Deadman Can't Jump

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ForeverMan, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

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  2. Brit Loyal Player

    Ran it once. Won't be running it again.

    Much like the original Valentine's Day 'jump on the bouncing hearts', I just do not have luck with platforming. I'm so bad with it that I can't really do Acrobatics or Superspeed races, and basically every character I have goes flight.

    If this were a Solo Challenge, I would keep doinking around with it and slopping my way through no matter how long it takes, just to get the Marks and feats. But since it is a raid, I feel an overwhelming amount of pressure to perform at least at the level of my teammates, and I feel guilty when I am the one who is holding up the group and stopping them from moving forward. I'm just not going to be the reason why seven other players can't play the game because they're stuck waiting on me for twenty/thirty minutes.
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  3. High Troller Loyal Player

    All I can say is...I feel your pain.
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  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    Did it today for the first time and if my group was a fair sampling you had 2 who were neutral and 6 who hated the whole platform thing. No one liked it, not even a little bit.

    Platforms are bad enough as it is but in DCUO it's compounded as walk movement mode is clunky almost by definition. In this case for the second boss most of use died multiple times which is bad enough but we ended up waiting close to 10 minutes for my brother and another teammate. Thankfully the group was pretty forgiving and didn't kick but the whole time I'm on skype with my brother trying to keep him from rage quitting. In the end my nephew got him through it.

    I'm not sure we're open to changes this late in the game but I think if you can drop say 4 cogs before a boss so that if they are all hit then the rest of the team gets teleported there it would be a viable solution.

    As it stands I'll run this one to get the artifiact on my alts but other than that I'll at best run it on my main and even then sparingly.
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  5. Brit Loyal Player

    Perhaps it's just a different personality or something, but I've never really found a lot of humor in teasing other people, and I've never had a lot of fun being teased. Maybe the majority of players are like you and don't take it really personally, but when I hear "Brit fell again. You know what. I'm going to run down the road and get a hamburger. Be back in 30 minutes. Text me if she figures out how to jump." It doesn't feel funny. It feels like a painful declaration that one player is a liability to the group holding them back. That's not something I want to be, and there is no way to practice this trainwreck and improve without requiring 7 other players to sit there for hours waiting for me to get the hang of it.

    Some people think it's funny to watch people fail at first. Nobody is still going to be finding it funny in 3 months when 7 people are doing it flawlessly and one person keeps botching it. Nobody is going to tolerate one player who takes 20+ minutes just to do a basic travel. And some of us really don't like having the peanut gallery heckling us while we're doing something we find really stressful and challenging. Not in some sort of "You hurt my feelings" way, but moreover in a "You're really distracting me while I'm trying to concentrate".

    The whole experience is just frustrating, and made worse because everybody else is left waiting for you. Stuff like this needs to be kept in Solo Challenges so that the entire group doesn't need to suffer because of one player. Or they could just fix it with a simple mechanic: make a cut scene at the top, so that when a player activates the cutscene, the entire group gets teleported up, the way so many other cut-scenes relocate the group members.

    Then players who enjoy it can race to be first up. Or they could even include a feat for everyone reaching the top before activating the cutscene. But the way it is, I ran the thing once and I am never, ever running it again.
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  6. High Troller Loyal Player

    i feel your pain. there are some things in life that are outside our control. this might be one of them. time will tell. hopefully this thread convinces the powers that be to rethink this concept.
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  7. Ringz Dedicated Player

    Ok, this one got me LMAO. Its like people are re-excising a limb that they haven't used in a long time and now they are feeling the drawbacks.

    Jump-Block-Roll indeed people. I mean its not the basic of movement controls one should know, but you should've at least played around with the movement. Learn this technique and your guaranteed to be an elite player. Then you too can walk around with bragging rights about how you use the block button :eek:
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  8. inferno Loyal Player

    Guys forget about the jump-block- roll thing DO JUMP-LUNGE it will make life easier for you.
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  9. Proxystar #Perception

    Don't forget to equip a rifle first.

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  10. BackintheSaddle Active Player

    I get what they’re trying to do..... but it doesn’t work.
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  11. Revoemag Committed Player

    Dear devs, ignore this nonsensical thread..

    Im sorry that you have to deal with 90 year old gamers who can't do simple things like press a jump button, but they are a minority.

    I personally was very impressed with the structure of the raid and only died once because I failed to judge MY jump.

    Playing this raid was a nice change from cramped hallways of the past.

    Don't let the very few negative views in this raid stop you from exploring new concepts.
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  12. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    This is awesome.
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  13. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    In the 3 years I've been on the forums, I've never once complained about anything being too hard. There should be content for noobs & elite alike, even if occasionally the elite raids are beyond my capabilities.

    Last night I had the worst experience I can remember in the circa 5 years I've played this game.

    In isolation the jumping is a gimmick, similar to the unnecessary instance specific artifacts they've thrown in this DLC. It adds nothing for me. But a few deaths, no major drama.

    However, throw the jumping in with a not very clear direction of travel (another very prominent feature of this DLC) & it just becomes a complete shitshow.

    I have died less running rounds 1 through to 10 in Survival Mode than I did in Shattered Gotham normal last night, & I never even seen (or got loot from) the last boss.
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  14. not_again Dedicated Player

    Tips for people who are struggling with the jumping:

    Equip a weapon with a good lunge. One hand comes to mind. At the highest point of your jump lunge and you will cover more distance. You can take this weapon off once you through each section.

    Once the raid is over you are not removed from the instance. I spent 30 minutes after the raid finding the citizens to save for the feat. There are portals that take you back to the entrance and you can practice by yourself with no pressure.

    Go one at the time. The portals do not like when more then one person tries to go through them. Also, the collision physics in this game are a little wonky. It is just best to go one at a time

    The most important tip is DO NOT RUSH! Forget being the top dps and better yet if your a support role the group has to wait for you. There is no need to stress out as it is only going to make things worse.
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  15. Zneeak Devoted Player

    But it does work. Players not used to this mechanic & playing without their movement mode just need to get used to it and adapt. Don't forget! There is an Event version to que up for, go there and mess around, practice.

    People can give up or they can adapt, but never the less it shouldn't stop the devs from trying out new things and introducing new, interesting mechanics to break out of the usual, tired out Tank & spank-formula they've been feeding us with in the majority of content the past few years.

    What doesn't make a raid like this better are the people who just give up on life after the first few deaths, just because something is new to them.
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  16. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    Dear devs, ignore this nonsense reply since apparently this person thinks their opinion matters more than anyone elses.

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  17. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    It's just a matter of patience. I like to be last. No one bumps me. I just take my time. Have done the raid twice, and only fell once playing around.

    I think it's a fun addition.

    This raid is the only thing I like from the DLC.
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    brother from what it sounds like it the raid actually tries to do something different which kind of has my attention now.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    so don't be mad when you get fed stale content then
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  20. Protecktor MKV Committed Player

    Not sure why you are quoting me. I was just responding back to someone indicating that devs should ignore the people who don't like this. So suddenly I just want stale content
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