Do people who sub on PS3 have access to test server on PC?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by sonryo21, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. sonryo21 New Player

    But when you do upgrade your laptop you could run it then lol anyways hopefully a dev does respond to why they haven't done it yet.
  2. Cloud_9 New Player

    As I remember from the last time this was brought up, it's something to do with the PlayStation privacy agreement. Which, honestly, is a load, because as it has been pointed out, Valve and Square seem to get away with it.

    The truth of the matter probably circles around to monetary reasons. They only have so many people working there, and can only pay so many people. Some are working on bugs. Some power revamps. Some on new powers, some for new content, etc. And way down on the bean pole comes "Server integration and test for ps3 users". They don't have the resources to do it, and they probably aren't allowed to say so. Instead they gives us easily solved excuses (Station Cash is different from PSN wallet? Then just have the PSN wallet buy Station Cash), hoping we will stop asking. But we won't. At least not the people who want this game to be great.
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  3. sonryo21 New Player

    I'm glad you can see why I brought this up:)