Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Duragon, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Objeckt Well-Known Player

    DCUO was also the first mmo i ever played. I maxed out my character, got the prime helm, blala. I can tell you straight up, you will have way more fun from final fantasy. By level 15 of DCUO i was ready to quit because of boredom and repetiton. When I got to the raids and joined a league it was fun at first. After that, all repetiton, no progression besides LUCK. Luck that something would drop for your role, and luck that no one would take it from you because theyr're allowed to. I'm full T5 with all of the 86 controller pieces you can get and 2 dps pieces. I haven't logged onto the game for more than 15 minutes in 2 weeks. This game is a scam, its broken, and its your best bet to stay away from it. But if you do want to play, just know, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. They just want your money, theres no reward except the people you make friends with, the community as a whole are disgusting.
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  2. Treat New Player

    XP I like the combat mechanics of DC but the actual content is horrible... too little for a hyped up DLC everytime. :/ DLC would feel a bit longer to complete if replays were never introduced you know.
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  3. Duragon Committed Player

    You know what, I haven't even brought that up. Before replays, it took me a while to get my T3 stuff. FOS was no joke. But when I finished, I had such a feeling of accomplishment. And maybe that's what this game is missing. That long, leveled up, hard for a few months grind. Because the repetitious grind.... the grind of the same old thing every day, every week is what killed it for me. Replay introduced the "hurry up and get to endgame" where it's actually the journey that's fun, not the actual finish line. That's exactly what Mr. Migraine and I were talking about with that article that's posted the page before. Replays almost made it Too casual. There's no sense of accomplishment. I was really proud of myself when I got my T3 set, that stuff was hard. Imagine trying to get a full set of T5 with no replays. People would still be working on finishing sets, lol.
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  4. Treat New Player

    This. If you finish new sets within 24 hours. You feel sense of accomplishment. If you finish new sets after any time after that the reaction from friends/community is something like ABOUT TIME NOOB or Wtf? I grinded that crap ages ago lmfao youre slow. Thus killing any sense of accomplishment.
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  5. Duragon Committed Player

    We can talk about Square Enix all we want. "They'll never do that" "They're different" "Just look at FFXI"... The truth is companies are under a lot of pressure... mainstream or monetary... even pressure to succeed. Even if the mighty Square Enix goes this route we will all lose. I, for one, am going to do everything in my power to stop anything like that from even being a thought, lol
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  6. Treat New Player

    True, but judging from how the main developer guy is refusing to cave in to mics for so long (if you look up his replies to the subject) I'd say if he were to implement something like DCUO has it would be in such a way that it wouldn't hurt the game to the extent DCUO has. o_o
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  7. Duragon Committed Player

    I said what I did above just to keep our minds open, but the developer is a role-player. It's all he does. He believes in the no-mic because it leaves the mystery in the game. And I don't think he will buckle with anything else. FFXI is still subscription on PS2 for the last 13 years. Still has no mic. Still one of the greatest games ever.
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  8. Quagmire New Player

    OMG i just read that the next beta weekend has no specified end!!!!
    That means I can play it more since I work during the weekends alot!
    OMFG I cant wait to get up to a bard!!!!

    Once this game is officially released , so long DC. Might pop in every once in a while to chat with my friends, but when the ps4 comes out and cross game chat works I doubt I will play DC again.

    Wonder if this will finally be the game to take ALOT of players from DC away since it is the first good MMO to be released on consoles since DC.
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  9. Quagmire New Player

    I just read that there might be no mics for the ps3? wth? That is pretty lame if you ask me. Forcing console players to use 3rd party programs on laptops or smartphones to chat with friends is just rtarded no matter what reason the dev's of the game say.
    But if I have to do it I will.......
  10. Treat New Player

    You just noticed? Do you even check the official forums? As a beta tester you have to be up to date on what is going on, and know what they are looking for you to test. Had you done some light reading you'd would've known.

    This is what they want us to try this coming test. They want to make sure it works perfectly.

    Their request was posted here:
    If you got access you can go read it.
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  11. Quagmire New Player

    Sorry but I work alot and dont havent really taken the time to do much of anything. I am at work now on my phone.
    Still sucks about voice chat no matter if you have known or just finding out.

    Personally I am in the Beta to test the game for myself lol. I want to know what I am purchasing before I blindly throw out money. Sure I have tested what I can and have found a few things that I am sure other players have reported, but let's just say I am not a real active forum member there yet. I do not really care what people think about that much at all.

