First Experience Tanking Prime Battleground

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Batcat New Player

    There's always some buffoon in a pug Xik. And this is Umemee.
  2. Black House New Player

    The primart job of the tank is to know the raid, so tht they can LED the raid, if you don't know the raid learn it with your league or research it on-line (more than enough "how to" videos on youtube)

    PUGS are NOT here to teach you how to raid, that is independant research.
  3. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    To the did fine, it was a team problem obviously!! But for the future if you or anyone that reads this gets invited to groups get into the habit of asking if anyone is new so everything can be explained before your in the instance!! This helps in a few of which is when you have fools in the group you can leave or get kicked before you see the inside of the instance!! Vets will have no problem and know how to adjust things without having to say a word to you!!
  4. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    A 97cr healer has at least 1,500 defense more than a full T4 healer. People in T5 gear should never be dying from adds, especially not the healer who should be around 5k health. Also if you are having issue surviving fos2 as a 98cr tank then you need to change your load out. Even with out a healer you should be able to survive a very long time, regardless of tank power.
  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I ran BD with a friend, and he wanted to run Prime after. I thought I knew how to do it from doing research by running with another tank and seeing how he did it. I was wrong to assume he knew what he was doing; next time I will try to find a tutorial first.

    And I disagree; PUGs should be teaching more than leagues/friends. The community as a whole would benefit from more first timers within PUGs learning how to do things. I know that not everyone is willing/able to learn, but I always try to help those in PUGs that I can. The majority don't end up speaking English, but at least I'm willing to try. I'll even go so far as to use Google Translate if I can find a slow time, e.g. when a group is re-forming due to many wipes and people rage quitting.
  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If you can post a video of you as a 98 tank solo walking into either of the two areas I described in FOS2 and surviving, I'll bow before you. ;-}

    My loadout is fine. I can solo most everything else. Those FOS2 areas I described are some very high add areas that hit very hard. The other comparable area is within the split if you tank the side that doesn't have the boss. Hard to survive there, too.
  7. Black House New Player

    It is hard to tank raids you have never seen from a tanks pespective I understand this, in our league we throw our tanks in at the deep end we ask them to "Tank" beyond their gear, to try raids at minimum spec to get to grips with the mechanics and the ebb and flow of the battle, only by doing this can tanks (or any role really) gain the "muscle memory" , situational awareness and role demands, you were right to try something new just as the other player was right to leave if he didn't want to be part of your learning experience. Leagues are the best place to make all your errors as a good league offers support rather than judgement and patience rather than abuse.

    PUGS owe you nothing not even good play or advice/ help, you are basically a bunch of interchangeable strangers with a common cause, I laud your efforts to pass on whatever knowledge you have. However I would repectfully suggest that a better environment for this exchange is the one the devs has created, namely leagues.
  8. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    You said those two areas are going to kill you quick solo and you can maybe survive with a healer. You are in T5, people were beating fos2 with mix of T2.5 and T3 when it came out, and now with T5 a tank is optional. Do you understand the concept of blocking? I haven't tanked fos2 with actual tank gear in a very long time, but I have with prime and with my buffs up, if I block all adds, bosses, tentacle from meta, and electric floors from meta all hit me for the single and double digit numbers. So what I'll do later is walk into fos2 and report back how soft the adds are hitting on my 97cr tank.

    Love how a 98cr tank hasn't beat prime or fos2 much. Great tanking community.
  9. Batcat New Player

    You didn't even read did you? He has beaten prime and FOS before...
  10. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I never said he didn't beat prime or fos2. I said hasn't beaten prime or fos2 much. Meaning only a few times. Hence why at 98cr it was his first time tanking prime. Maybe you should read more before criticizing someone.
  11. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Don't remember saying I hadn't beaten FOS2 much. Prime is correct that I haven't beaten it much; once with my controller and once with my tank now.

    Also, how is blocking adds in a tunnel the same as trying to heal with a mob of adds on you? I would think fighting the adds would be more of a level playing field to a healer trying to provide heals while being attacked. A healer constantly in block stance with 10-20 adds attacking her won't be healing the group much...

    My point is that if you are actively doing things between getting attacked, you won't survive long with a large set of adds attacking. There's not much of a break between attacks when 10-20 adds attack at once.
  12. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I like to share my experience with my league, as well. Most of my league avoids raids due to the way some people tend to behave within them. I PUG a lot more often than I do league runs for raids. Alerts are a little easier to get groups for.
  13. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    "I know my 98 tank has a hard time surviving those without a healer, and even with a healer it is sketchy."

    This is a direct quote from you. Which is why I reference blocking in fos2. In T5 dps gear in tank stance you shouldn't have a hard time, let alone being a 98cr tank gear. I tried to help you saying maybe you need to change your load out if your having issues, but if your responses are just going to be "My load out is fine." then I'm just not going to bother. T3 tanks can go prime and tanks the bosses, tentacle, and adds.

    I try to help people but if they refuse advise and just want to complain, then there's nothing I can do. I'll only help those who help themselves. If your having issues in fos2 and prime with T5 tank gear, something is wrong, and it's not your team.
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  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I'm not having problems tanking them. Also, I don't appreciate you attacking me for trying to explain where I'm coming from. I am talking about soloing a large group of adds and actually killing them in the process; I was not talking about going in with a group and tanking. There's a pretty big difference.

    I was trying to give an example of a group of adds that even a tank has difficulty fighting solo to explain why a healer might have difficulty healing a group, let alone herself, if she is ganged up on by 10-20 adds with equal firepower.

    Somehow my words got twisted into me not knowing how to tank FOS2... ;-}
  15. Black House New Player

    Your league sounds little more than a collection of random people with the same name under theirs, it is the duty of ALL legue members to build the league with the aim of doing all content with full league runs. avoiding raids because of the behaviour of others is not the solution, building a tight kniit supportive league is.

    If you PUG more than you run with your league then there is something fundamentaly wrong.
  16. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I didn't twist any words. YOU made the thread. YOU said you had issues in prime. YOU said adds in fos2 can still be 'sketchy even with a healer.' YOU said you're T5. I just called you out on it. Either improve or actually accept advise when asking for it.

    And for the record a 97 cr healer has enough restoration to heal through any damage the adds in prime are going to do.
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  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    We're a fairly young league, so we're still building. Those that we do have are tight-knit, but we rarely have more than 4-5 people on at a time. That leads to half league half PUG groups for raids at best. Most of those runs do go well. There have been some bad experiences that have tainted future raid tries for some league members, though.
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Restoration's great when you can actually use a healing power to heal. What do you recommend to keep from getting interrupted by all the adds hitting?

    Shatter Restraints; Bitter Winds; Inescapable Storm; Freeze Wave; Reflection

    Pick it apart. Where am I going wrong?
  19. Black House New Player

    If I may be so bold as to suggest that when you PUG as a league you build a strong friends list and ask those friends for recommendtions of players who would enjoy raiding the way that your league does. That way you will build a database of non-league members who would be prepared to aid in your leagues development, good company really does open this game up and raiding with laughter makes this the BEST gaming experience currently on offer.
  20. Black House New Player

    loadout is only part of the battle. What is your rotation? where are you positioned?, what white mods have you got? what do you use to CC? what is your situational awareness like?

    All these factors (and more) make a good tank, otherwise you're just a DPS with more defence amd heath but less damage out.