Gotham Game crash

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Ashton Harrid, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Ashton Harrid New Player

    when i play the gome on my desktop PC, the game crashes whenever i'm in gotham. if i play it on my laptop the game is fine. only in gotham does the game crashes. i need help to try to fix this because it's getting annouying switching to my laptop to play when i my desktop is far more powerful machine and is grphically smoother with no lag anywhere but in gotham
  2. Falzarr New Player

    I had this problem back when I first started playing. Game worked fine on one computer, but crashed on the other one. What fixed it for me was first verifying the game files from the launcher, which fixed it for a few weeks after the game fixed some files, and then my game started to lag really bad in some areas instead of crash, but all I had to do for that was lower my graphics settings a bit while in that area. Sure its annoying to constantly change your settings, but that's better than not playing at all.

    Its not a permanent fix or a pretty one, but it worked for the most part. All I can think of that would cause issues in Gotham is the lighting and shadow effects combined with large numbers of players nearby. Lag caused by this is understandable, but I never did figure out WHY the crashes happened.