Dev Discussion Episode 40: Flash to the Future (Raid)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Millbarge, Apr 15, 2021.

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  1. Proxystar #Perception

    This is a feedback thread, both of us are entitled to provide feedback. You don't like it, I don't mind it. The world continues to go around.

    If you've got further issues feel free to flick me a private message :)
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hi all. The sequence of issues here has caused some confusion. Here's a quick rundown and then where we are at as of today (Thursday).


    Since release, the additional challenge levels in elite have had this problem where the stats would be inconsistent. This was an issue with the new tech we got for the challenge levels. We tracked this issue down on live on Monday.

    The short version is that your raid was sometimes taking its challenge stats from whatever latest other instance of the raid had just launched on the server cluster you were on, not from the challenge level you actually chose.

    Example: You're in challenge mode five and you're getting wrecked. You die, wipe, and start again. Now the fight seems much easier - because another group just started the raid *not* on level five and you are now fighting against those easier stats.

    This made the raid too hard and too easy at the same time. Too hard if you got the proper, intended stats; too easy if you wiped and got another raid's easier stats. Primarily, this meant that when working correctly, we had the defense stats for your foes tuned too high.

    This was difficult to track down - one of those things that needed the population of the live environment to show - and I am sorry for the delay.


    YESTERDAY (Wednesday): We tuned the defense stat and other parts of the elite raid to be somewhat easier. Remember, when you got the correct stats, feedback so far has been that the raid was nigh impossible. These were the specific notes:
    • Neurocrawlers now move slower.
    • Brainiac's Pulse Beam now ticks for less damage.
    • Brainiac should now reset at proper Health Levels.
    • Defense Levels have been reduced in the Brainiac Elite Levels.
      • The Defense levels should be applied in Elite levels. We are continuing to investigate why they are not applied correctly all of the time.
    • Adds in Elite Levels have their damage reduced slightly.

    TODAY (Thursday): Today's hotfix is expected to fix the issue with those inconsistent stats. This is somewhat of a bandaid fix in that we configured the world to run only one instance of this raid per server cluster.

    Without other instances of the raid on the same cluster - or, nearby essentially - there won't be anything but your own raid and challenge level choice to pull stats from.

    A permanent fix for the tech itself will come online when it is ready and tested.

    NEXT (The Future): From today on, we are looking for your feedback on how the raid and each challenge level is tuned.

    Which levels are too easy now? Which are too hard? As always, this is very subjective. Please try to describe your group and your experience, and make sure to mention specifically which level you were attempting.

    Much of the feedback prior to these fixes today is a jumble based on us and you not understanding the issue. We want this elite+ raid to be extremely challenging at the highest level, but also still beatable by skilled groups.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I think it should go without saying that fighting a boss, wiping, and coming back so that it is easier is...not the intended gameplay we were going for.
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  4. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Thanks Mepps and everyone else involved. Will take a few runs at it with the crew this weekend. And try full 10yr maxed toons for some and our alts to have a few different group builds to get all the feedback we can. Hopefully you guys find the right balance and make most everyone happy.
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  5. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I think your impression of current issues that the community is bringing forth is misled. I'd take another read at my post in the Gotham section thread and my post mentions that his cone attacks are hitting as 360s and his charge hits for nothing sometimes and literally one shots both WHEN BLOCKING. It isn't consistent in it's scaling. My league mates said the same thing and witnessed it first had. They are PSN as I'm PC. So they dont know how to access the forums like I do. The problem IS there, and suggesting that players are trying to nerf a raid into the ground is counterproductive. I hope you guys keep looking into the raid and I thank you for all you do to give us functional content. :)
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This kind of feedback if seen today and after would be perfect to post in this official feedback thread.

  7. zNot Loyal Player

    Maybe he meant that the latest hotfix nerfed certain attacks and adds.
  8. Yaiba Committed Player

