Green Lantern FAN is broken or needs attention

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Lazy Warrior, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Lazy Warrior New Player

    I feel the FAN animation is bad.

    The fan animation needs to be shortened i beleive to 1/2 of the time or have a DoT like it had before to make up for the long lasting time for standing there.

    I cant see why i have to stand there for roughly 3 to 5 secs just for one damage tick.
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  2. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I will mention this on both here and the animations thread, Fan needs to either be given a DoT or the old weapon range shot it had with jump cancel, and before someones says this is just a way to get JC back, well it's not as it would still fire after the initial 1 second is over (of if you jump then it would fire only after you hit the ground). As it is right now Fan is nothing more than a death trap in almost any situation.