EU Servers Dying

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Scuzlbut, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. Scuzlbut Well-Known Player

    The last 2-3 Days are the servers lagy and lagy again!!!
    We got Disconects while Raids / SM or Broker Raids...
    Cant swap Armorys or open Capsules...
    what is DB doing with the $ from all the Keys ??
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    They are pumping it into developing.....wait for it.....MORE TCS!!

    Sorry, but it's probably the truth.

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  3. blackdessert Active Player

    There are lag spikes occurring as we speak (type). Frequently enough to make the game unplayable. Hijacking my own comment to state that fixing this will not redeem you... devs. Fix your damn game.
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  4. Scuzlbut Well-Known Player

    Made my Day ! :D

    yea the game needs realy Support and Fixes not an ugly stats revamp what will kill DC.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think the stats revamp sounds good in theory. Get the game back to a more pure form, make a player's skill matter vs just what gear they have and powerset they run, but in reality they realized that with users now hitting 270+ SP on the regular, many users won't be able to progress much higher (stat wise) where it will matter...all the skill trees will pretty much be exhausted for relevant what's the solution? Stat and tree revamp, give the users a reason to want to get to 300+ SP and then dangle a bunch of 3 star feats out there that they need to spend money to get (via the TCs) creates a reason to spend the money and replays to get the SP.

    Not sure if it will kill DC or not, but you will probably see 2 groups of people leave. The people who came in and just wanted to be top of the board, but now cannot do that will go on to the next game. The long term quality players may also leave out of frustration. With the fact that probably 50-60% of the player base has NO idea how to play a role or do anything other than DPS using a 1234 AM combo, people will get frustrated with the grind of trying to find a good group. We've had almost 2 years of people being carried through everything all the way to endgame content and that will come to the surface when all that easy DPS is gone.

    Just my 2 cents....good luck in the EU.

  6. Trick Dacy Active Player

    i like the fact we are going back to stats matter. i like removal of AM and WM and CR. i like openening the power tree up. thats all i like. the core mechaninc changes they have made SUCK! allot of it just doesn't make any sense. it was such a simple fix. how did we get here?
  7. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Sending them to Columbus Nova of course. I thought everyone knew by now that the paying customers in DCUO are there to feed some of those lazy investment guys....