FOSMOTW Voting and whatnot

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Black Fist, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Before I frequented these forums, I frequented the now-defunct Terry Brooks forums. Every week we had the TBFMOTW, or Terry Brooks Forum Member of the Week. It was a fun little thing where people put forth names of forum members, and a list was made, and a bunch of stuff later a thread was made wherein a certain forum member was named member of the week. For a week, people asked the MotW questions, any questions, and the MotW answered them. Then the next week a new MotW would be declared and so on.

    So, I would like to know if y'all want to do that? It's just a fun way to get to know people around here, and to let them know we care and other sappy crap.

    If y'all want to do it, list a name or names of forum members and we'll make a list. Each week we'll move down the list and I'll make a new thread wherein we'll ask the Forums of Solitude Member of the Week questions. No limit to the amount of questions (I always ask the same ten questions), or to how personal the questions are, but the MotW does not have to answer them. All questions must, of course, follow the forum guidelines. Like, no asking about religion and whatnot. Whatnot.

    Get to listing names if'n you want! If we get names to do this, I'll post the first MotW on Monday, and each new one on the following Mondays.
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  2. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

    First, Love the idea!

    Names I will throw into the running are [in no particular order]
    Queen CC
    Drifting Dreamer
    Scarley Mysty
    Amanda Bailey
    Dark Visor
    Billy Sparks
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  3. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Okay, so Monday I'll start the first thread. Whoever has the most votes by midnight Monday morning will be the winner. Or, if there's no majority vote, then I'll go in order, alternating between different posters and their picks (like Queen CC first from Bern, then the top of whoever else posts, so on until it goes back to Bern and his second pick). NOTE: I would prefer you put their actual name, so I know for a fact who they are. For example, you put Queen CC. I know this is CarlynnCarnage, but I don't know Amanda Bailey or Dezzaraks, so I don't know if that's how they put their screen name. I need to know how they put their screen name because, at the beginning of their FOSMOTW thread, I'll put the following (using myself as an example).
    So they know for a fiz-act. Which is Snoop Dogg for fact.
  4. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Amanda hasn't been around these parts in sometime....she may be an unperson.

    Also, don't forget Her Royal Highness has her own Q&A thread.
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  5. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Yes, I was thinking about CC and her thread... Hrmphret... We cannot skip her because she will probably decapitate us, but dedicating another thread to asking her questions seems silly... A real Sophie's choice situation going on here maybe, even though I'm not sure what that even means... But anything can be solved when one puts three periods in a row... Oh well, her FOSMOTW might be a little light on the questions.

    As for Amanda not being here for a while, we'll just see if she's logged on once again when her time comes. As a new rule, and one that I think existed on the Terry Brooks forums, if the person who is to be the next Forum MotW has not posted in the previous month, then they shall be excluded from the thing. Does that sound fair? When I say it's a rule, I'm really asking if y'all think it should be a rule.
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  6. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Since this is a weekly award I don't have to feel too guilty about not voting for certain people (your time will come), my choices are (rightly) about recent events.

    In no particular order, these are the names I just wish to put forward for this week (yes....seriously, even the last one)

    Enquirer - An ever present library of PvP knowledge, informative, helpful, coolheaded (most times:D). With Sabigya on hiatus (any word?) he's pretty much been PvP community manager for the last few weeks (at least the Legends side anyway). Also frequents the funhouse to offer his own brand of dry-humour.

    Supersolider - Grrrrr....he irked me some on the barrel issue but has been posting a lot more than usual. He posts on some of the smaller threads has given me a chuckle or pause for thought a few times.....I also think we share a similar thirst for knowledge

    Nowburn4it - for noticing.....Dem feels Bro. And like Supersoldier he has been posting a lot more recently which can only be a good thing and should be encouraged.....too bad he's a damned dirty villain on the US sever:(

    TrueGodofMarvel - Jheez, this guy....If he wins I'm sure his Q&A thread will end up longer than Last one to Post.......His general ignorance and hard-headedness actually deserves merit. For me he went from;
    -to riduculous,
    -to 'I can't believe he's still going on'
    -and finally, gotta give the guy his dues. I haven't seen someone so enduring since I watched Papillion

    Other recent notables include
    -His Heinest (for staying strong when others have faultered....a true forumite)
    -CC (As above, her unwavering dedication keeps things alive in the funhouse)
    -Hanguri (has the sort of energy I remember having when I first joined)
    -Black fist, Bern Unit & dngb8.....again all for keeping things going through a slightly dry spell.....seems to be picking back up now

    EDIT: Did you know the TheWhiteface posts more than just irrelevant videos? Gets a nomination just for that

    Anyways that mine for this week......lets see if this thing gets off the ground
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  7. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Okay, I suppose I should cast my votes, as well.

    Scarlet Mysty

    I guess I'll keep it at five. Also, I'm proud no one's voted for themselves yet. I expected that right from the off. Votes are being tabumulated as they're given, just so y'all know.

    Oh! Do y'all think we should do the moderators? Do you think Mepps or Spytle or whoever else would answer questions? In other words, if one of them was the MotW, would they answer our questions? You can tell when I'm tired by the amount of explaining I do for something that doesn't really need a whole lot of explainification.
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  8. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Bumped because it was missed and probably misunderstood from the thread title......then again Funhouse doesn't have the best record with these kids of threads....
  9. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    :oops: forgot about this.

    In no particular order, and for various reasons: Meta Max, Scarlet Mysty, nowburn4it, Slade and Grumpy.
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  10. Black Fist Loyal Player

    "What's so confusing about FOSMOTW?!" he said sarcastically.
  11. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Since people play lots of different games I thought it was in reference to another game at first:D
  12. BernUnit81 Devoted Player

    I re-iterate my votes
    Names I will throw into the running are [in no particular order]
    Queen CC
    Drifting Dreamer
    Scarley Mysty
    Amanda Bailey
    Dark Visor
    Billy Sparks
    • Like x 1
  13. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Just in case y'all missed it, the first Forums of Solitude Member of the Week thread has been posted. I barely got it up before I began drooling into my pillow. All votes taken now will be added to the remaining votes from last week. So, go ask some questions to the Queen!
  14. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Really don't. I already have an ask thread so I will not be answering questions at the above link. Let someone that does not have an active ask thread to have it. If anyone wants me to answer questions, use my ask thread. Ask CarlynnCarnage
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  15. Black Fist Loyal Player

    You know, I wasn't sure about this, if you'd want another thread for asking you questions, but oh well, I took a shot. You won the vote first, which I thought was fitting since you're the Queen.

    I'll start another thread tomorrow, and we'll just do them on Tuesdays. Which is good for me because I don't have class Tuesdays, so I can stay up all night long on Monday.
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  16. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Well it doesn't seem fair and it's very repetitive. Let someone else have some fun, you know?
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  17. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Yeah, I get it. But I'm going to repeat the question I asked in your MOTW thing frankincense I've farted in my brain.
  18. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    Got my nominations for this week....may add more but for now


    Dude drew my Scarlet...Thats get's him a forever and always nomination
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  19. Black Fist Loyal Player

    Your vote has been added, but unfortunately Animixter is not this week's winner. Because that winner is you! Everyone, go ask questions there. Abe, go answer questions there! QUESTIONS! I MUST KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ALL OF YOUR LIVES! I mean, I want to get to know you guys. *clears throat*
  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I would like:
    Scarlet Mysty
    Drifting Dreamer
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