Devs:Stat clamp to old content is quite obtuse

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AJPro, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    It’s funny that you say you signed up and earned the right to those stats. Yet when you sign up it you signed a contract that said they have the right to change anything and that you didn’t own anything. Just because you don’t like an argument doesn’t mean you are right. Content is easier under the clamp than when it is in EG. That is a fact. Stat piercing allows you to continue to be stronger as you get more sp. That is a fact. You can still steamroll most content. That is a fact. Regardless of how you feel about the clamp, these are statistical facts.

    I’m not saying every instance is perfect. Some content is still overturned and needs to be looked at. And some content will always be harder because of mechanics but this false illusion that you earned any right to one shot and breeze through content is misguided and based (for the most part) on players not being good and wanting to mask that with one shot, or players just wanting to take the lazy route
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I remember when it took months to gear up enough to even beat khandaq and how much of an accomplishment it was at the time. oh how far we have fallen these noobies just have no clue what they are talking about and still feel entitled to what ever they want.
  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    follow your heart
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    They are my stats. I earned them by myself. Plus I pay yearly for my membership so nothing is just given to me. I financially support this game, and I do so in other ways besides just membership. You’re argument to the contrary is baffling to me. If I don’t have any rights to the stats or anything else I legally obtained then what the heck and I even spending my time & money on?

    You know what, let’s just do away with all stats period. Each and every mission or dungeon or whatever you want to call it has a fixed X amount of stats each an every player gets the same. You have to have completed the prior missions before you can advance to the next.

    Does that sound good? Everybody gets to be equal and not new or returning players will have their game time ruined by some mean old High CR player at End Game. This should satisfy the pro stat crowd, we will be totally nerfed so that the purity of game play will not be tainted by out leveled people with their +15 CR and teeny-tiny stat bleed.
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  5. shoegazer Well-Known Player

    It's funny how the same people when talking about the same thing (the clamp) say things like "you need to actually EARN feats" then turn around and say you didn't EARN anything

    And they wouldn't like what you're suggesting, they wouldn't be able to feel like top **** anymore with their 600-700 SP they got before the clamp..

    because they EARNED it..or didn't EARN it?
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    What does pay for membership or spending money have anything to do with the clamp? You spending money gives you no right to get anything else. You get exactly what you pay for. Nothing more, nothing less. If you buy membership than the membership unlocks the perks and discounts that come with the membership. You are not buying any rights to do anything else. Thats a very corrupt way of looking at things. "I spend money so I should be allowed to do anything I want". If you buy a style with money than you get the style. The contract you sign clearly states they have the right to change any item in game as they see fit. If you did not like that than why sign the contract?

    And there is the fit. I want my stats or just go to the extreme and just take everything away from everyone... Under the clamp everyone is not put to the same stats. You have more SP than you have more stats. You have better gear than you have more stats. That is what piercing does. You or someone mentioned a +40cr should be put for the clamp. If thats the case than the pierce should be removed. And the content going into EEG should not be adjusted to be easier. One thing you and others dont realize is that the pierce allows you to be stronger than the +40 cr. under the EEG status than when the content was in EG. so this "Teeny-tiny bleed" is false. But sure, keep taking things personal. If you actually want to help the EEG be adjusted properly than actually run things and give actual feedback instead of boycotting it and continuing to biased feedback based on misconceptions.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Most people with 600+ SP got there while the content is relevant. People wouldn't be able to be 700 without doing so. Nice try thou.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I'd settle for the 'role' tutorial missions. You can't then play that role till you've completed the mission...just like you can't play it till you are level 12 or whatever now and you can't buy cats from John C till you run the arti mission. Good or bad, I'd know someone in Troll role at least had to throw a debuff once....maybe only once, but they did it.

    Artis, augs, allies and loadouts are so subjective (although there are 'meta' builds MOST will settle on), I don't think DBG should teach those. A bit more info on what each do (the popup system might be good for that), but how are they realistically going to have a tutorial saying 'This is the Distiul Refractor (sp?)'s a tank artifact that offsets incoming damage...but don't use it because there are 3 or 4 better ones out there'.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its difficult to point the issues with this out if youre gonna call me mean for calling you out on this post lol.
  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I definitely agree about the roles. I proposed an idea while back to add a tutorial to the opening mission (ship) that changed based on your power. IE, tank powers learned about pulling and maintaining aggro. Healers learn about healing, and trolls learn about debuffs and giving power. It was not received as I thought it would lol.

    As for DPS tutorial, I don't mean giving advice on what to do but more about what types of attacks there are. Some clip, some do DoT, some do burst damage, some set up PI, some take advantage of said PI, and even one showing supercharges. So while I do agree that the tutorial should not advice on actual loadouts (cause metas change) there are some things that players can be taught.

    Regarding artifacts, I agree that they can not advice what artifacts to use, however they could have pop ups that point towards key areas. Like it does with nth already (I think). It can show players to scroll to the recommended arts to see what other arts were designed to work with them. Or even point to the role it is recommended. I believe I said it before in this or another thread where I ran into a tank that had the orb and claw arts. I asked why they had it and they said that they thought it would help them. Maybe a pop up that shows a different artifact like the claw for example and show how they have different requirements like needing to use an ability to cast it or needing to be in a certain roll for it to activate.

    I dont really think Augments are that subjective. Have 4 of the same augment. Healer goes green, troll blue, tank purple, might dps red, and prec dps yellow. I have seen so many players go with a rainbow thinking it helps them more than 4 of the same augments. Now, are there exceptions? Of course, like Fire tanks using resto augments. But for the most part its pretty standard.
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  11. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    I think most of that all should come from a player saying ok I'm going to be playing this game now so I better know some stuff about it and taking personal responsibility. go to YouTube go to the forums and learn a little about your powers learn a little about what you should be doing.

