Rocky New Player

    i wouldn't mind if the eups and eupc sever got mixed vice versa for us
    but all together would be one massive laggy sever
  18. daplatobah New Player

    Thats why multiple servers military grade would handle it no problem.
  19. Magnificent Loyal Player

    This has been brought up numerous times over the years and the answer has always been the same, it would be nice but the extra approvals PS updates require plus the PS3 players would be put in a very disadvantaged situation when having to compete against PC players (although I have to wonder about the difference in PS3 and PS4 players competing against one another now that the PS4 is out).
  20. daplatobah New Player

    All they would have to do is shut the world down for 1 week for transition compatibility change.