GU32: Sorcery update feedback

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by drenz, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Probably answered while you were typing the novel :D

    Trans will be like Regeneration basically (exactly what was wanted)

    SO will get an initial heal, how big... we'll see. If it's at least like half- 3/4 of admonish it'll get the job done i'd think, but we'll see.
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  2. Horrorshow New Player

    That does sound interesting. Well, lets hope for the best.

    Can we talk about Arb of Destiny now? ;/ They could have at least improved the movement mode for it or even removed the form.
  3. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    With regards to the whole sorcery summoning tree, which is just a tree totally without anything to 'hold it together' right now, terrible pets, broken interactions that never worked right to begin with, abilities that have no use at all and bring absolutely nothing unique to the table for the class... If you're bound and determined to have a PET class in DCUO eliminate some of the terribad powers completely, like wrath, soulstorm, sacrificial offering, and replace them with passive talents, similar to some of the passive iconics, which give passive buffs to sorcery summoned pets. Make it so sorcery can use pets better than anyone else, and not have to tie up their whole power bar with them. Make sorcery pets unique and interesting.

    Get rid of soul siphon, move boon of souls to the destiny tree in its place so the shielding ability goes in the tree with the primary healing abilities / non pet or summon abilities. Add a passive + healing ability to pets ability in boon's place.

    Get rid of sacrificial offering, add a passive +power regen for pets ability in its place.

    Get rid of wrath it's strictly inferior to vengeance anyways at the same teir, add a passive + health and defense to pets ability.

    Get rid of soul storm, add a passive +damage / penetration passive.

    Keep the center of the summoning tree with transmutation and the summon shard abilities. Have transmutation in healing role changed into a group burst heal like admonish for celestial.

    Cut "grand summoning" from a 100% super charge to a 35% or so.

    Change arbiter of destiny in the destiny tree to something impressive, like the horned demon look Abracadabra uses in the flash duo. Give sorcery the ability to use weapon combos, or even specific to arbiter form werewolf like melee abilities while in arbiter. Change the effect of arbiter to something that you dont consider 'horribly broken' in PVP so it can actually be used the same in both pve and pvp. Maybe make it a large self + power regen while in effect instead of everything 'free' and put it back to 30 seconds in all cases.
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  4. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    They also answered his question about pet functionality :p

    only question for me now is if we will get some kind of bonus dmg or explosion or something when both RSA and bad karma are up. If not, then RSA is even more useless.

    Depending on how these new changes turn out, i think we're on the right track. SO will burst, transcendence is good now, all those powers that basically only workded with RSA now have a more practical interaction with BK, pets are getting better, and i don't know what else i'm missing.

    To bad they didn't like the suggestion to make shard into a divine light of sorts :( Seems a bit redundant to have shard and condemn in a dps loadout together though. I woulda loved it if shard could hit more than 1.

    On the right track i think, lets see how it goes.
  5. drenz Developer

    Correct. This change was essentially made to make the PI easier to fire off when mobs aren't available to KO.
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  6. vikteren Well-Known Player

    I agree with some of what you said but right now I am willing to wait and see there fixes first.
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    RSA is now a bonus. When mobs are dying your soul well will pop it up for you, cool, no biggy, you don't HAVE to apply bad karma to all the adds.

    It'd be really nice if the moves that used Bad Karma only would use RSA as well though, to give it a bigger bonus. Getting Vengeance to pop too.

    Of course with WoD you'll almost always have Bad Karma on your target, but yeah :D

    Either way some steps in the right direction.
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  8. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    That would be totally awesome!!! a demon with specifi melee abilities sounds totally awesome! give him brawlers and let us upper cut the heck out of Batman!
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  9. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    That whole post was meant to be a "make all those changes at once" type major revamp , any of those done individually by themselves wouldn't do anything to change or fix things. If they want sorcery to be the pet class, then by golly make it a PET CLASS and make it a significant part of the class. Summoning tree = PET tree primarily, destiny = the other stuff.
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  10. vikteren Well-Known Player

    Fair enough still giddy there at least making a attempt. I would not mind summoning being more viable as with its pets it would be a interesting power set and a change of pace.
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  11. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I still can't understand the 3 pets idea.

    1 pet tank, 1 heal, 1 dps.

    THat part I get, BUT

    How is a pet supposed to actually tank? PUlls agro, just to splat... if it doesn't splat then it's OP as removes the need for a tank. So... just seems like we're better off not having it.

    Healer pet, can be used to get some heals. But in DPS role it can't heal because it's all based on CR so you're low resto won't change the heals making it quite OP... so if it's not useable for it's heals in dps role... shouldn't it just be a healer role specific power?

    DPS pet... strait forward nothing wrong with this idea

    So I honestly think Tank pet should be scrapped. Healer pet should pop out in healer role, DPS pet pops out in DPS role.

    If they are set on multiple pets at most 2 IMO tank just doesn't seem right.

    If they could do what they're doing with battle drone to the Healing pet then we might be looking at something good. Leaving the DPS pet viable for a hybrid healing setup, and same for healing pet but scaled to our stats instead of CR?

