Do No Harm

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kid Multiverse, Nov 26, 2018.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    And you saw that in his post and story where exactly? No that's right it's not in there... he said the group leader kicked all 3; obviously a lie.

    Although technically possible what you've described takes so much effort to organize that it probably rarely occurs to the point its not even remotely an issue.
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  2. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Here's how I've seen it go down.

    Vote to kick-> people vote, maybe one refrains if there are enough.
    Invite league member, they get in, they initiate the next vote to kick which people vote on.
    Invite league member -or- player swaps out for an alt. They get in and initiate the next vote then swap back if need to.

    It's neither far fetched nor all that rare, sadly

    I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming he's lying. Especially as it's someone I recognize as a long, longtime player who seems to be a nice person, a good team member when grouped and pleasant to be around. It's not a stretch to guess that he didn't go into excruciating detail with the kick process in the incident that happened in his raid.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I've seen this myself but you missed Proxy's point.
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  4. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Not at all, addressed above.

    And really, this is not rare. There are a couple leagues who specialize in this.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    If that were the issue surely he'd go to enough effort to post the exact details of what occured would not the fact that a league made an extensive effort to come in and decimate the group not be considered a crucial piece of information.

    If i was describing how it went down I'd not have ommitted such a crucial detail especially when omitting it makes your entire story look like a load of nonsense.

    You can believe him if you like, I'm not going to though because i think any person who was reasonably trying to express a piece of toxic behavior would have made that immensly crucial piece of information far more highlighted.

    And i also don't believe you that this is not rare, that's your word against mine but im sticking to it, i don't think it happens nearly as much as you're trying to assert.
  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Sorry, what?

    If you vote yes, you can initiate another vote instantly. Only the person initiating the vote goes on CD. You're welcome to check if you want.
  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Sure, that's your prerogative, of course. I have no reason to exaggerate something like that and I can't imagine why the poster you're saying is lying would make something like that up either.

    Heck, Lorax posted that he's seen it happen *shrug*

    Anyway, the overall theme of the thread is to just be decent to each other. And maybe giving one another the benefit of the doubt is a great place to start that, especially at this time of year :)
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Unless you were in muellersascha's group and speak to the specifics of what happened, you have addressed nothing. You and Protektor did however give muellersascha enough details to back track and change his story...
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  9. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

  10. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Okay, that does it.

  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Unfortunately untrue. Once you initiate or cast your vote, you are locked for 3 hours.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    No all the people that vote yes go on a cool down. You are incorrect.

    And no it hasn't changed it has been this way since the CD was introduced ;)
  13. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    Not sure how the central point of being nicer to each other got derailed.
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  14. Proxystar #Perception

    Ah but the poster didn't say it, you've just put the scenario out there, effectively putting words into his mouth, he never said it was that scenario you described and in fact I'd have no doubt he wouldn't come back now and say

    "What Kid multiverse said"... because its the only way for his impossible story to now have any credibility whatsoever.

    And since you've placed it in front of him without him saying it for himself no one will now ever know whether it has any credibility whatsoever.

    Im also not saying it doesn't happen im just saying it happens so very little that's its not even worth a mention.
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Someone told a tall tale, someone fact checked, someone else tried to fact check the fact checker and BOOM derailed.
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  16. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I find this really to be such a wacky, even paranoid way to view all of this. Why would he do something like that do you think?
  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Why would he do what? Make a story up about toxic behavior?

    Who knows? People love to grandstand about how toxic this community is, not realising that many games are actually way worse.

    People might get kicked for lack of skill and people might give people a bit of stick, but at least people aren't reported and banned for going afk or reported and banned for lack of skill.
  18. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    It does seem like a few folks are much more invested in creating a kooky "gotcha" narrative out of nothing rather than actually address poor behavior in the community and how we can come together to improve it.

    People behave badly everywhere. People behave badly in other games. People get kicked for terrible reasons and for legitimate reasons. None of those, in my opinion, are good reasons to avoid taking care of our own backyard here. DCUO is not a huge community. At the very least, we all have something in common-- we love the game (or at least aspects of it). Why not focus on that as a jumping off point for us to just be better to each other?

    And in making this thread about poor behaviors, that doesn't erase any of the decency, kindness and generosity I've seen members of the DCUO community exhibit over the years. Calling out the bad stuff doesn't mean the good stuff isn't there too. Another nice thing to remember :)
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Except for the fact that people generally tend to be super sensitive these days and seemingly get outright incensed at any confrontational interaction or remark made against them.

    What should be good too is if people shared full stories and especially not fake ones. In fact if people think terms have been breached and behavior has become toxic they would be better served reporting said behavior to Daybreak and just moving on.

    I'd actually go as far as saying these threads don't really have a beneficial or meaningful purpose other than to whip up hysteria and try to create a mob mentality in an attempt to prop up the person that feels aggrieved.

    Truth is if you want to talk about positive behavior you'd make a thread about good things you'd seen and that would have been the focus, not a thread highlighting numerous things you subjectively feel aggrieved about that are probably, if not actually certainly only half true.

    This sort of stuff is pretty much the same as running off to "mom" screaming "that guy stole my toy".

    I think you have to remember to there are going to be diverse interactions in an online video game that is played by thousands of people rotating around the dynamics and individual circumstances present with each individual interaction, not every interaction is going to go as planned and it is highly likely numerous interactions will subjectively offend someone.

    This isn't unikitty online and this isn't the rainbow kingdom, that isn't to say rules should be broken by any means but it is a reality check that perhaps a person shouldn't go around expecting everyone to basically float around on unicorns handing out candy floss. ;)
  20. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Not at all :)

    Of course there's plenty of room between being a polyanna and having an honest conversation about bad behavior. It's silly and minimizing to pretend that anyone expects or believes DCUO is going to become Mr Rogers' Neighborhood (although wow, did anyone see that documentary? He was actually kind of incredible!) But really, it's important to identify this stuff as much as it is to act on it and to highlight the good stuff.

    Fortunately this thread doesn't contain any sort of half stories or fake ones. I've really appreciated people sharing their honest, truthful and complete accounts of their own experiences with toxic behavior in game.

    And this thread isn't about being "offended." It's about being decent. And that's something we should all be striving for!