How many DCUO characters have you created?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Mar 14, 2017.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I currently have 14 toons. Started out as F2P and I didn't know what to do once I leveled a toon all the way to the first 5-6 toons I made I eventually deleted...until I made KHALONofOGUN and got some help from another player (who's name I sadly do not remember) to whom I am eternally grateful to. KHALONofOGUN (pictured below in a few of my current looks) is a cr190/283sp Ice DPS (always was a DPS, will always be ONLY a DPS no matter the powerset). I have four bases with 4 armories each mostly for styles (2 are for Arena PvP and Open World PvP which leaves 12 for styles).

    All of my other toons started with a different name/look/power and evolved over time as I got better in the game and collected more styles and had good concepts for them.

    Major Penance cr189 Mental DPS/Troll

    Crimson Commando cr189 Munitions DPS/Troll

    JohnnyBedlam cr189 Quantum Troll/DPS

    Seneca Spirit cr189 Nature Healer/Sad DPS (which will hopefully change soon)

    Citizen Hexx cr189 Sorcery DPS/Healer

    TheRed Ronin cr189 Earth DPS/Tank

    Lady Kaoline cr189 Sorcery DPS/Healer (currently awaiting Water Power to switch to and change name as well)

    EmeraldJustice cr189 Light DPS/Troll

    Then there's my only end game villain

    Target Red cr189 Munitions DPS/Troll

    My pride and Joy is Khal...he's the one I learned the most about the game with, got the majority of my feats accomplished prior to feat sharing (and still my primary for feats), has the most styles including rare auras and materials minus the OG Plasmic (I still want that so bad), Cosmic Material and Killer Frost Aura (which I didn't really desire). I'm also immensely enjoying playing with EmeraldJustice, because after 5 years of playing this game I FINALLY learned how to do combos (i'm really gonna miss infinite combos:(). And Target Red is my third favorite because the art team really outdid themselves with the villain styles compared to hero styles (which is why I get so excited when I see a Promethium Lockbox...wish they dropped more often).

    The remaining four characters I have are a Celestial practice toon (which might see the light of day now that I can do combos), a name place holder/bank mule, a second villain that I might eventually level up to get the PSN trophies, and another toon leveled to 100cr that's currently a name place holder/bank mule.

    As a Legendary I still have two more character slots, and two more powers i'm not playing with at all (Atomic and Rage). Who knows...maybe i'll create some new ones (could definitely use another tank or two)...when style sharing becomes a reality (*hint* *hint*). ;)
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  2. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Can't say exactly. Most alts were deleted over time. My favorite of course is my main. White W0lf
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  3. Psycho Tech Dedicated Player

    Red Ronin looks awesome!

    id post mine but i have no idea how on a ps vita
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  4. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    3 main villains and 3 retired heroes. My current main villain is a 190 celestial. Then I have a 189 atomic and my first ever troll power, a 188 mental I created with the free 100 CR "gift".
    My favorite is still my old electric main I retired around dwf. I still need 1 piece of Gotham knight to complete the style feat, so I should do that. I basically created the celestial and atomic villains to replace my heroes when I retired them after kct and became a full time villain.
  5. Manwich2099 New Player

    I have 32 at the moment 16 heroes and 16 villains, my main hero is Canadian ShieId and my main villain is PoItergeist. Ice and mental. I wish it was easier to bring up alts then I could have more of them.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    Idk if u saw but recently but someone asked mepps and he said serums was on indefinite hold. Pretty sure its been shelved :(

