gentlemen, how can we save the tank class

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by mecha, May 11, 2013.

  1. Mr Iceblock New Player

    I know the League I'm with prefers to run with tanks at all tiers. But it is a new League full of players more used to CoD (sorry for swearing) and we used to offer run a 'riot shield' tactic where most of the team are responsible for protecting one or two members from damage so they can concentrate on getting kills. This is the same way we look at tanking. Unless you are the tank though you probably will be too focused on hitting/healing/powering to see who is being targeted the most.

    I'd just like it to be a little easier to keep aggro. Onlya little though or it's not worth it.
  2. Jokimoto New Player

    How to Save the Tanks-
    Step 1: Capture a breeding pair in the wild.
    Step 2: Put them together in a comfy room.
    Step 3: Put on some music. Try Marvin Gaye or Al Green or John Legend or something along those lines.
    Step 4: Dim the lights.
    Step 5: Wait. (Resist the urge to peek at the proceedings.)
    Step 6: Once the young have reached the age of at least 10 weeks and are completely weaned, release them into the wild.
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  3. Orca New Player

    Is there a fund or charity we can donate to?
    Please send pics.
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  4. mecha New Player

  5. Evil Oracle New Player

    Noone but the devs can save the tank class, if they made the alerts/raids/OPs REQUIRE 2 tanks. Such as having 2 sub bosses at the same time in an instance or 1 main boss and another objective needed in the room that requires a tank to complete so while 1 group with a tank stay on 1 boss, the other group with the other tank, handles the other boss/objective at the same time
  6. kilkulan New Player

    Imo t5 raids are a reson for less tanks. No longer can you play like you want to. You must ditch your style of play and conform to becoming a turtle tank.

    Where t4 and lower is concerned, as a tank I feel it to be my job to keep the mobs bunched up, using pulls and juggles to keep them tight not only increses the dps's damage but your own as well.
  7. Othniel New Player

    I say...

    1 - get rid of team buffs in all instances.

    2 - no taunt resets / taunt immunity.

    3- all tank immunity/break out powers should have added effects to group mates example: Fire will heal group mates, Ice will have group mates reflect damage, and Earth will give group mates damage absorption.
  8. Thechemicals New Player

    In the past, the greatest attraction for a tank is that in damage role, they can be technically superior in pvp. The best players in pvp are fire tanks and earth tanks (smile and orbit). However, the key word is technical. The attraction to be a tank is there, but the fact that you have to have some skill for both the tanking and pvp aspect is a turn off for many casual players and many younger players.

    The tank class is and will always be the best class. It is the leader class and the toughest class. The most technical and the most pressured to comply with its duties. I dont believe a tank needs saving, a tank is boss. However, it is true that some critical places can do without a tank, and i dont mean 1-2 scenarios in a raid.... but entire raid being done without a tank. This is because of a key feature which has been removed or has not been applied to in raids and that attack that can devastate a player who is not a tank. Single target *basic attacks from monsters that can wreak havoc on non-tanks are required to create a knowledge base for all players that a tank is essential, just as a Healer and a controller are essential.
  9. Ultimate Alpha Well-Known Player

    I love the idea of group Modifiers attached to the Tank. I don't know if you can code for this, but something like this:

    1. If one tank in your Raid, the group gets a 15% Defence bonus;
    2. If a second tank is added, all other players get a 10% Damage modifier.

    Call them a "leadership" or "courage" modifier...or give the Damage modifier to Fire and Earth tanks...
  10. AGx-07_162 New Player

    Serious problem is that Fire tanking is incredibly hard compared to Ice and Earth. Tiny heals and no mitigation makes for boring play because you have to turtle far too much to do anything fun. Ice and Earth have defenses that allow them to keep attacking, making them more attractive and with Ice being SO attractive right now, you have the effect of people not wanting to play Fire (at least not as tanks), not wanting to play Ice because its so overpopulated and a large majority don't want to tank anyway, and Earth which, in my experience, seems pretty rare to be seen at all.
  11. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    No. then you get fire ice and earth DPS running full DPS loadouts and armor and just switching to tank role for the team buff. No need to actually get a tank that intends on tanking.
  12. Kristyana New Player

    They tried doing that with Nexus and FoS2. Even with the rally point trick, people now just burn one boss down to 2%, run around the corner, and finish the other boss off.

