I don't like booster bundles but they released another one

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TalosStark, Nov 18, 2021.

  1. TalosStark Level 30

    It's a shame. Such nice things stuck behind an RNG pay wall.
    Now this would be something cool to get for the 21 Day Login Award...
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  2. C3alix Committed Player

    What's preventing you guys from letting us straight up buy the rare materials? Some of us would pay $10 just for the rare styles and nothing else.

    Or what about adding booster styles to the quark vendor?
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  3. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Definitely better then the reward for this month.
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  4. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Love the self-awareness that the Shaded Comic Material would be a heavily desired item to put them on RNG. =)
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  5. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    The way the odds are on these boxes I just can't justify buying them to try and get the style item I want .
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  6. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It definitely should of been a month log in reward or a holiday gift for subscribers.
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  7. KoscheiDeath Well-Known Player

    Because the revenue from people gambling on RNG is a lot more than if people could straight up purchase it. It's just a brilliant, financial predatory tactic.
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  8. C3alix Committed Player

    You know when you know the actual answer but you don't want to hear it?

    This is that example.
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  9. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Because as much as some people may hate RNG, there are others willing to spend more money in bundles. And that amount of others*their_BB_purchase_numbers is much more than the combined amount of people willing to spend $10.

    The Batman Cowl was the best selling item ever and it couldn't match a single time capsule/BB in sales, even though it costed twice as much as a single bundle.
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  10. Isif Committed Player

    I would absolutely pay for Shaded Comic Mat for a set price. I'll throw a few bucks at stabs, but I know when to stop.
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  11. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Gearbox did it with Borderlands but in DCUO, a game based on comics? It's locked behind RNG in a lootbox. I hope the few whales who manage to get it enjoy it.
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  12. hotsizz1e03 Committed Player

    Put all HIGH VALUED ITEMS IN DCUO HISTORY on MP for $20-$100 each... Simple..

    OPTIONS! ROLL the dice or, PAY straight up, the cost price.. SIMPLE DC

    RNG as the ONLY OPTIONS for customer to support the game for styles we really like is ridiculous..


    We All want to support this game for as long as possible.. give us options to support while achieving what we want as well..
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  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I have tried to purchase every item asked for by the community that ended up on the Marketplace. Some, I didn't even really want, but I paid for them because I want to send the message to the developers and business minds for DCUO that is how these items should be made available to players. I have rarely ever bought these bundles for the same reason. If they want my money, they'll have to provide an avenue that guarantees I get what I pay for.
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  14. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    If we were guaranteed the comic shade material I'd definitely pay 15 or 20 for it . I won't buy any bundles because I've played this game long enough to get burned on these boxes.
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Give it a few months and they'll release an almost identical version as an episode reward.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Become some people get addicted to gambling for the reward
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

  18. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Deja vu?

    Oh, Mepps moved all these comments. Lol @ the thread title.
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  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    Haven’t bought a bundle in a couple of years. I gave up after opening a fair few dozen over the years and never once getting the rare. Got fed up of feeling cheated. I play the broker to fund purchases of rare BB and TC items.
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  20. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Winner. I wrote a thesis on loot boxes and gambling addiction for college. There is a direct correlation between loot boxes and other forms of gambling, verified by peer reviewed studies. They are a deplorable practice and I hope legislation spreads beyond Belgium and other EU counties than bans them entirely.

    No, including the bundle of crap you wouldn't actually buy otherwise does not make it better. The only way that would actually mitigate the issue is if you could choose your reward from a list like boss loot.
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