    On a side note im in awe of the people with 10 toons at end game and others who have 25-100 toons. Idk how u guys find the time. I have 6 at end game and some days it seems too much to deal with. I have 2 other toons in the 150s that i could bring up but i always say i couldnt handle a 7th or 8th toon. My hat is off to ya people :)
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  7. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I have all 32 character slots unlocked. Hero and Villain for each power. Two waiting on Water. One waiting on Serums. One is just a mule. I want the ability to unlock more slots when we get more powers. I already have concepts for Blue, Orange, Indigo, and Violet characters if we ever get them :) (Come on Devs, four character slots purchased right there.)
  8. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    As I said on the facebook post, I lost track of all the characters I've created/deleted/recreated as well as the various characters my sister's kids have created (they haven't shown any interest in continuing to develop their toons but I just don't have the heart to delete them.)
    That being said , my main character (My first since getting the game in it's release) has always been my favorite
    The Golden Dragon (USPS3)
    Charged by the spirits of the Elder Dragons to watch over Mankind
    The Golden Dragon uses ancient magics and the powers of the Dragon Race to Vanquish evil.
    The Golden Dragon is my own creation (and I really wish I could add Bizarro's Fire Breath to his arsenal)
    I invented him when Wizard Magazine held a contest with DC comics for a fan to create a character that would join the JLA
    (The winning character was promptly killed by DC's newest villian Prometheus...which made me really glad I missed the Deadline!)
    Here's my original design
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  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    4 Characters
  10. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Between 4 PS3 and 6 PC accounts, easily over 300, but many of those were disposable, created solely to test and record specific things, and then deleted. I'll admit to over 20 playable characters at present (levelled up to 30), and about the same number of sub-30s who I am either still testing with, or are used for storage for desirable items (Exo-bytes, and the like).

    I'm a bit OCD :).

    I don't have any one favourite out of the playables - they're all unique and have well-developed stories.
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  11. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    Why do you want to know that? Have you got the purpose to release the "Buy the Feat/Get the Style"option if we have more than 10 characters? I really doubt about this happen in the future! For my part, I have 14 toons but I play with only 2 of them except for the events (I use 6 of them for a maximum marks and feats. It seems unsuficient for the Anti-versary and Staro)
  12. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I have 9 out of 16 created, only play 2 daily though. A DPS/tank (190 in both roles, DPS is full elite fully modded, tank side synthetic modded full 164 with some 165 elite)

    second character is a healer who is 187cr almost full 164, need utility belt, weapon, back and stat trinket to be 164+ gear.

    Both have 260+ SP currently. The DPS/tank is almost 280sp, healer is 260 broke 260 on heal today actually.

    rest of my alts are retired due to its gotten to much for me to keep them at current CRs / mods ect
  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I can barely handle the one toon at end game lol. I have two other alts but they aren't anywhere near the 180 CR range.
  14. AberrantAngel Committed Player

    Created to many.
    Currently have 9 that can run all end game content. Another 5 that are glorified bank slots, waiting to be deleted, to make room for another toon or 2 of powers I like.

    Favorite toon. Aberrant Angel (mental troll, dps if I have to)
    Break down. 4 trolls (all powers, except hl), 3 tanks (atomic, earth, and ice. Fire coming soon), 2 healers (sorc and nature, hate healing).
  15. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I saw that thread, and it's sad. Of course with the name I have, I was really going to pretend it was potions anyway.

    As for my characters, my main is 190. I have two Alts I've got over 100 naturally and two I used the free so to 100, one at 86 and they hi down from there. I still have one live power that I haven't leveled to 30 yet. And I'm leaving the alts for announced powers near the start of the game to experience leveling up on the power when it goes live.
  16. Thomas Wayne jr Active Player

    To many to count over the year and can not pick a favorite. It's like choosing between children or pets. What I really would like is to have unlimited characters that I am gladly willing to pay for. 32 to an account is not cutting it for me.
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  17. WarriorOfScotland Active Player

    I currently have 30. I've deleted about 6.
    My favorite is my main, cr 188 sp 233.
    I don't play much anymore.
    Not a fan of the way the game is heading.
  18. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    I asked for them to raise the limit at one of the past office hours. Mepps said they would take it under consideration. I too long for a chance to purchase more slots.
  19. Mightyhon Well-Known Player

    Quite many, but I always delete ones I'm not using. I still have an alt for event feat grinding and a villain who I only play when a friend is online. Favorite is my main.
  20. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I have 8, but I only play one.