    About neurocrawler (critical version), can you make the damage debuff work on it so players can survive its attack (debuff + block)? I would like to see more option to handle that specific add rather than just roll away.
  9. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    We aren't looking for nerfs, we are looking for consistency with the same attacks hitting sometimes for nothing and then hitting for everything while blocking ( I'm looking at you Brainiac Charge) and cone attacks which are supposed to be a 180 degrees cone hitting as 360 degree attacks (his jet rocket flare hitting players behind him). We don't want nerfs, that isn't what we want. The raid was fine pre-patch the first few days and now it seems things have gone awry. So I can't stress this enough, I appreciate your work. We want fixes, not nerfs. If you got a link for the official feedback thread I'll be sure to leave my feedback there so we can get some headway.
  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I haven’t seen people go down when behind him but can definitely confirm several instances of it killing people well outside of either side of the cone. And I’m not just talking about players who rolled out but also players who already were outside when it popped up and stayed there thinking they were safe. I kinda just chalked this up to a common DCUO thing as we saw this with the Eye of Ekron’s large red circle attack, The Sea Beast in the Corum Rath fight, Dawn Breakers “safe circle” mechanic in PCe and a few more that I’m forgetting right now. It seems we’ve always had to pretend the “danger” areas are 10%-15% larger than what we see. It would be nice if this could get fixed though.
  11. TheWrecker Well-Known Player

    Ran this a few times with my league last night. I believe it's working as intended.
  12. jolaksi Well-Known Player

    Severe and Critical (maybe Substantial too but not likely) level Brainiac has meaningless defense stat. Other than avoiding crawlers, the fight on these levels are just about escaping unbalanced pulse beams(I say unbalanced because sometimes they 1 shot sometimes they dont on critical. so idk what is intended), blocking his charge, escaping from mortar and avoiding boss' rings. The defense buff just makes the boss plain boring and "unending" boss fight.

    Random one shots are still there(Floating-bouncing balls). Those are either from brainiac turrets or from some adds.

    Also the way how Brainiac was "easy" even on critical and with the random 1 shots from the balls, I hardly see No Death feat will be possible with that extend end randomness of the fight.

    Sum up: Defense stat needs tuning down. Marginally on Severe and Critical levels.
  13. Revelatiøn Active Player

    I totally disagree with this, you are talking about the 4th and 5th level of the elite raid defence buff or health buff is the same thing, this is suppose to be challenging it’s the last two rounds! There 0 need for nerfs, all mechanics are avoidable the long fight will make it very hard to get the no death feat bits it’s 100 point feat is suppose to be hard and really challenge otherwise it wouldn’t be 100 points. Currently the last 2 rounds are perfect challenging and will make the no death feat a real treat to do! We just finally got the raids fixed and everything so far about critical is literally critical! The pulse beam random one shot needs to be looked at though because some of them once shot with first tick of damage apart from that it’s perfect.
  14. Y3ti New Player

    If you can solotank the supposedly hardest Difficulty, it should be even more buffed...

    Highest Difficulties like Stage 4 and 5 should be played with at least 2 Tanks, maybe 3. Stage 1-3 ok can be easy enough for quick runs.
    If you can play it with 1 Tank, its not difficult enough in my opinion :/
    If it was supposed to go in Survival Mode direction, but thats just my opinion \o/
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  15. Scytthe Well-Known Player

    I don’t agree with 3 tanks, but 2 healers or 2 tanks yes.

    I hope the next dlc will be hard aswell, with more mechanics.
  16. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    Can we get an update on this?

    I just attempted a feat run for both the Multiplicity Evasion and the Centrifuge feats and we have come up with nothing.

    - We attempted to avoid red strifing
    - We attempted to not take any damage from the shield barrier that Brainiac forms when he goes in the middle
    - We thought what about the spinning attack that Brainiac does to charge someone, we still didn't get any feats

    I understand that people are getting these feats randomly but that doesn't explain HOW. All of the wording on these two feats do not lineup with the damage taken in the raid. Can we please get some clarification?
  17. Yaiba Committed Player

    2 tanks make the raid easier, the group won't have to worry about adds anymore :D
  18. Y3ti New Player

    You dont understand^^
    What i meant was, that it should be so difficult that you can not run it with 1 Tank at all;)
  19. Miserable Dedicated Player

    In Critical, the damage from Brainiac's Pulse Beam has been inconsistent. I've had some Pulse Beams hit me for 40k per tick, others for 80k per tick, and some for 160k per tick (my entire health bar). This was all in the same run.
  20. Scytthe Well-Known Player

    I totally agree with this, I really enjoy stage 4 and 5, and the mechanics are good you have to actually always position yourself in a smart way.

    My big issue? I’m sure the next raids aren’t gonna follow the FFE model and be extremely boring again like COUE and fgse for exemple.

    I wish for raids with différents stages where stage 4 and 5 is atleast MINIMUM as hard as FFE stage 5, and that would require 2 tanks or 2 healers or both.
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