Future Content. Can we see more new characters/underused characters? And more story in open world/so

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saint Nutella, Nov 10, 2020.

  1. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I always liked the John Fox designs (Flash of the 27th century):

  2. Dragon Power Well-Known Player

    I agree with you on the GOOD open world content part.

    I don't agree with the people wanting the open world content to be abolished or that the leveling 1-30 open world is just a tutorial. That is just absolutely ridiculous and also insulting to the devs that put in the hard work making them. Good MMOs have a good balance between open world content and instanced content, and the two go hand in hand with each other. Look at WoW or Final Fantasy XIV Online if you want to see good examples. This is an MMO and open world should be in the game and it has just as much a right to be in the game as does instanced content, don't listen to the naysayers. But this is DCUO, where the focus on grind is extreme IMO, and as for it's place in DCUO, what should be done instead is pushing for the open world content to be improved upon in future updates so that there is a better open world grind and so that people don't get left behind in the older open worlds so much. How to accomplish this? I'm not sure and not sure there is any easy answer for it. But FOMO is a real thing, and it was hitting me big time on Legion release day (and the day after) when I tried going back to Patchwork and kept failing the bounties due to there be so little people there. Something needs to be done.
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  3. Tokens210 Well-Known Player

    but levels 1-30 are basically the tutorial, its been that way for years cause level 30 originally was end game, at 30 you grinded for your last set of armor and were done with everything in game

    since everything after that changes CR and not level, its just become common to call it the tutorial cause thats actually when you learn to play the game, those first 30 levels, figuring out your powerset, rotation, and if you even like that powerset and such before you commit all the time into it, thats also where you get the mission that tell you how bases, augments, r&d, vendors, mailbox, vault etc etc work

    its also not disrespectful to devs what so ever, they also know it otherwise they would make you play thru all that work, instead of giving out free cr skips to just jump over all of it
  4. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    DB/DI has the rights to include anything that appears in printed comics [only]. If it's been in a comic they're allowed to use it. It's a flat licensed fee they pay and they don't pay per appearance or whatever -- it's not like movie stars in a movie where you have to pay them per their contracts and union regulations.
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  5. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I wish you all would expand the central city map into, you know, a real city, like gotham or little bohemia area of metropolis.
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  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    You're most likely correct but that said, Bart Allen and XS have both been in or worked with the Legion. Also given the Titans connection to this episode Kid Flash (either version) could also be used.

    Other than XS, those are a bit of a stretch though, so I reckon there'll be a Flash based DLC coming. Maybe we'll finally get that Grodd Legends toon.
  7. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    How about characters such as Iris west, Vibe, Godspeed, .XS aka Barry's daughter, elongated Man, the Tinker, Cicada

    Those characters haven't been seen in dcuo. It be great for them to show up.
  8. PolarisSylar Committed Player

    Oh yea, I hope they give the rogues villian iconics more love, if they have flash/ reverse flash, centric episode
  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    After playing wonderverse and legion DLC, I wouldnt care if the next 4 DLC' didnt have open aspects to then and just had all on duty content. This bounty spam was interesting at first with wonderverse but getting it back to back in 2 DLC' has made me hate it.
  10. Controller Devoted Player

    A Justice League Time Traveling / Jonah Hex DLC would be cool



    From JLU episodes "A once and Future Thing" Parts 1 and 2

    One of my favorite episodes.
  11. Wildcat Committed Player

    Reverse Flash/ Zoom 4 legends confirmed!
  12. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Scarecrow needs a dlc where we get hit with his gas and see brainiac
  13. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    Anything that avoids constant daily missions that are a copy / paste of:

    Defeat n <insert enemy here>.

    That the demons in the 31st century content initially dropped items from the JLD demons shows just how copy / paste content really has become.

    Amazon Fury is regularly cited as a favourite episode, which I'm assuming will do well in the current showdown tournament, because it doesn't just go through the cookie cutter motions.
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Open world is intended to be side content that helps progress main content, they just need to moderate the bosses (randomly on a few hour re-spawn). I personally wish they were implemented in original Gotham and Metropolis.
  15. Eve YouTuber

    I really really hope for some Martian Manhunter related content. He deserves some love too. :)
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  16. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Still waiting for Ace the Bathound....
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  17. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    I've also often thought about a DLC on Martian Manhunter I've been waiting for one on this character for a long time, I'd also like a more personal story about Doctor Fate and why not, Phantom Stranger too ? a very enigmatic character in the DC world.