Deadmeat descriped the new loot system different!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Clip, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Clip New Player

    My problem is that i understood you this way-

    Nexus dropped always 2-3 pieces but u get the boss loot for all yourself with the new loot system. that means 2 and when your lucky 3 pieces just for you. Maybe off role but ok...

    Now like i tried to descripe almost everyone in my group received 1 piece! If you ad now that it can be off role the chances to get something nice is way smaller than it used to be before that update. I never saw 1 piece and nothing else from a main boss in t5 raids. That means in organized groups u were able to communicate with your team and get what u needed.
    So we had always 2+ drops on a main boss and kf noone rolled ninja it was all good.

    Again deadmeat my point is if i get a complete boss loot, that means the last boss in nexus cant give 1 single piece and thats it. I never did nexus and the whole team had to roll on 1 piece
  2. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    Loot system is the same as before except no rolls!! Game decides who gets what and could be anything, which hopefully drops some of these ridiculous prices for certain items!!
  3. DeadMeat Well-Known Player

    It is the same loot tables. So what is dropping for each individual is the same as was dropping for the entire group before.
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  4. DeadMeat Well-Known Player

    All sub bosses as well.

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  5. XODUIS Committed Player

    Ran Nexus. Not one single troll piece while all my other teammates got some type of troller gear. Really i dont see why people thought this would be good. Seems like mostly the DPS' were QQ because they'd get occasionally ninja'd by an excited noob. I mean i have yet to get ninja'd in the t5 raids so i cant complain. But this what everyone wanted. If iwanted gear i'd just salvage, id run the solos and lower lvl content. I like the ability to at least ROLL on my gear, rather than be handed a 85 tank back. As for the guy that said its better than noting. How? im still not progressing stat wise, just salvaging more gear. 87 replays to salvage. Thx DCUO
  6. Clip New Player

    I simply cant believe that i had 50+ "lucky" runs with more than one piece dropped by the main boss before that update went live- and just now a regular normal 1 piece loot like it could have been dropped before anytime in that over 50 runs is comming right after the new loot system went live. And on top 5 of my group members experienced the same.
  7. Kristyana New Player

    That didn't take long, did it?
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  8. Radium Devoted Player

    So can anyone else confirm that they changed the last bosses tables to only drop one piece, on the reg I mean.
  9. XODUIS Committed Player

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  10. Ultimate Alpha Well-Known Player

    Yeah..."equality for all, means injustice for some." Tanks get screwed here. people only want one tank per raid anyway - at least with the prior loot system, the tank (who had to linchpin the whole raid by him or herself) at least was assured that if a tank piece dropped - they would get it. Now, there is no guarantee for the tank. If it drops, it might go to anyone of the other 7 people. Even under the old system, you could only get ninja'd by, at most, 3 other people. Huge thumbs down to this system.

    The randomness should end at the loot table. if 5 pieces drop, the same 5 pieces should go to all players in the raid. Full stop. OR, make every piece of gear unattuned. Make the drops random, but useful, at least.
  11. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    No, round robin would be each person takes a turn getting loot, this is guarenteed loot for everyone everytime... you just might get loot you don't need, where another guy gets what you need and he doesn/t

    Still way more loot for the raids. Still awesome

    Deadmeat THANK YOU:D
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  12. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    What is so hard to understand?

    Like DeadMeat said, the loot tables have not changed.

    With the old system, the drops from the last boss in Nexus were random. The drop could have included 1 86 piece, 1 level V plan, and 1 focusing element V and the whole group would have rolled on those 3 items. Or your group could have been lucky enough to get a drop that included 2 87 pieces, 1 expert plan, 1 86 weapon, and 1 focusing element and again, the whole group would've rolled on those items.

    With the new system, every single person in the raid gets their own full loot package from the last boss which is randomized. Whatever you get in your inventory from the Nexus final encounter post-update could've been what the whole group would've had to roll on pre-

    And like before the update, getting a really good drop (87 gear, expert plans) is obviously rarer than getting a crappy drop. Just keep running Nexus and Paradox and you'll get something good. And when you do, you'll be glad you didn't have to roll on it.
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  13. Clip New Player

    Just to clear up 1 thing i dont say i want a guaranteed traces pieces after every boss, but when 6 of 8 people receive 1 random item from the mainboss in nexus and we get told the loot is the same i feel fooled! Everyone who did these t5 raids a couple of times knows that you end up with crap most of the time. But atleast i never saw 1 lonely item in the boss loot, i just watched a few runs in youtube and sorry to tell you deadmeat but the amount of loot has been changed!
  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i predicted these kinds of threads......and so it begins...
  15. XODUIS Committed Player

    you have fun using 87 replays to just salvage loot. im not gonna sit by while the devs scrap pile another "upgrade"
  16. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I still don't get the complaints. even if it's 1 piece at the end vs 2 shared. That's 8 loot drops vs 2 loot drops... heck yeah. No more ninja claims not more fighting over loot, no more drama... heck yeah.
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  17. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I think it's been said by several people, the sad fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter what the devs do, many people will complain because that's what people do...
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  18. XODUIS Committed Player

    Your still using the whole better than nothing perspective, when in actuality it is nothing. All your gonna do is salvage it. The chances of getting your role gear is still 1/8 but now you cant do anything about it. Dont scrap the new loot system just make it optional like the oldloot systems. It'd be called "All for One"
  19. Enzan Committed Player

    From what I've read, Devs and Players alike, loot was supposed to be "Everyone gets a chance at the same loot table separately" - Meaning a range from 2 piece(Gear/Plan/Trinket/FE + Gear/Plan/Trinket/FE) to 4 piece from that loot table of that certain boss or mini boss.

    How much of it is rumor is beyond me, but that's the conclusion I drew up.
  20. XODUIS Committed Player

    and even when i was in Nexus, the people i was with who were looking forward to the new loot system were getting angrier and angrier each boss.