Full download required

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Quinlet, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Quinlet New Player

    When i play DCUO, i try to leave the safe house but it says 'Full download required'??? I tried making a new prof but it is not working. Right now i have my mentor as joker. Can anyone help me out please? (btw the estimated time was 6h and i am playing on my ps4
  2. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    Unfortunatley your just going to have to let it download mate. I had 3hours left on mine when i got my ps4, just leave it on or leave it on overnight downloading and play something else this evening.
  3. Quinlet New Player

    Your joking right? That really really sucks. That broke my heart. I have another question. Will it take up half of my space on the ps4? And do i have to be in game for it to download?
  4. RSL New Player

    it won't take up half yr ps4. ps4 hard drive is big. unless you manually swapped it for something tiny. and then you have something to do while you wait. ;) welcome to the game.

    it downloads in background. you could play another game or whatever. ps4 does have to be powered on though i think.
  5. Quinlet New Player

    Thanks. Now i can play my other games while the stupid thing is downloading. :). Also there is a new question. So that means if i close DCUO will it still download? And will the download speed depend on who ur mentor is? Such as will the download be faster if ur mentor is superdude (aka superman) or will the download speed be slower if ur mentor is batfreak (aka batman). I am kinda a noob at this so ya
  6. RSL New Player

    nope. download is download. and will happen in background. try not to be downloading too many other things at same time though. that splits the speed.
  7. Quinlet New Player

    Sounds good;). Some times the download estimate timer increases. Should trust it or not??
  8. Quinlet New Player

  9. RSL New Player

    a watched pot never boils. sad but true.
  10. Quinlet New Player

    So ur saying i should just wait?
  11. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Play another game or put the PS4 on 'standby' so that it will keep downloading.

    Or make a new alt to take through the Brainiac ship, but that will be done a lot sooner than the download. ;)
  12. Quinlet New Player

    Thanks man, i am kinda worried putting my ps4 in stand by.
    i might just leave it on overnight,
    will that be fine?
  13. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Yes, in fact when I know that I'll need a big download that is what I usually do.
  14. Quinlet New Player

    lol i am gonna do that when i go to bed. that brings up another question. will it be better if i open up the game then wait overnight?
  15. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    I don't think that your download speed will be any better, the standby mode is specifically designed to let you download stuff but use less power since it doesn't have to keep the game and networking stuff updating.
  16. Quinlet New Player

    So should i 1. Turn my ps4 on overnight, or 2. put my ps4 in standby mode overnight (i am kinda safer with 1)
  17. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Both will work, standby will not use as much electricity. I download with my PS4 on standby all of the time.
  18. Quinlet New Player

    Okay so u downloaded the whole game on standby mode. That is what i will do thx man!
  19. erfan2003 New Player

    My problem is that it hasn't full download the game but its 0h 0m 0s?!WTF!How should I know when the download has been completed?HELP PLEASE!
  20. DarthJafo Committed Player

    Well u would know when you can finally leave the station. Try exiting the game and or rebooting