Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jessiejames4211, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. jessiejames4211 New Player

    my friend wrote a ticket and was told dps is not a role ,,how do you other dps feel about this ?

    it was in regards to ninja looting ..he was a tank and didn't want to need on dps gear as that was not his role but the style only comes in dps form .. he was told need on any dps gear you want its not a role

    come all full time dps players lets here your thoughts.. it makes me livid I would love to see people complete raids like dox and nexus with out us
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  2. Yui Loyal Player

  3. Hraesvelg Always Right


    The concept of ninja-looting is a total community construct. SOE doesn't have any problems with people needing on items they can wear. Simple as that.
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  4. Savage Mind Committed Player

  5. Radium Devoted Player

    Well its not like they're wrong.

    If he can need on it then he has the right too, especially with the loot changes in the next update negating all of this garbage.
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  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    DPS is a role but there is no such thing as ninja looting in the DEV's eyes that is a community idea that we all tried to follow but has seems to go the way of the past now and with the new loot system will be gone forever thankfully
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  7. preydemon New Player

    it should be a role but ppl will say its not a role.. me iv always been a dps but I tank also, I think ppl should be able to play both roles they are meant for example..dps/tank dps/troll dps/healer....that's the way my league runs
  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    besides if it wasnt a role why do we have the option to switch roles :rolleyes:
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  9. Korvyne Committed Player

    I would say I need on my role, including dps as being a role. If it's iconic and only in dps it's FFA. If you've arranged something before hand with the group then that works too. I always greed my off role. After the loot update to all tiers it won't matter anyway.
  10. crownclownking New Player

    Dcuo roles

    there is no such thing as ninja looting by the game standards is only by the community standards than ninja looting is a thing.
    If you can roll on gear then you are entitle to it, Is only the community that puts roll rules that ppl can choose to follow or not.
    T5 had this problem but the new loot system fixed it and frankly im happy than this is being implemented in lower content.
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  11. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    the easy answer
    gear drops go like this
    4 types of gear for roles....
    Once personal loot shows up in update 31 people wont complain about role gear anymore they will complain they are not getting the right gear. As far as ninja looting......the new loot table that alot do not want happened because of people complaining like your friend. tell him i said thanks....for nothing.
  12. Poo New Player

    DPS is a role. Ninja looting is a made up concept.
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  13. PlenopticVox New Player

    Of course it is a role.
  14. Tre Day New Player

    DPS is a role.

    Not the ONLY role.

    Not the only role that does damage.

    Just the most damage.


    I think that about covers it...and other stuff that might come up. :p
  15. jessiejames4211 New Player

    I personally like the new system as well I think to me its the fact u go in as something u take that first before someone who didn't I personally ask if its my off role if they need and that's how I was taught to play im personally cr 100 so it doesn't come up much ,,,it was when they he told me we are not a role that fires me up haha
  16. Whiteroom New Player

    Ninja looting is a fairy tale. Does your friend believe in fairly tales.
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  17. MetalMario Loyal Player

    As a mostly dps player, rolling on dps gear is fine as long as the person needs the style. Dps is a role but the dps role does not restrict anybody from rolling on it since anyone can dps. The tank's style needs are just as important as the dps player. People who play dps also need a second style feat for most levels so it works out fairly. Everybody should be able to go for it.
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  18. jessiejames4211 New Player

    na hes just not selfish this mentality is the reason we would vote people out of the raid and newer players get voted when were just trying to get marks but might need one style for feats and don't want to take a chance of them ninja looting ..
  19. Massah Committed Player

    To be technical - DPS (Damage per Second) is not a role. We have Damage Role but it is a Pseudo Role - as in available to all powersets and there are no leveling feat Achievements are awarded for the Damage Role. (I do not think Damage Role was intended to be a stand alone role by the development team - but the community has made it an honorary role - which members take seriously)

    Lastly, my opinion but as far as Team Contribution - the Damage Role contributes the least as a whole with a high level of skill points. They can maximize damage but after getting all the damage oriented innates they benefit the least from support type innates like better healing out, power regen, and a small survivability increase. These do not compare with a Support Role Healer/Controller/Tank that can maximize either Healing/Power-Out/Survivability and complement that with the damage oriented innates. (I can come across Tanks/Healers/Controllers that do their role plus deal damage but I do not come across Damage Dealers that contribute to Healing/Power-Out/ or increasing group Survivability.

    *(I look at Tank's as being there to increase Group Survivability)

    As for loot ethics - I usually role need on gear that is on my current role Or if it is a rare- style (Digital Invasion, Captain Cold Hood, Avatar Infiltrator, etc...) If the drop is common type DPS only drop like Runes of The East - I ask before rolling. (Usually the gear that drops is of lesser stats then the preferred gear to be wearing for that tier - so usually it is not for stats but just for the style - and to me needing for stats is different than a style run)
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  20. jessiejames4211 New Player

    I must say as well the main issue for me is not ninja looting ,, its the fact that the devs don't consider dps a role when I would say it plays a big role
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