Imagine the day DCUO looked and felt like Fortnite!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GothamKnight38, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Mrsnow28 New Player

    Or how about they add a Iconics Skins Tab!
    You can choose a Full look (Example Superman) and its doesn't affect your gear.
    Gives players the ability to look like any Iconic they choose to put in the game.
    Like how Injustice 2 worked. Upgrade your gear and you can put a skin on your style to look like someone else.
    Or a trinket which turns you into an Iconic character (Yes I know there are trinkets that do that but we need updated and improved ones)
  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Yes, because comparing a brand spanking new PS5 game to an MMO that was in development before 2011 is a fair comparison. :p

    Sorry, couldn't resist that one. :D
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  3. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    They might not be able to do that because of License restrictions. Every game has different deals.
  4. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I'll be honest, Fortnite skins does look good compare to Dcuo, but that is to be expected when you compare the release dates of the two lol, but this game's potential exceeds Fortnite by a far, to add we're still missing the basic cosmetics and that is new skins like Gorilla for Grodd, 4 eye demon for Trigon, upgraded felinine and Canine skins and a spectre skin , and Iconics that are in the game already, plus the coloring of your powers is also a hit and miss.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Changing engines is making a new game, you cannot just copy and paste everything over to a new engine.
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  6. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    I understand the work and costs involved. I said what I said.

    As an aside, not directed at you personally, because people here tend to do it a lot for some reason but; I'm always amazed that people take time to reply to me, to explain to me what I said; as if I don't understand what I'm saying when I say it. You can always count on people with little to no game development knowledge (like Proxystar or Williflynne) to chime in and mansplain to whoever how it is or what they meant themselves. It's so exhausting. I mean do most people run around saying things they don't understand that they need to have it explained back to them? sigh.

    Anyhow, yes, the super-secret-project they're working on and the upcoming "feature" are both interesting. They could be anything. They could resolve these concerns. Or they could be nothing of significance at all. It really depends on what their vision for this game is... will it keep going for another 10 years or will it just limp along in a custodianship phase -- because without doing a graphics engine update it will only be able to be maintained with the most basic of updates like new missions and artifacts. Dev teams levelup their skills and move forward in their careers, so filling staffing positions for older tech gets harder. We've already seen this when some of the Devs have mentioned "rediscovering old knowledge" recently. Remember this game was released 10 years ago but it was in development for 5 years before it launched. A lot of it is older and closer to 13-14 years old.

    What most people don't understand is that it's a catch22 where they have to reinvest in the game to keep players engaged and playing. But they don't want to invest the time, money and labour to update the tech. But if they don't, it's harder to staff and actually update the product; leaving them with very little updatability... and the less updating and new features; the less likely the playerbase will stick with the game. And we all know what happens when enough people leave.

    Personally, I'm hoping the secret project or new features is a full on Official Expansion that updates the graphics engine (and they can charge for it). I think that's their best course of action assuming they want to keep this game going. Only time will tell though.
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm not 'mansplaining' anything (despite the fact that whole term is demeaning, inappropriate and a tad misandric) I'm simply responding to you in the exact same way I would respond to anyone, gender is irrelevant to this discussion; please remember this is a public discourse ;)

    What I stated was directly in response to your post and in particular;

    There's no "justifying sticking with DCUO's dated graphics capabilities", because those capabilities will simply remain as they are regardless of what anyone thinks or desires. Until such a time as the developers either develop a new game entirely or do effectively same thing through undertaking an engine upgrade. The best hope for a meaningful graphical upgrade to DCUO is that Dimensional Ink's secret game in development is simply a DCUO engine upgrade or DCUO 2 and not an entirely new IP.
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  8. myandria Item Storage



    If 'polished' means characters with overcooked linguini skeletal forms than no, I do not want to imagine that. Just my opinion, though. The 'polished eye' does not share the sight of the world in the same view.
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  9. Siramez Well-Known Player

    it is actually unfair that you tried to compare the brand new game that is running on new tempest engine that is specifically made for PS5 to a game that is literally a 2011 game and runs on unreal engine 3, which is very old. I really hope you understand that it is clearly impossible to compare these two games.
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  10. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    My imagination's working fine, thank you. :D
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  11. Snowy OwI Loyal Player

    If this game would feel like Fnite I would LEAVE in a heartbeat:(
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    In the current world and with new consoles coming out, it is still an observation people will make, especially those who no longer play DCUO or are considering playing DCUO and weighing up against other game options.

    I still play and will likely continue to come back to playing DCUO. But it is far behind on current technology and what games are capable of performance/graphics wise during this time.

    I see people on here don't like to hear that, and that's OK. But it doesn't stop it being true nevertheless and it is relevant to the topic in question.

    If you disagree with that be sure to try out other recent games or even other MMOs. Perspective is also key to this conversation.
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  13. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    There's also the talking animations (which were if anything better in the early years of DCUO).

    I miss doing the villain magic 1-30 and Circe's comm with her talking, and the voice acting being in sync with the animation and her lips moving.

    There's bigger issues than that in today's DCUO of course but it is the small things sometimes.

    Another thing I have noticed in more recent games. Animators have gotten much better with facial expressions of NPCs, which adds so much more character and character development to that NPC. Even in recent DCUO episodes we haven't really had any of that, if anything NPC animations have gone backwards (eg. Mordru in Convergence of Unmaking, half of his body is missing when he is large).
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    In the middle picture, Supes hands look like softballs on the end of toothpicks. Seriously, they are 1/2 the size of his abdomen. Cool... I guess?
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  16. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you'll wanted a Teen Titans Go or a Super Hero Girls MMORPG say that then.
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  17. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Fortnite is a run and gunner game with tactical building elements to it, even if this game graphically looked like Fortnite, I doubt that it will feel like Fortnite, Js.
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  18. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    You're nitpicking about the little details, anyone can do lol, that but graphically Fortnite is surperior, and that is to be expected like I said.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The post I was responding too also was nitpicking about Supes odd face in the E3 cutscene. I was responding in kind. Not that fortnite doesn't have better graphics overall (as you say....duh, it's newer), but personally I'd rather have DCUO's character look than the Fortnite look. Even when we get some odd faces and bad dubbed cutscene facial movements(or lack of). Now if Fortnite had the ability to customize your look as DCUO has, maybe we are talking...but as far as I know...your customizations are limited to swapping major clothing/accessory hats, jackets, pants, backpack...whatever...and those choices are limited even.

    And I don't really even play dress up that much...but I appreciate that people do and if I walk around the HOD or WT for an hour the only toons that look even similar are ones you can tell just came off the ship or are playing an Iconic and emulating their look. From what I've seen in Fortnite in limited play or watching Twitch, most everyone looks pretty much the same. Meh. For all it's graphic drawbacks on the U3 engine, Character customization has always been one of the highlights of DCUO...even with it's faults. Cutscene graphics? Sure...I guess that matters for the 1 time I want to see a cutscene. Many times I'm looking at the inside of my fridge when grabbing a beer while these are up....and that's the ones I can't skip.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    My kids hate it when I call it this.

    "Are you in there playing fork knife on the Ninetendo?". They know I know neither of those things are right, but it elicits a groan of disgust every time.
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