Electric Solo healing tips?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by gloomy galleon, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. gloomy galleon New Player

    I've been seeing a lot of groups ask for a solo healer in the T5 raids and while I've only healed FOS 3 by myself, I think eventually I'm going to have to get in a group that wants me to solo heal. I'm not sure how that would work as an electric DPS because I don't have many reliable HoT moves or group shields. If you guys have any tips or load out / power move suggestions I will gladly listen.
  2. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    I've solo healed both t5 as electric. My loadout was galvan, egen, iconic, invig, bio cap, bio surge. I keep egen up at all times. The secret is not to put it on the tank but put it on something close to the tank so the tank can potentially get the double heal instead of the single. I loved the green pumpkin for this. Get used to clipping bio surge with cap when needed. You can go surge, cap, surge for a great 3 man heal almost instantly. Make sure you use cap a lot cause that safety net is really important. Also I'd suggest the extended sc chest mod cause invig will be a life saver when solo healing. I use iconic drain. Many people don't like it because of the long cast time but I find it a must when solo healing. It is the only non sc 8man heal that doesn't require spacing. Just learn to time it. Try to anticipate damage
  3. gloomy galleon New Player

    I'm sorry but I only understood some of that. What is cap? And by invig do you mean the super charge invigorate? I usually get the other one that puts a shield around everyone. Is that not better to protect from damage? I will try ionic drain to see it. I usually go for arc lightning because the more ads means the more heals, but I guess there are not many ads in the T5 raids?
  4. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    sorry was typing on my phone and i get lazy and use dc slang. cap is bio capacitor. invig is invigorate. I liked group tranducer but invigorate gives power, heals and puts a 35% safety net on the whole group which is awesome for solo healing. arc lighting is great but doesn't usually hit everybody. if you're not a fan of electrogenesis then you can run arc and clip it into iconic for a great heal. The problem with electric is most group heals need proper spacing but iconic doesn't. as long as you have proper spacing and good timing electric is a good solo healer
  5. gloomy galleon New Player

    Okay thanks. How does electrogenesis work exactly? I know it heals me and 2 people over time but how does it pick? Is it random or the two closest?
  6. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    it picks the closest person to you. it can heal the whole group if everyone is close. it puts a heal over time on you and the closest person to you. anybody around the person with the h.o.t receives heals. if your next to both people who have h.o.t you get two heals over time. you can also place a h.o.t on a non playable character(such as pumpkin). what i like to do is call in my pumpkin and use e-gen. My pumpkin will start attacking the boss so the tank gets heal and i will get close so the tank gets double heals. Or use e-gen on the the tank and back away to the middle of the group. anyone close to the tank gets heals and anyone around me so i liked to stay in the back if i didn't place the h.o.t on the pumpkin.