Hard light colors

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Vengeance, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. The Vengeance New Player


    i want the devs to put in the ability to change my hard light colors. please please please put this in.

    i want purple and pink hardlight!
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  2. Laff Riot New Player

    WB and DC wont allow it just like they wont allow the emblems from the iconic DC comics.
  3. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    Thats why the devs should make the ability to change all power colours via a colour palatee that would be a work around as the power wouldnt technically be the same a the Ln\anterns
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  4. XKalibur New Player

    While I would love this (and would go black light immediately), there are 7 other colors (I think) that would immediately make us endanger the DC canon. And they no like their Lantern lore tarnished, it seems.
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  5. Laff Riot New Player

    Thats why I said DC and WB wont allow this to happen. I am NOT against it at all but thats just reality. Sadly.
  6. Volaron New Player

    This isn't the real vengeance. Simply a troll. Just so all know.
  7. Thedarkn1ght New Player

    ^^ lol get it because LIght users are trollers XD
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