    I don't spend more than 100 dollars on something IRL with out researching the crud out of it. a game really isn't that different.

    if they don't do even that little then shame on them and they disserve to be as horrible as they can be until they take a little actions on their own. we cant tell people what to do but any reasonable person doesn't want to fail at things
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  12. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It doesn't mattter how reasonable or logical the counterargument is, some of these people just don't want any counterargument at all. They simply want the Stat Clamp GONE, so that they can have their easy feat-runs & daily mid-raid nap gameplay back. They're like kids at the Supermarket, stomping and screaming on the ground because their parents told them "NO!".

    There is give and take in situations like this, but people are being unreasonable expecting the better paycheck without the proper work.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I would not want the tutorial on the ship. It should hit around level 20 or so...about the same as artifacts and when you can start running event content (maybe 15?....or a level before?). Lets face it, you don't need to be a tank, troll or healer to run content from don't even need to be a decent DPS. You need it when you start running group content, which arguably is around 10 or 12 or when the alerts start, but realistically it's when you start queueing into event content or hit 30 and start T1 runs. I don't personally care if you are the worlds worst player as long as you are doing your solo leveling missions....I only start caring when I'll be in a run with you....which starts at event...or level 30.

    You won't even have powers to choose from on the ship, and even at 15 or 20, might be missing key powers for some roles. Explaining things on the shjp then saying 'well, you don't have any of those powers, just remember this later' does nothing. A few DPS moves were already tried and removed, I doubt they'd be added back into the ship. Maybe a DPS tutorial at level 10, with role at level 15 or 20...whenever event access starts now. Ideally I'd say 30, when you have your full power tree unlocked, but people will be in event stuff by then. Even then, the DPS one should be basic. No tutorial should cover clipping or anything more advanced than block break/lunge/melee vs range attack/AOE vs ST/DOT vs burst. That's plenty...let them figure out clipping and arti swapping and what the cheese of the week is on their own.

    As far as arti recommendations, those are already on most of the artis. One thing I think they could do is instead of giving you the current cog/tetra/refractor choice, add the artifacts cache box that lets you choose from all of them, or at least all of them that are not 'earned' in one way or the bottle city soder or solar amp. That would open things up for a better choice at launch and we'd see less low level might dps's rocking cog or trolls using refractor or whatever.

    Augs...let them work themselves out. Yes, more info would be good, but again....I'd settle for the role tutorials first. If some guy wants to run rainbow, he'll figure it out soon enough when people bag on him after inspection. I can't inspect someone's power loadout or see how well they will press the right button at the right time.
  14. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    IMO Role tutorials would have to hit a little late, I think it's not til level 28 when Atomic gets its conal pull. I'm sure there are other crucial late-level abilities too, we'd need to be sure all the tools for the role are available at the level when the tutorial takes place.

    Personally, I'd like to see them added on to the beginning of the "final mentor mission" for each mentor. Have your mentor actually teach you the role! It would be kinda of cool to see how they script Wonder Woman teaching a Controller (quickly! Use your *ability* to debuff the attacks of your enemies! Use your *Group Shield* we can't let Circe win!"), vs. Joker teaching a tank (Burn them! So they'll burn you! We've got to be fair, right Batsy?!)
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  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I understand your points on the ship. My idea back than was actually something that Blessed Unleashed did in that when you were in the opening tutorial section you were given 4 abilties (i think) and it showed you a little about how that class was played while showing you what to do. My idea was something similar in that you did the tutorial while in the pod showing you what your powers did and at the end you broke out of the pod and find it was just brainiacs experiments testing your capabilities.
  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    What does it mean to play a game?
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  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    find enjoyment with your self or others
    spend time towards progression in completing goals set by the game or your self
    have fun in that endeavor
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    Maybe it requires us to be positioned in an angle greater than 90 degrees.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, but I'd want a tutorial to make them actually have to 'choose' a power. If you have 4 buttons to push and push them when the screen says, did you learn anything? I want the screen or whoever is your mentor to tell you to look for your 'GROUP SHIELD' or 'HEALING DEBFUFF' (yes, the text on the power would also need to be updated a touch), or whatever....then equip the power and use it. Again, I don't think any tutorial can make someone a good player...especially ready for endgame. But it can make you at least realize some powers do different things, and those certain things come into play at different times. I'd be happy just knowing that anyone playing a role had to do the correct thing 1 or 2 times to pass the tutorial. I'd guess that would be better than 75% of what we see in some runs. I'd let the 'every time' sort it self's the first one that's the hardest or never gets done.

    I've been in groups where there's a troll (happens a lot in OW bounties or events) and you can go the whole fight never seeing a debfuff on the boss or seeing a dump power heal. POT just happens, so it would be hard to not do that (weapons only?)...but I can't even imagine a random loadout where you would accidentally miss every debuff power (and I'm not picking on trolls...but those debuffs not being thrown are easy to see). That is someone who's never looked at the power definitions or had what a 'debuff' is explained to them. THAT should be mandatory to play a role. I'm talking minimums....not making endgame elite players.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Could be this?

    or this....

    I think it's up to the player to decide.

    So, not the OP's topic, but kind of where things spun to.... Since you've made it so 'everyone' needs to participate in runs now (no OP carries), what about a tutorial system? I think everyone would benefit from that, and it would make clamp/omni runs more palatable for most.
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