dose flight have anything like whirling dirvish?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Revan3200, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Revan3200 New Player

    i have ben thinking of switching to supper speed for WD but if flight has the same thing y switch so if any one knows if flight dose plz let me know.
  2. Jax Prime New Player

    Hmm, ive been pondering the same. SS seems to be much more useful than Flight. I would have thought whirlwind would be similar but it isnt.

    Curious too :p
  3. Radium Devoted Player

    If there was then you could be sure someone would be on here calling it OP, possibly an acrobat.

    But really, no, nothing like WD. There's a great SC and a few nice CC/pull moves, but nothing like the power sucker.
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  4. Dump Truck New Player

    Flight does not have a power that will make you fall down if someone in a 360 degree radius remotely near you blocks. No power in flight's or acrobat's trees will make you fall down if blocked.
  5. Ogat New Player

    I see what You did there .
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  6. MARK2099 New Player

    WD is only useful for pve in instances where adds don't block, other that that is a useless power for both pve/pvp, unless you want to switch movement for pvp purpose since ss is easier for kite.
  7. Madholm New Player

    Calling WD useless in PvE??? LMAO.

    There are only a couple of NPC packs in raids that will block you and most of them are not melee friendly. Please pass me some of what you are smoking if you think WD is useless in PvE. It's a massive dps gain as long as you can melee and have enough power from trollers.