I know its late in the game for this....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Green Flash, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. The Green Flash New Player

    But I was thinking we have torture tools, hydroponic gardens, and other questionable base items.... Why not have a micro brewery for your base I mean St Patricks Day is just around the corner... It could be a seasonal drop or a permanent one... I haven 't seen a micro brewery item or home brew items.... If somebody has something like this already could you let me know where this drops at.... I would be willng to trade my heart shaped tubbed or valentine bed for it.... he he...
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  2. huflungpoo New Player

    that would be cool but all it takes is for one soccer mom to look over her kids shoulder at what hes playing, see that, and the hydroponics unit and BAM its nerfed.

    it happened in star wars galaxies long ago. spice, which is in the star wars universe in the books and all, was introduced to the game as a consumable that gave you buffs. but it was seen as drugs. which is well, what it really is in the books lol. but somehow it got out that it was looked upon as your toon can do drugs, im sure some soccer mom called soe and complained and it was taken out. but not completely, people still had cases of them and man they sold for so much money in game, probably real money outside of the game as well cus they buffed you like no other legal buff in the game.
  3. Frostbight New Player

    Drugs are bad mmmmmk....
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  4. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

  5. The Green Flash New Player

    Yeah I hear you but nothing about this game is ethical.... I actually brought up some of the unethical behavior that I was hearing and actually seeing/experiencing in game up on these forums and they actually banned my thread....Talk about irony... Lol... These people are not worried about ethical game play at all... If they were they would have let that responsible conversation to continue and what not but that wasn't what happenned....

    My point is the devs and the company aren't concerned about any of this so why not dive right in.... I mean there is nothing illegal about owning and making your own beer.... The message they have sent to us is illegal is ok but legal isn't?... I mean I know this company is in a constant contradiction with itself but I mean come on..... Let's get the microbrewery going... Lol
  6. Rashadjc New Player

    there still working on home turf so your idea might come true.
  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I love this. Oversensitive people making a virtual drug mirror real life.
  8. Sore Steadfast Player

    Throw a couple Medium Lab Vats next to each other and pretend.
  9. Midnight Strike New Player

    *COUGH* Jade Hookah *COUGH*