Dear Devs: About The 'Accidental Perfection' Feat...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Wht about lobby time ?
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    You need to beat the raid every 15 and a half minutes from when it first came out.
  3. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    He* I have the feat on 3 diff toons on 3 diff platforms in both factions up hill in the snow both ways :)
  4. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

  5. DizzyKraken Developer

    I don't want to interrupt the theories debate, but I had to point out that this is - Of course untrue.
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  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Of course you'd say that! You're just part of the coverup!


    Wake up, sheeple!
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  7. DialH New Player

    Can you explain a couple things then, please?

    1.) Why would you put something so cruel and sadistic in the game?

    2.) Is it reasonable to run Artifacts countless times and not get this feat?

    3.) Would you please consider dumping this from the game and/ or never doing something this frustrating in terms of feats again?
  8. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    • Like x 3
  9. DialH New Player

  10. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    You can wait for it to happen. Just burn the boss to 2-3% health and quickly kill him. I gotten it naturally though. I been in other runs were others gotten it naturally too.
  11. DialH New Player

    I'm not sure what you mean here...
  12. Sin Cattvo New Player

    OMG Best reply ever lol
  13. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    You don't understand that post then I cannot help you.
  14. Lightws Dedicated Player

    I am still finding it funny how people believe its random. Or think theres no patterns etc. As I just got the feat again for a leaguemate for probably the 30th time. Random? I have gotten this feat for 50 different people. Random? riiiiight. As you continue to cry random I will continue to use the patterns in which this feat is built off and continue to get people on USPC more feats.
  15. DialH New Player

    Really? Could you please shed some light on what you're talking about?

    This is the kind of post that makes people call into question the character the DCUO community. Trollish and unhelpful smh
  16. Hraesvelg Always Right

    To say that there aren't random elements at play would be disingenuous. I'm also not going to say it's obvious how to get it. It's sort of like a poker hand. You certainly increase your chances of getting it if you play the hand you're dealt correctly.
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  17. Lightws Dedicated Player

    No what you the DCUO community would like is for someone else to do the legwork while you gander at it and learn that way. I will not fall into the lines of cede trend so what im telling you is LEARN. Not that hard took me 1 month of running this raid to learn the patterns. After you learn the feat will come natural. There are multiple people in the game that have learned it for there respective leagues. But you acting all high and mighty but not willing to learn something is your fault not theres. Has nothing to do with trolling if I wanted to troll you I would just say thats why I actually have the feat and you don't. I have no intention on trolling you.
  18. DialH New Player

    "High and mighty"? You're the one who came in here gloating and condescending. That's trolling. You don't want to help anyone, you just want to lord your luck over people. Pretty gross tbh.
  19. Toren Calduris New Player

    Are you kidding me? OK.. We have devs reading this thread and that's the post the community receives??

    Is it pure luck? Yes or no?

    That type of answer is forbidden knowledge? Glad you're enjoying the debate. Too bad your customers can't get a straight answer to a simple question.

    I have the feat, I have no dog in the race. This type of response is.. despicable IMO.
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  20. DialH New Player

    Like I said, the feat is sadistic, cruel and bizarre.