GU34: Feat Unlocking Feedback

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by FeatherWeight, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    Maybe. My understanding of the initial information was that if the feat was entitled the same thing you could get it cross-faction. So, Artifact Finder and Finite Possibilities for instance, though the two feats are slightly different for heroes/villains you could buy it cross-faction. The iconic style feats have different names, though. The 89 PvP gear for villains is the Black Manta style and the feat has the word Manta in it (logged out, don't remember exactly now) while the heroes had Vengeance and it was like That's Omerta or something for the feat name.

    If the intention is you can buy T2 PvE Magic on all toons if you have it on one...I'm okay with that. I guess I'm just trying to clarify if that is indeed the intention. If it's not, then one of two things may be happening. The system is treating them as such instead of as "Fate's Faith" style. The other possibility is that the system is not recognizing not having a villain. I used to have a villain on test and I deleted him. He had those styles previously to get a few extra SP on Test for innates, but after the deletion and remake, he had none. It could be that the system wasn't recognizing the previous villain as nonexistent. In which case...we'd need someone who has never had a test villain to check the cross-faction style feats.
  2. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, would be nice to get clarification from a Dev.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    You found a bug for the game. It remembers the feats that you had on a character you deleted.

    I have a villain and never purchased a single tier gear outside of T4 and T5 on him.

    You will notice that all the tier feats were still listed and I couldn't purchase them. This is a minor issue and to be honest, should stay. You earned the feats on the character you just deleted. And if you are going to purchase them again, you should be able to. Don't know why you would delete a character with precious feats, but still. :)
  4. Lyndi Well-Known Player

    The video is private :eek:
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  5. BumblingB I got better.

    My bad. lol I meant to set it to unlisted.
  6. Samuiel Well-Known Player

    I see you guys fixes some issues on counter of solos as I have noticed .But when it comes to pvp or styles I still have the same problem , I've completed the feat win a duel and on the feat win 50 duels I see 0/50 , same on styles , I have completed 250 styles feat but when I check counter I see 25/250 .

    Is that working as intended ?
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  7. Omnivector New Player

    Not sure if this idea has been posted, but shouldn't unlocking style feats also unlock the actual style for the character?

    Meaning that if one character already unlocked 4th World and you purchase the feat on another character those style pieces should be unlocked in the style window for that character to wear.
    By purchasing a style feat, those style piece should be mailed to that character so they can unlock the actual style
    with some restriction like the pieces are NOT tradable (that's right no broker style selling) but can be deleted and sold to vendor for 10coins each or something of that nature. Meaning if you Purchase 4th world style feat all style icons are mailed to you OR just the few pieces you are missing from completion of said style.
  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    No, you just get the feat. You still have to acquire the style. That's how it was intended to work.
  9. Dametria Loyal Player

    Question: Will players be provided a list prior to GU34 of feats that are unlockable (possible broken down by faction)?
  10. Roomba Dedicated Player

    Log on to test.

    But seriously, would it change anything for you?

    Not trying to be a jerk, just sayin. They be busy enough yo.
  11. Dametria Loyal Player

    My responses in orange.
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  12. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    If they provided a would just be a list of every feat in the game. It's dependent upon your character you're trying to unlock feats on, of course. Let me give you a scenario:

    Toon: HeroA (Acrobat, Electricity)
    Has all the solo, duo, alert grind feats up to 250 and has about 400 in total
    Has all acrobatic race feats as he's an acrobat
    Has all the style feats that a DPS/Healer can equip

    Toon: HeroB (Flight, Gadgets)
    Has the grind feats for solo, duo, alerts up to 50 (can purchase the feats for 100 and 250, but their counter will be at 250, not the 400 of the main toon)
    Has some of the flight race feats but not all. (The only race feats that HeroB can purchase based off of HeroA are the natural talent and pro athlete as those do not depend upon movement mode. The feats that say to complete all flight races in Gotham cannot be purchased as HeroA completed the acrobat races.)
    Can purchase style feats that are equippable by Controllers. For example, the Seraph and Heartshard styles are healer/tank only, I believe. They can't even be seen in the styles list by controllers. So, if you complete Seraph on HeroA, you cannot purchase it on HeroB as it will not appear in the feats list.

    In general, if you can see the feat on a character? Then all you have to do is earn that feat on another character and you can purchase it on that one. Medieval style, anyone? That silly healer helm.... If you earn the entire style on a healer alt, you can buy it on all your toons.
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  13. Dametria Loyal Player

    Thank you. I'll start compiling my spreadsheet now.
  14. Roomba Dedicated Player

  15. Mr.Me New Player

    My response is invisible... :D
  16. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    Each time I log in more feats become buyable, but still not all the ones previously achieved. Toyman 100 took forever to unlock. Still waiting on viking style, escaped inmate (among others), 2.2k reapers, Base feats for Dynasty, Shabby, ...will keep checking.
  17. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    OK mystery solved...when I log on to a toon that has the feat(s) becomes visable to the rest of my toons next time I log on to them. I had one toon with 2.2 reapers and shabby furniture styles that I hadn't used in a I have, feats are buyable for the rest of the army.