Invisible Vapor Auras?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Caroline, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. Black Eneas Active Player

    That "Wispy" smoke around legs is suppose to be around the whole character, dont miss understand me.
    I am saying it is almost invisible if u just see the toon and not inspect the character.
  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Blacque would have loved the Black Vapour, but one look at the promo image, not going to waste the free cash (the Blue Smoke looks blacker than the Vapour)
  3. Black Eneas Active Player

    Exactly that´s what i mean mate!!
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Yes, but you said you thought, in the promo image, the Black Vapour looked 'dark and deep', whereas to me, it was grey and barely visible
  5. SappyZ Level 30

    I feel the same way. It looks spread out and way dark in the promo image. But in real its barely even visible,
  6. Black Eneas Active Player


    Look even there it looks cool and fine, But in game is almost invisible.

    Fix it please!
  7. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Again, not disputing it needs fixed, just disputing that it ever looked "dark and deep"
  8. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    A guy in my league got the pack just for the black aura and man he was mad he thinks they'll fix it I told him he might just have to take the 15 dollar loss.
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  9. Black Eneas Active Player

    yeah man, u are english teacher, i am trying to communicate in a leaguage that is not my native, so if u cant understand my point (that i think i explain 3 times already about being invisible in game) is okey and thanks for ur time.

    I didnt mean it shoul be DARK AND DEEP i mean it should be visible, because it isnt.

    And say hello to that Blacque that i dont know who he/she/it is but it seems u love it.
  10. Black Eneas Active Player

    Mate, they SHOULD fix it, because it´s almost invisible in the game xDD
  11. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    For a non-native speaker, you speak (or type :p) it very well :D

    And again, agree it doesn't appear to be visible, but the Black Vapour doesn't look visible in the promo image either

    Blacque (or Blacquelight) is a character in signature (still hoping to get a Black Aura for her, either directly in a PromBox or getting another Aura and trading it)
  12. Black Eneas Active Player

    Mate, how many SP do u have bro? i mean ur main toon.
  13. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Not many, you can click on her name and check her out on WaveDox or DCUO Live (Haasts is primary main hero, Christall is main villain)
  14. Black Eneas Active Player

    Ok Mate, well.

    I hope we get an answer about this thread, i want to see in-game a product that actually seems other way in promo.
  15. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Black smoke looks better than that
  16. Black Eneas Active Player


    yes thats true, but anyway i want my real money to worth something xDD
    I mean i bought the aura pack II because that aura seems to be visible, not invisible jajaja
  17. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Unfortunately, someone has to find these things out the hard way :p
  18. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    It's the same on my characters,the worst one is the black vapor aur wich is mostly invissbile..
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    it's actually weird, the orange vapor aura is exceptionally visible on my female sprite smallest toon, but all other colours are nearly invisible.
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  20. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    You can just make out a slight glow around the right hip and breast of the first pic, barely
    And the fact it is a Vapour Aura should be irrelevant: you should still be able to see it, specially the Black one
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