How do you increase your combat rating.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by M-theory, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. M-theory New Player

    I have been trying to get my combat rating up so I can do raids, but I do not know how to. Is it based on the gear that you have equipped or is it something else?
  2. Statman New Player

    It's based on the best individual piece of gear for each slot (head, shoulders, etc), though it does count your 2 best rings. Mods are included in this equation.

    I believe you don't necessarily need to be wearing the gear, it can be in your inventory or bank as well - but it only counts the single best piece.
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  3. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    He is correct... Also modding ur gear increases ur cr as well... The better the mod the higher cr it has...
  4. M-theory New Player

    So if I get the steel armor or the batman armor would that help.
  5. RapidRay Committed Player

    After you hit level 30, you can quickly raise your CR...
    The first place to head is into duos and solo missions. The Marks come quick and you can easily buy the Tier 1 gear with them. The benchmark is to get to 43 CR and a few lucky weapon drops along the way doesn't hurt.

    Once you hit 43CR, not only can you run some raids, but the Catwoman mission opens up in your solo challenges. The Mayan DPS gear that drops in there is better than T1, so make it a point to head in daily.
    A few raids and some weekly reward boxes should get you well on your way to T2 gear purchases.

    The next benchmark is 53CR. This opens up higher level solos, challenges and alerts with better weapon drops. It also opens up Fortress of Solitude raids.

    By now you'll get the idea of how to run up your CR, but keep an eye out on your feats as they are equally important for making a balanced character.

    Have a ball...
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  6. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    If ur in the tech wing the steel armor is t1... Batman armor is t2.... Ten go to the meta wing, in the opposite side where the steel armor would be (in tech wing) there is 4 sets of armor... 3 of them are t3 the aquaman armor is t5... T4 is exactly where the t3 gear is but in magic wing!!! Hope that helps...

    Each set of gear has a cr requirement meaning u need t1 to get t2 in order to get t3 ect... But modding ur gear will help u skip some parts of e gear...

    Lastly t2.5 is in central city.... That gear is better than the batman gear not as good as t3 but cost a lot less than t3!!!

    Remember modding ur gear will help u, so u won't have to waste mot to finish t1 and start t2 earlier... And modding t2 to get 2.5, ect... (But completing gear will get u skill points)
  7. Staticblaze98 New Player

    Okay so about how long does it take to get to T5?????
  8. SpiderDestroyer New Player

    I agree with RapidRay but i just finished Metropolis city hall duo and my CR is the same. 25! how do i increase it without dying or rage quiting!?
  9. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    It takes however long you want it to. If you know how to skip tiers(which i do not advise) it can take a week or so. If you grind and use real money, it can take a day. Just depends on how much time and money you want to put into it.
    Your CR is based on the total of your gear's item levels. This will not change by completing duos, or instances. The only way to change this is by getting better gear(found in the Hall of Doom or Watchtower) that have better item levels.
    Does this make sense?
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  10. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    As Vulmyss said CR is based on gear only. Each piece of gear has a CR rating to them and the combined average of everything (including neck, rings, weapon and trinket) sets your CR, you can increase a piece of gears CR buy adding a mod to it. You do not have to be wearing the gear to get the CR as long as it is in your inventory and you can wear it (role, CR unlock) you get the CR.

    The Tier gear for Heroes goes like this
    T1- Steele, Flash, Dr. Fate
    T2- Dark Specter, House of El, Hera's Strength
    T3- sold by Supergirl in Meta wing the Sunstone and Krytonian they are role specific
    T4- sold by an Amazon in Magic wing 4 Animal inspired style sets
    T5- back to Supergirl Atlantean Monarch (Aquaman)
    T5.5- Prideful

    You can only wear the T gear that your CR has unlocked and how long it takes to level is up to you.
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  11. FUEGO TIME New Player

    Im having this problem ttooo!
    My PVP Cr is 81 but i cant get my normal Cr to 43!
  12. localh211 New Player

    Kind of confused as to your post... "it takes however long you want it to." I recently reached level 30. bought the steele armor. completed all the 1 player challenge mode tier 1 missions. I get "loot locked" from getting marks of triumph or valor or whatever. Then I have to wait until the next day/week to play them again to get stuff. I've played 2 player duos tier 1 missions but get destroyed every time. If it takes however long I want it to, shouldn't I be able to just play the same missions over and over to gradually gain marks/money/items/armor and build up in one day instead of waiting 24 hours to play the same mission one time?

    Another question (might be for another thread) but how do I know if I'm using gear meant for On Duty missions or general gotham/metropolis missions? Some say Role: "specific" other parts of gear or weapons I use don't seem to differentiate.
  13. DeadP00Lbear New Player

  14. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    There is a good guide on how to raise CR, mod your gear, which solo missions to do etc. in the Oracle Data Base guides section of the forums. "Casual Solo Player's Guide":

    I used this after accidentally dumping all my PVE gear for the PVP armor after reaching level 30. It would be nice to have a better in game tutorial for new level 30 players. The current Oracle tour guide is not that great.
  15. Venezuelan2002 New Player

    I got lots of problems how can I even see my cr?
  16. Venezuelan2002 New Player

    Do you have to have it on your equipment or just on your style tab?
  17. Extroyer New Player

    I've been trying to improve my CR for ages
  18. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    This page is a useful guide and it updates as new suits are added through the newer episodes.
    Basically you just run down the list.
    As you complete a suit it pushes your CR up to the point where you can get the next suit. some suits are equal to each other and it's just a matter of taste, others like the ones in specific DLC Zones require you to have the necessary CR to enter the zone in order to start collecting the suit.
  19. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    From what I've learned, Equipped CR is based on what gear you are wearing. Combat Rating is based on gear you've had, even if you deleted it. I have an Ice character where the Equipped CR ( the CR that shows on the Status bar) is 200, but in the 'Stats' tabs of inventory the Combat Rating' is 204.

    If you go to the current DLC and do the dailies you will at times get Equipment Reward boxes that will adjust themselves to your CR. So if, for example, your current boots are CR 25 and the rest of your gear is higher than that, you may get a nice boost in the CR for new boots. If all your gear is about the same CR, then the adaptive gear rewards won't be much of a boost (if any at all). It takes a while to level up CR that way.

    I was told that when you have enough currency to buy some new gear, replace the gear with the lowest CR first. Hope this helps a little.
  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Fogot to answer above question of my stats an such (Dont see the relevance but here they are)
    CR 314
    Quantum DPS
    307 sp
    Base unbuffed might is 72,000 ish
    Been Back playing For 2 months and 1 week on a new acct because i lost my main in an identity theft that happened when amazon fury Part 1 dropped all them years ago