How much?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 9001BPM, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You keep bringing up a point that isn't there, trying to twist the narrative to something it isn't. Your trade chat-trolling haven't seemed to change at all moving from there to the forums.

    It is actually quite easy: Instead of forcing players to pay in order to acquire these, they should be implemented in a matter where actual gameplay and grind are available tools to acquire them, not just whoever is willing to spend money. That's how you lose players eventually, that's where the sense of "falling behind" comes into play, not whatever else you want to try and spin it into.

    Now we can discuss the positives/negatives of allowing the items to be achieved by grinding, or you can baselessly keep ranting about an imaginary "BuT bUt ScOrEbOoOaRd ChASeEeEeRrR!!1oneONE"-angle in your next reply that is unavoidable given your nature of loving to argue.

    I'm all ears! :rolleyes:
  2. OnlyNomad The One Above All

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  3. Steamboat2302 Well-Known Player

    Even tho I think its distasteful, the lack of PVP in this game..... kinda makes it hard to say its pay to win if you can complete the content. Its more applicable than Pokemon Unite, because in order to have the best tools (if they fix legendary) you'd have to pay into it, but you aren't really winning anything by buying them unless they are required to beat the instances in question. I think both of you are right concurrently in this circular argument that is going nowhere fast.
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  4. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    You're in for a treat. I'm going to sit back and enjoy this one. [IMG]
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  5. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    they do whatever it takes to scare people away x)
  6. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Damn... True, True.
  7. C3alix Committed Player

    For one hour, I've been searching for my whining with a fine tooth comb. I have nothing to whine about because i got paid yesterday and was able to purchase a fine Diana ally while leveling it up to 6. I still have enough fun money to give you a $50 psn card so you can be happy as well.

    Keep in mind you've been whining the entire time this thread has started and I've simply asked do you need the allies period. Instead of simply answering yes or no, you've resulted into insults while replying with questions as of this bothers you to the fullest.
  8. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    How's the weather up on that fence?
  9. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I mean, it wasn't that good lol
  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    What a shocker, you paid for it. No wonder you're desperately arguing against anyone having a problem with this type of implementation. :rolleyes:

    Nobody NEEDS a legendary Ally, nobody has stated otherwise. Yet, you keep ignoring the actual issue that people are having. It doesn't matter if you NEED it or not, it's the fact that you can't acquire a Legendary Ally without paying for it. You keep screaming about a question not being answered simply because the answer doesn't fit your stance in the argument.

    Since you're so adamant in questions being answered, i'll shoot mine out again: Why should Legendary Allies be kept as a Marketplace only-item rather than also being available in the actual Ally vendor for marks like the other Allies? I'm looking forward to another "YoU kEep IgNoRinG mY QuEsTiOn!1"-response.
  11. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Thing is, you're coming off as trying too hard. Whatever it is you think you're doing, isn't working. You literally get the same 2 likes on each one. But post a few more gifs by all means. Im sure one of these posts you'll get him, right? Not once have you 3 people responded to any of his points with anything of actual substance.

    Or you'll probably find a cute gif for me next...
  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Y'all going to make the devs go this route if you already angry about stuf that hasn't actually happened because they're going to be like "well we may as well now". As of right now, you do not need them and there are great free choices. Be mad if something about that changes lol but they just gave us an entirely ftp game otherwise. Personally, I think they will add them to cyborg when the next batch of legendary ones come out.
  13. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    Don't buy one if you do not like the price. This ain't rocket science.
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  14. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    A whole lot of words to say nothing.

    Cheers bubba!
  15. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    It was to me, I don't give a rat's *** what you think about it.

  16. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    The $25 just to get the ally is definitely ridiculous. But you don't have to spend the money to level them. MMOs are supposed to be grindy, it is a main staple of the genre. If someone feels to need to have something right now, then I dont blame the devs for running their pockets to bypass that grind.

    My issues are the price point for the ally itself with no in game way to get them. And throwing these allies out there broken.
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  17. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Just because you have to pay for something doesn't mean you need it though. Cyborg is acquired through gameplay, and as of now, a better option.
  18. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The real question is why some of them has to be paid for when most of them are currently implented in a way that allows actual playtime and grinding to acquire them through the Ally vendor. It makes you wonder for just how long they will stay "unneeded". We've already gone through this phenomenon once with the release and evolution of Artifacts.
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  19. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    I agree, but people should still be able to speak up on why they don't like certain things. If everyone just stopped buying, the devs won't know why and we won't get anywhere.

    For the record, I know you're not saying we shouldn't be able to post our grievances.
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  20. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    You have a valid claim here.
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