Hmm, Isn't It About Time For A Producer's Letter...?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Yass Queen Hyppolyta, Jan 18, 2022.

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  1. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with me, you seem to be trying to prove my point and opinion wrong. You're entitled to yours if you don't agree. I'll try to put it another way.

    Those coming back from their suspensions will be across the range of:
    -have all the resources already stocked on their account and it costs them 10mins of levelling up their arti's to get back to where they were
    -have varying-to-no resources and will need to invest varying amounts of time/money to get back to their glory days
    -won't come back because they can't be arsed to start over on ther arti's.

    A ban would have wiped everything the player had, every toon, every resource, everything! It sends a much stronger message.

    They can come back for sure, I'm not actually against that. But post-ban they would need to grind and/or pay for MUCH more than just arti's and with no resources to fall back on to help them.

    Anyway, my intention was not to derail this thread, I just had an "Incredible Hulk" moment when I saw Multiverse's post - not angry with him at all, it just brought back my anger on the "punishment" given to the exploiters and I responded.
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  2. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    I though my post was getting long.... I was trying to be brief. ;)

    When I mentioned the Legion of Doom issues..... that included the Exploit even if I did not specify it specifically. ;)

    But already people were unhappy BEFORE the Exploit and Legion of DOOM issues.... but with the Exploit and Legion of DOOM issues... it had the effect of an atomic bomb.

    So might be a good idea to wait for the fallout to settle a bit.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I have to say that since Wonderverse (a masterpiece to me), all the ones afterward have been not up to par with it. Ep.41, what more can be said about it. Ep. 42 Legion of Doom is to me disappointing. I was excited by the tidbits of art they released, and I was so looking forwards to it, especially after what Ep. 41 did to me. So let down with Ep. 42. It’s not bad per se, but I thought it would be more than what we got. Especially with the open world. I was all set to explore Washington DC. It’s actually a small open world maybe the size of Central City.

    Customer perception is extremely extremely important. No matter how good a product is or how advanced the underlying tech associated with it may be, if the Customer perceives it to not be up to par no matter how well built it is, the product fails.

    I won’t let myself get excited for Ep. 43. I’m afraid of being let down again. I’m not actually playing as much as I am socializing more with friends and league mates. I don’t really feel motivated to increase my CR like I use too. Progression is what’s the point?
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Aw :(

    I didn’t know it was sarcasm. I thought Mepps was being sincere.
  5. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    He can be both! Sincere and sassy ;)
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  6. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    Long posts I don't mind ;)

    But long posts that are just a wall of text with no spacing, that drives me nuts!

    I am pretty sure the decision made on exploiter punishment is not gonna change and that's my driving force for subbing and investing in this game.

    I won't re-sub, but once I calm down a bit (more Professor Hulk than Incredible Hulk), I might pop on 'til the sub expires. I'm 100% done with my desire to reach endgame following the exploiter punishment, so my play days will probably be limited to doing dailies and more for curiosity when I am on.

    Hope it improves for those honest folk that stay.
  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    A video never lies.
    They say an image is worth 1000 words..... pretty sure a video is worth 1000000 words... me swear. ;)

    But seriously......

    It's not a big mystery.....
    We could see it on the Forums at the time. All the not so positive comments people had since HoL.... and that exploded with LoD.
    All we needed was to look at the Forums.... and the reactions from all those comments with the post about the Forum Guidelines.

    We could also look in game. Lots of people were gone.
    And I play on USPS4 the biggest server. I can only imagine on Xbox or Switch.

    The Youtube part is just extra gravy.
    I lost like 20/30 subs??? within an hour of posting my first HoL video.

    Sometimes I would lose 20 subs in 1 day.... but 30 within 1 hour that was a new record.
    I forget how many I lost that day. 100 maybe??

    My views went down by roughly 30% with HoL.

    So my Channel did take a hit with HoL.... and I think the game did too.
    Saw lots of players disappear at the time.

    But then Batman Day brough in more players.
    So things started being better after Batman Day.

    And then LoD made things worse again.

    Heck the Livestream I did before the Ban was officially announced.... lots of people did not show up for my Livestream.
    We wondered why so few people showed up that day.
    i thought it was people being unhappy finally taking it's toll....
    but right then we learned about the Ban and now we know why people did not show up for the stream.

    For a while after LoD I would lose 10 subs every 2 days.

    Although my Subs remained the same for a while because I would gain new Subs to replace the old ones that left.

    And heck right now.... been gaining a good amount of new Subs for the past couple of weeks.

    So.... maybe the worst is behind us and we can get back to growing some more??

    Guess we will have to wait and see. ;)
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  8. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    So..... he was Sinssy?? ;) ;)
  9. Dene Devoted Player

    There is no link.. that is the point of bringing them up.. there's so much speculation in this thread but not one of these speculations is actual fact (no matter how much we want them to be or how we write them). Only the devs know who is doing what and how much and, whether we like it or not, only they can action things based on that. Those actions speak louder than any negative feedback from a loud group ever will.

    * Feedback from places like YouTube is always going to be skewed towards the negative - people dump their issues/problems there, very few are going to praise stuff in an issues video or will downplay the good and drown it out with negative - esp in comments (even hugely popular games suffer from this)

    * Positive feedback posted anywhere is dismissed by louder negative voices (whether they are the majority or minority)

    * Positive feedback is dismissed as bootlicking and/or seen as lies or ignored - even though it should be treated just as valuable as negative but forums, youtube etc etc do not operate like that

    Look at the first few pages of this forum

    * Mostly negative, people use this to complain, it is what it is, it does not mean they represent some secret majority, it is just the nature of these forums

    * Positive posts, fun ideas etc are drowned out with snark replies, rude replies, derailment or just plain ignored

    that's just my take on things but i'm sure others will see it different
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