DCUO Dances

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Diablo Sama, Jul 19, 2021.

  1. Diablo Sama Active Player

    I had this in my head for a long time, is it possible to add more dances? in PC we can select or type /dance if we get more it would be like /dance 1 /dance 2 /dance 3 etc. or we can just select it from the ui tab. in my opinion ofc it would be cool to get some dance moves.
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  2. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Some of the funniest things I've seen, which may be a little sad, is seeing my Cable toon doing various dances in Fortnite (Cable doing Gangnam Style is hilarious). So adding new dances may be a little stupid, but it could be so funny, so I totally endorse this.
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Right now dances seem tied into specific personalities for our characters. Dunno if that's something that can be done separate from personalities, but in theory it seems like it'd be possible.

    Making new dance animations may not be cheap or in the budget (seems like animation costs have been cited before with things like new weapons, not 100% sure about that).
  4. Eve YouTuber

    I think Charon said they are making emote packs or that they want to. So I have a feeling we'll get new type of dances.
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  5. Cordelia Well-Known Player

    This is on my wish list. Imagine being able to purchase a handful of dances for your character! Or new emotes in general. I think it would be a great money-maker if the price point is set right, and people would love it.
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This sounds awesome. Something they can add I won't be tempted to buy, but others will use to pump money into the game. All for it. Seriously, add all the dances and emotes you want, as long as they are not tied to feats or SP in any way.
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I want this one.
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  8. Cordelia Well-Known Player

  9. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    All they'd have to do to make a significant difference is let each personality type use all the currently used personality dances.

    Dances don't "seem tied into specific personalities." Each personality gets a different dance. Plain and simple.
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