DLC7 New Gear styles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Deviant, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    I'm not scrolling through 15 pages to see if you were ever responded to, but it's MA - Bare hands.
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  2. Jerick New Player

    Some of the pieces look similar to what we already have in game.
  3. Emily19 New Player

    So please create any NORMAL armor.. from dlc.. or any other... NORMAL
  4. Breen New Player

    Good news for Marvels Hawkeye fans, his armor is displayed in the watchtower along with the pvp gear, they added a cape. Hop on test and take a look, its really close.
  5. Comixfan Committed Player

    You could still easily do "inspired by" suits that aren't bulky, clunky suits of armour.

    As I said before, most heroes & villains don't wear armoured suits yet it's all we get to choose from.
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  6. Gatx94 New Player

    Black Manta, and Harley's styles look best.

    3rd is Huntress's style.
  7. Comixfan Committed Player

    So will either faction have access to all styles, or are there some that are hero only & some that are villain only?

    The only gear I want from that is the Black Manta "inspired" suit, so hopefully it's not villain only!
  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    We can bring up all the great idea for individual style pieces, full head to toe styles, etc in the Project Runway thread that was on the old dcuo forums. We can bring up the past and present style requests by the community from the old and current forums. We can bring up all the Iconics and their inspired themes/designs and what not. And there were and are a ton of great suggestions.

    Players have screamed for golden era, silver era classic looks etc. Have screamed for an assortment of capes, cape and cowl combos, popped collar capes etc... And about popped collar capes? Are popped collar capes similar to the green aura? Meaning their is a licensing obstacle to plow through? 2 years, 2 stinkin years and no popped collar capes? ffs.

    About Project runway thread and posts. There were a ton of great idea for styles and to have some of those styles used as accessories, if I recall on the latter. Its like they perused through the thread. Jotted down whats the worst, very mediocre, voted on them as the worst and churned out the bandito, and buckaroo styles. (Which I happen to like most of the pieces in them)

    I dont know how the buckaroo and bandito styles sold, or if sales were low... But I get the feeling its like "see we looked at all pages, all styles mentioned, made some of what the community mentioned and it didnt pan out like we thought"

    and then to some what follow that up with "we seen what players were asking for for Iconic themed styles... well here they are. Black Manta, Aqua Man, Harley, and Huntress and yall still are complaining and dont like these]. [insert business 101 platitudes Marvel mentioned here]

    To take what players want style (and / or content) wise is great. It shows youre listening and engaging with the community. But to take various suggestions (speaking styles here for this thread) and make them look cheap, stupid, lame, and go " we cant please everyone etc etc " is a disservice to everyone involved. Maybe a little drastic saying a disservice, idk.

    Perfect example of this is right here in this thread.

    "Hey we're adding Black Manta and Aqua Man inspired styles"

    Community: "hey! alright! awesome! cant wait to see them. I remember seeing suggestions about Manta.. oh boy!"

    "pic of the Black Manta suit - mentions villain side only"

    Community: " FNAWESOME DEVS WOW YOU nailed thats awesome!!!! - heroes gives props, grumble that its the awesome looking and wish it was cross faction"

    "Wow Im glad yall like that. We really went to the drawing board and wanted these to be really great looking etc etc etc. Wait til you see Aqua Man"

    Now hopes are running high to a degree. If they made Black Manta look that awesome.. I cantfnwait to see Aqua Man inspired gear...oh man.

    "pic of Aqua Man inspired gear - mentions hero only"

    Community: "w intheF happened? jfc you kidding me? that sucks, very cheap and pathetic looking and other comments on how it is"

    Then added is the Lex and Batman reveals with that notion that their styles and looks being T5 or game drops... then you see the actual T5 and its like buying a pizza at papa johns and papa johns gives you a pizza thats from the grocery store, the cheap value pizza with the small handul of pepperoni dices. Its like buying cologne at Walmart and someone there pulled a switcharoo and swapped eu de walmarte' and gave you doe urine hunting scent to wear. Its like getting a wad of cash handed to you, you know its a fistful of money, a lot of it, and finding out its a Munson wad of cash.

    I really hope there are more T5 styles to chose from in this dlc. If that T5 shown is all you have show after waiting up to 15 months... whatta shame. I really hope the two raids and ops dont reflect the length of speed feat time Prime and Gates.

    /end long diatribe
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  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Booster Gold set is cross-faction. Aquaman/Huntress are hero, Manta/Harley are villain.
  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I think a better term than "notion" would be "assumption." More than a few people jumped to conclusions and/or made assumptions about what the gear would be before the devs actually revealed anything about the gear.

    As for the gear appearances, one side always seems to get favored. It took forever (or at least it seemed like it LOL) before Rebel players in SWG got an armor set that the Imperial players were actually envious of. Sometimes, it's just a matter of the grass seeming greener on the other side of the fence.
  11. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I believe it is...

    That said I think they should open up the original basic and 3 pvp styles per faction as cross faction.
  12. Marykate&ashley New Player

    Bet there tier 3.5 gear pve bought with new marks in a place like central city.
  13. Kurokei Well-Known Player

    You know this how?
  14. raaddd Well-Known Player

    Because the devs said so.
  15. Try Hard Well-Known Player

    Although it is a bit disappointing that it's not future batman/lex inspired stuff,I can work with mixing and matching the huntress/booster inspired items with my existing styles.Would love to rock the Black Manta armor but alas I am a hero.
  16. Kurokei Well-Known Player

    Where? Cause I want a pair of those Harley inspired shoes for a few of my hero characters.
  17. indee2025 New Player

    I applaud you for responding. You could have just blown it off but you didn't and that is progress in my book.
    I have heard the devs explain themselves until they are blue in the face about the decision to not have a green aura in game and I believe players who read their explainations can understand the difficulty in releasing content derived from popular characters witin the DC Comics Universe.
    I think what players were expecting was along the lines of the Tech (Batman) T2 armor...or captain cold's furred hood, or Flash's boots, Mr.Freeze's Cryo Tank, Spandex that resembles something more in touch with the characters from DC without actually giving us the exact makeup such as devs/designers had done with tertiary slimeline...the farther you can get away from styles being mistaken for World of Warcraft/ medieval/ robotocised junk the better. I think this DLC tier armor just resembles the dissapointments from the past. T1, T2 and T3 armor in my opinion, were the best looking.
    Also only getting one additional at the T3 area in meta wing is highly dissapointing.
  18. Emily19 New Player

    Take and create.
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  19. Skyfall New Player

    Welp. Looks like another set I will be using like 1-2 pieces style wise. Haha.

    Like the punch line feet looking like converse.

    Like the huntress feet too. And hands.

    Black manta is pretty boss.

    That's all I like.
  20. Kurokei Well-Known Player

    That's why I wanted then for my hero characters.