    Raid design is only part of the problem, and in reality it isn't a big one. You can see areas in all the new content that they designed to have a tank or even two tanks. The main problem is the mechanics of our class and how they need to be fixed in relation to group play.
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  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Take the "no tank buff" and lower it from 25% to 15%, we can handle it with a healer in group np.

    Add 15% mitigation to the "no healer buff" so that 3dps+troll or 4DPS groups aren't hurt, actually buffed, as well as no healer but tank groups get buffed.

    Healers are far too beneficial, even with that buff they'd still be wanted, they just make content easy. You'd still be able to do no tank groups, but it wouldn't be as easy as it is right now
  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Some time ago I heard a DPS go on a rant and he was furious about the knockbacks fromm bosses and other CC-ing from enemies.

    That's where a simple tank-group-buff could start, granting immunity not for 3 seconds, but maybe something between 8 and 12. All tanks should have one big 8-man clean and a small 4-man. And to make those more necessary, all bosses in the game should me able to place some kind of debuff on the group. I am thinking about an offensive debuff, defensive debuff and healing debuff.

    It would also be interesting if tanks could add control-resistance to those very close to them.
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  15. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Group shielding should have gone to tanks instead of healers and controllers. Of course that's not gonna change now, especially with quantums awesome super charge.
  16. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    Tanks should have a better Taunt, Bosses need constant applies or they tend to wonder off, and when they do, it can be tricky to bring them back in line to a "safe" area.

    Tanks shouldn't have an advantage over another, so far atm more people prefer Ice Tanks over any other tank. ( My opinion is shield also reduce CC effects, I had an easier time being CC'ed as Ice than I did as Fire, Fire if I didn't make the right choice, I would be popped into the air and die.)

    Tanks should have TEAM BUFFS. Back in the day, Fire have HP to teams, and Ice gave shields, now they just cleanse, and only 3 seconds at that, it's pathetic.

    I find it a joke in a FNL with Odyssey, Jens and the Odyssey guys talked about needing 2 Tanks for this raid, well that's because they were not experienced or geared yet. Now a good part of people are geared and know how they raid mechanics run, and they leave 1 or if they are cheeky, no tanks. And what the worst part of all this, people want this to go faster, and the only way they want it faster is with an Ice tank in lead.

    I truly hate tanking in this game. You either have to be Ice, or the community will not accept you. There is STILL a problem with tanks and their powers, the Fire and Ice revamps did NOTHING to improve tanking, just helped segregate the community further more in who they rather run with. We NEED help!
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  17. REEEPR New Player

    There's no healing, power or damage immunity. CC immunity is something that needs to go. Crank up the difficulty and remove CC immunity and tanks can shine. We don't need random aggro dumps by npcs. We need more hostile npcs and a tank to yank so we can spank.
  18. mecha New Player

    i think a 10 second cleanse is too much, im kind of fine with 3 seconds, but i love the idea of an 8 man cleanse
    though an 8man cleanse combined with the defense/hp buff people are wanting back could be very broken imo,
    so there is no way we could have both
    bosses doing debuffs is a great idea too, and is not uncommon in games
  19. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Or seperating immunity to control- effects and immunity to debuffing. In PvE I use the immunity to prevent- the raid from being CC-ed, but to do it in the right moment, that the CC-effect is in that 3 second frame is really hard. If the CC-immunity was 8 seconds and debuff-immunity remain 3 seconds, it would make tanking not only easier, but also more rewarding.
  20. Cold Lava Active Player

    Aside from cleansing, I think tank should have the ability to reduce damage to his allies. Every time tank uses a power, he/ she would grant a buff to all group members within certain radius, except himself/ herself:
    • 10 control resistance
    • 1% damage absorption for every 70 dominance (the number could be changed though)
    • Last 3 seconds, but it is renewed every second as long as group members stay in the range
    • This buff can be negated by healers in PvP
    I think this will help out melee damage dealer and the fight with untankable bosses.