    Maybe someone has a reason, but why do we need a tank pet?
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  12. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    That's just it, the pets currently dont make any sense. The tank cant tank, the healing pet cant heal very well because it has no power adn dies in one hit, adn teh dps pet does no dps. The healer pet was nerfed so it can no longer heal when you're in DPS role, and the dps pet does no more dps than the healer pet does in dps role either. If they want sorcery to be a pet class it needs MAJOR re-envisioning like my post above. Scrapping most of the tree , making pet passives, so you dont have to dedicate a whole power bar to your pet, etc.

    Right now there's no point in having more than a single pet, one that heals in heal role and dpses in dps role.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    On my way over...

    Edit: Well, that got awkward.
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  14. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess


    *pins kitty ears and a tail to Evil Mepps* The heros get BatMepps, now the villains can have Cat Mepps!
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  15. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I hope you grabbed some tush, I would have.
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  16. Decree New Player

    The thing that's holding back sorcery from being a real "pet" class other than the obvious flops of pets are aggro dumps and some minor CC to let pets do work.

    Sorcery summoning should be able to use the terror mechanic instead of red soul aura if they completely revamp the entire summoning tree top to bottom. Or in the future for a pet set.

    Should be dot powers mainly for dps
    One bit hitter at the bottom of tree like Terrorize
    A channel dot that also heals only pet in dps stance/ heals group in Healer roll

    Much like you blow up sentry turret for dmg. If you buy the pet you get the sacrifice pet power with it.

    Tank pet - Very High Health with Low Dmg. Taunts and terrorizes CCing weaker enemies. You should be able to sacrifice to get a damage immunity for like 3 seconds or a shield based on your resto.

    Dps Pet - Medium Health with High Dmg. Dual wielding demon with an innate team buff like wolf form does for a team. Same sacrifice rule but giving your team a might and pre boost for a bit.

    Healing pet - Medium Health with Low Dmg. Eye/Fairy/Imp whatever that heals the team with burst heals but also has a very small hot when close to it. Same Sacrifice rules apply but sacrificing heal pet gives a crit heal/magnitude chance buff for a bit.

    Grand summoning should be called "Summoners True Power" or something like that. Remain 100% SC but be a super team buff.
    Dmg protection shield/might and pre boost/ and crit heal/mag boost for 20 sec.

    Just throwing some ideas around for how I would see pets working if they were the real focal point of the set.
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  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Also will Sacrificial Offering right now it removes the HT resto neck mod. This removes like 200 Resto just because you're using this move. Taking any damage does that, could that aspect just be stripped for the sake of making the neck useful? or can something be done? Kinda sucks that you have to sacrifice 200 resto to get a useful heal.
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  18. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Arbiter of Destiny.

    Right now it's a decent healer option, but it has the potential to be decent for dps too =). Could it be given a single range attack something like Grenade or brawling tap type thing. That way you could use it in DPS role and not sacrifice all your prec damage for unlimited power. I mean it is a Supercharge, seems like it should make you better not worse aye?:D
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  19. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Make it like Dante's Devil Trigger and I am sold. Just add some demonic body parts in a similar way ice armor works. Give us unlimited power and no cooldowns(It doesn't have that right) a 50% modifier lock wouid be nice too....
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  20. Infamous Hacker Active Player

    Sorcery DPS:
    I like the changes done to the supercharge abilities. I dont have much to say about them except that the grand summoning ability is STILL terrible and the arbiter form is VERY ugly and off-putting. Perhaps you could make a glowing skin version of the character that used the supercharge with the red and gold auras around it. I know you dont want to make any visual changes but I hope you reconsider for this supercharge. In addition when im in the arbiter form can you please make sure that im not doing less dps than my regular form. If anything i should be doing more because i used a supercharge. It is a shame that sorcery is pretty much only improved in the red soul aura department. I like the changes made here, but it isnt enough to make me change back to sorcery which WAS my favorite power... It isnt even enough to justify changing the recommended default dps sorcery loadout. I like the new shard power it needs to do something more, such as add the red soul aura automatically. Maybe make wrath the 1st power in the summoning tree replacing the "tank" pet (because its almost useless). make it give you red soul aura automatically in addition to doing damage. Sorcery could also use a good ranged burst power somewhere, and Soulstorms damage and area of effect could be more impressive. Why on earth would any power i use in any tree give me a golden soul aura when im in the dps role? If it has no use in the dps role why am i seeing it? It seemingly prevents me from getting the red soul aura as quickly, and its already bad enough that some powers ONLY provide healing. Maybe you can make those powers give me red soul instead when im a dps. SOMETHING needs to be done here please dont leave sorcery like this. I had to say something about the power. I normally dont post on these forums, i normally agree with the decisions you guys make and im a huge fan of the game. This is my 1st post. I have been playing for quite a while and i loved sorcery back when it was a good option for dps, but now even with the changes you have made sorcery dps will largely stay inferior.