Happy Holidays, Members! Log In For Your Special Gift!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. OmegaStarEX Active Player

    Can these new auras be purchased in the Marketplace?
  2. The Shadow New Player

    I got a rock! Not really, but felt like it needed to be said. I hope these are an early release for auras that will be drops in the future. I'm not a fan of one time only auras or items. It makes it impossible for anyone coming to the game new to get something they may have liked to have had for their character. I'm looking at you original plasmic aura!
  3. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player


    I wanted (hoped for) either black or slim black...
    And I actually got the black aura!

    Really, Thanks, SOE.
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  4. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It is fully tradeable. You can pass it to any character you want.
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  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It was a simple gift for current members, a small way of saying thanks. To ensure you don't miss any future gifts or loyalty rewards, you could stay a member.
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  6. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Well, hello! I'm gonna need to start farming for exobits, 'cuz I'm gonna need like 3 of those Light Green Auras! ;)
  7. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Got the slim black aura.... That'll be in the marketplace this weekend for sure... Won't be changing from my smoke one anyway.

    Thanks as always Mepps.... Sorry for the hate you also have to deal with for trying to do something nice for your members. :(
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  8. Zenith Well-Known Player

    Unless you redeemed it on the wrong server. :eek:

    Hopefully these make make it to the marketplace soonish. ;)
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  9. Chewy Stuff Well-Known Player

    Just my luck... Dark purple aura... not even slim... FM DCUO L.
  10. Harold Saxon New Player

    Ohhhhh! Thank you and good holidays! *_*
  11. leapoffaithninja Committed Player

    Love the new auras
  12. Alekimsior New Player

    I got the Orange Aura. I like the color, but I previewed it on my char to see how it fits. I think it is kinda big for her, maybe Slim would be better. However, I got to say that the Pink Aura is simply mouth-watering goodness. I saw a player sporting it, and it loooks nice.
  13. ralillo New Player

    hola amigos,quisiera expresar mi indignacion con respeto a los regalos que reciben los miembros legendarios,que pasa con los premium?.acaso no tenemos derecho a recibir algun detalle,yo como miembro premium,con el juego actualizado y todos los dlc y 2 aƱos jugando al universe,estoy viendo como el juego va en decadencia y con menos jugadores,antes se podia comprar actualizaciones con paysafecash y ahora no,era la unica forma que tenia de comprar sevencash y dlc,sin mas un saludo y felices fiestas.....
  14. Veritech Loyal Player

    Thank you for the gift!

    I don't understand why people are hating and complaining over a free gift that DCUO is not obliged to give. It's like receiving a present and spitting in the giver's face.
    I hope karma strikes swiftly and hard.

    btw dark purple aura and I appreciate it..
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  15. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Thank you for the gift. Slim Black aura, on my villain who is dressed in black yet. :D
  16. Unholy Prince New Player

    A fact I WAS aware of. I used it immediately in my excitement as I ASSUMED (REGRETTABLY) that it was "account bound" (as it should've been IMHO). I indeed WOULD have traded it to my main if I could go back. I think the orange aura should at least be "gettable" AND/OR Offered AGAIN NEXT YEAR!
  17. Michael Grid Well-Known Player

    I have not seen anything about the Holiday Gift to players that says that these new aura colors are "exclusive" only to this Holiday Rewards Box.

    So, I am assuming that the DCUO devs are keeping their options open about future content. These auras will most likely be available in the future in other ways besides the Holiday rewards box and the broker.

    I would suspect that these new auras will be seen AGAIN and made available in some form or other. Next Booster Bundle anyone?
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  18. Alekimsior New Player

    Hopefully not the Booster Bundle, but the Market Place.
  19. Welo New Player

    Hello Mepp i didint get the Holiday gift till now can you help me?
  20. HazeTA New Player

    Ahhh ok, unlucky :p
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