Daybreak, you guys are out of your mind.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrDevilz, Sep 27, 2017.

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  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    He's actually gone from Daybreak completely now. Saw someone post a few months ago that he had moved on to a new company according to his LinkedIn.
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  2. Malachee Committed Player

    Even though I sincerely doubt that figure is correct....I'm still not wild about you posting it. Why? Because I'm afraid somewhere...deep in the bowels of DCUO Headquarters...a Dev just read your words...and is setting a new goal for the next six months. :cool:
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  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Customer Support takes 3-7 business days for a response now. It used to take less than an hour. That's different. The GMs used to also spend some time in Metro weeding out all the racist, homophobic, anti-religion, etc. garbage that is now running rampant there.

    Marketing has also obviously changed in that time.
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  4. ghosts Well-Known Player

    It's not the newest cash grab what bothers me, this was to be expected; it's the fact that they used an idea proposed by players to deal with the unfairness of the gambling lootboxes and twisted it into yet another medium to take money from people, it feels downright offensive and insulting to the playerbase

    I feel it's pretty pointless to have any hope for the game's state to improve, it's clear what the company's priorities are
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    This I actually agree with.

    It's the perversion of the idea we asked them for that they've basically taken, twisted and then spat back in our faces.

    The implementation of this entire thing is poor form.
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  6. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Is it april fools? Yall are joking with this right? You must be out of your minds daybreak. Straight lost it. Barely played in months and so glad. Yall are making my desire to play even less lol, thanks.
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  7. Emoney Dedicated Player

    We havent had GMs in game for years, before Sony sold the game and dev team.

    Its really simple though, they had to change the name, since they were called Sony Online Entertainment. Cant have Sony in the name when Sony doesnt own them.

    Also, a lot of the team was replaced in the first year, they still stayed SOE.
  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    He no longer works for Daybreak. Check his LinkedIn.
  9. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Spytle does not work for daybreak at all anymore
  10. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    GMRuggedMonk helped me out with a Mark of Fury issue I had: the CR check for the iconic solos caused me to get marks of triumph from the Wonder Woman and Circe missions. GMRuggedMonk physically came to my location next to the Watchtower bank and told me to stand still while he replaced my marks with the correct currency. That was April 2014. Daybreak bought the games about ten months later. GM roles may have reduced about a year prior to the sale, but GMs still existed up until the sale.

    Support ticket times were still fast up until the sale. I was wrong about it being less than an hour, but it was always less than half a day. My last support ticket through SOE was logged 01/11/2015 08:24 AM, the response was 01/11/2015 02:42 PM

    My most recent non-community violation incident was 06/06/2015 12:02 PM and the response given was 06/11/2015 04:47 PM

    I know the community violations are responded to quickly these days, but I do not know if other issues have equally fast response times. They certainly did not the first six months following the sale.
  11. Emoney Dedicated Player

    I would think even today, some issues can only be resolved in game. What I meant is GMs patrolling chat, active in the game. Customer Service jumping on a toon to fix a problem and getting back off is different.
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  12. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I'm fairly sure sure that GMRuggedMonk was in Metro in late 2013 or early 2014 dealing with a toxic player. It could not have been sooner than that since I did not start playing much earlier than that.
  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    This is what bothers me the most, had the vendor just been a ",buy it here if you can't get it via RnG" I wouldn't even have been as mad, even with the pricing being as high as it is, cause it's at least what we asked for. Instead we get featless styles that were supposed to be happy to get instead of the stuff with feats on it and half of it is crap no one really likes or wants.
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  14. Winter Sabel Dedicated Player


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  15. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    I imagine the conversations went like this:

    Dev 1: The players have an interesting idea

    Jackster: Oh really, what is that?

    Dev 2: They are requesting a new currency in the TC's. They want a vendor where they can spend this currency to buy the rare items they can't seem to get in the TC's.

    What Jackster heard: They are requesting a new currency in the TC's. They want a new vendor that they can spend real money on to buy rare items not in the TC's. They are willing to pay outrageous amounts of real money for this.
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  16. Emoney Dedicated Player

    Thats probably about how it went down too! And then probably something about player perceptions....

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  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

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  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    how you can even sit there and think its reasonable to spend $500 to start with is beyond me.

    but then again all you have to do is put in codes and get everything so it doesnt matter to you 1 way or the other.
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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly..... Jackster did not need us to give him the idea.

    They are doing something similar on Neverwinter... where Jackster was before working on DCUO from what I understand.
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  20. MrDevilz Well-Known Player

    Anyone notice how quiet Mepps have been today? :p
    I am pretty sure they don't have a proper response to this stuff.
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