    The duty finder things looks cool. The only thing it cannot account for is grouping you up with stupid players. A player should have an intelligence rating lol.
    Like in DC pugging a troll that power dumps when everyone is full, a dps who cant kill, etc....
  12. Treat New Player

    By the time they are high enough to do the run they HAVE to know their role. Otherwise they cant beat the previous quests. ;P
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  13. Duragon Committed Player

    First, chat divides players like the red sea. In DC, not only is it known that you need a mic to do some raids.... most shout it when looking for members. I have T5 and 144 SP but I have no mic, just my reputation. Do I really have a mic, yes. Do I want to listen to the 15 year old cursing through my piece piercing my eardrum... no thanks. I leave it off unless I know the people I'm running with. Pugging with a mic is a free for all of immaturity that I really dont want to listen to while my kids are in the den playing their DS's with me.... or worse, accidentally hear someone being dumb.

    Second, text chat is perfect for specifics and details when telling them over and over again just doesn't work. They read it, it sinks in. Schools use that method... oh, and so do gamers, because you can't just say you want bow from Vengeance, you actually have to type it so everyone can read it.

    Third, only at endgame content, where an alliance of 16 to 32 people is needed (FFXI guys will understand) should you absolutely "need" mics. When you set up triggers and it takes 30 minutes to kill just ONE boss called Byakko.... yea, maybe mics. If that's the case, then you're serious about the game and you get Ventrillo or whatever else you want.

    Fourth.... chat as lag. Everyone has chat in DC and there more problems and glitches with sound then I can even think to write about right now.

    Fifth, I love the role play mystery behind it. I do. And I'm super sick of some dude finding out that the healer is in real life a girl and he tries to get a date with her or flirts with her the entire raid.... dude, really? You can't be serious.

    Last.... is everyone forgetting that when this game drops on PS4, we'll be able to talk to anyone playing any game at any time? ......
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  14. Duragon Committed Player

    Oh yea, by the way.. talk about dividing gamers.... are you forgetting that the entire world plays on the same servers. You need the auto translate function or you're pretty much on your own
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  15. Duragon Committed Player

    I wish I could find the article but I can't. 99% of the reason is the cross continent, cross platform, cross language thing. There has to be a middle ground for all the communicate in. Just like DC has proven, making mics part of the game before the game community has a chance to "find their identity" so to speak, is suicide for the game. It segregates the community.

    I, for one, learned most of what I know about MMO's to all the Japanese people that played FFXI back in 2002.
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  16. Treat New Player

    Thats why they designate NA EU and JP servers. :eek: Also, the WORLD knows more than 1 language usually.. Except Americans... I know English and Spanish, however, because of Spanish I can understand Portuguese and Italian (generally). French is the iffy one.
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  17. Duragon Committed Player

    They don't designate servers, they "recommend" which servers you should go on, but it's free to choose.
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  18. Treat New Player

    The servers have labels.
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  19. Duragon Committed Player

    btw.. this looks awesome. A lot like the que system but it looks like it will actually work. I like the fact you can check on the status of which jobs you still need for the instance, and the fact that you can pull jobs from other worlds. :)
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  20. Quagmire New Player

    First I agree and disagree with you about chat. I have grouped up with people that do not speak a language I understand in DC and didn't have an issue at all. Sure it could cause some separation but nothing severe. I never heard that issue about DC until you said it.

    What is wrong with wanting to talk to my friends in the game? It does not take away any mystery of the game. It makes it more enjoyable to be able to chat with friends while grinding. Sometimes I log into DC just to talk to my league mates and not even play the game.

    Text chat sometimes goes by so fast that once you type it, it disappears into nothingness. So voice chat would work well getting a point across too.

    The lag issue? While I cannot say for sure there has to be a way to circumvent this. DC has issues with chat that the devs just do not care to ever fix. I am sure other companies would be more responsible than these lazy people. For example we still have to adjust chat every log in on ps3 or our ears get blown out. WTF why has this not been fixed?

    The whole girl thing is a silly thing to bring up lol. Isolated incidences should not be a factor whether or not to put voice chat. Also the 15 year old thing too. I am sure there could be an ignore feature like in DC.

    FF14 will not be released for the PS4 until an unknown date in 2014 so the cross game chat cannot be brought into play in the conversation yet either.

    I can understand no voice chat on PC since it is easy to play a game on PC and have Vent running in the background. However to require a console player to use this as well on a PC even though that is not where the game is being played is just silly. Some people do not have a laptop or computer. I have not looked into the smart phone option yet but still not everyone has a smart phone either