Daybreak ruined PvP abandon all hope

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by MojoDuul, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. MojoDuul Active Player

    For anyone who has not figured it out yet it is clear the devs have no love for pvp or pvp players. anyone who has been playing this game since 2011-2013 before daybreak took over know that the pvp was the main draw to the game. the only reason i started playing the game was for the SKILL based pvp. it was the pvp that got most of us hooked, I know there are pve only players out there but the fact is after daybreak introduced weapon mastery most pvp players stopped playing the game and the pve players started to drop off slowly after pvp phase died. PC and PS were separate then and both had high populations but because daybreak ruined the game they combined PC and PS together. the population of both had dropped to such a degree that even when they combined the two the population was still extremely low and pvp phase was pretty much dead. it is clear that pvp was the lifeblood of the game considering how much the population declined after they broke pvp. in ten years they have done nothing to fix this so it is clear they never will. we have told them over and over what they need to do to fix it but at this point I am convinced the current devs do not even understand how pvp use to work, so they could not fix it even if they wanted to. all the devs would have to do to bring players back to the game is put pvp back to what it was in 2013. unfortunately they added so much nonsense like artifacts that idk if it will ever be possible to bring back the golden age of dcuo, we are in the dark age now. every new change they make seems to be another BAD idea. they introduce advanced mechanics only to take it away later. the saying "if it is not broken then do not fix it" comes to mind. some people blame all the noob and unskilled players for ruining pvp because they complained and the devs may have changed how pvp works just to accommodate the least competent among us, idk if it is true but if that is the case then devs should not listen to anyone's complaints about pvp unless they are a higher pvp tier otherwise they really do not know what they are saying. after all we had ppl so bad at pvp that they would accuse people of hacking every time they lost, these are not people whos opinions matter on pvp, listen to the experts only. I hope that is not what happened. I personally think that daybreak was just ignorant of how pvp worked and so ruined it out of pure incompetence. now because there is a tiny tiny itty bity chance that the devs might actually listen (even though we all know they wont) i will attempt to explain how pvp is suppose to work.
    most important thing is counters. most damage in fights was done by counters so that way the more skilled player was the one who won the fight. in traditional mmos skill does not matter, all that matters is how high your level is and how well you spam your powers but dcuo was unique, it was not like any other mmo out there since it actually depended on skill if you won a fight or not. i do not like mmos because mmos usually have pretty bad pvp dcuo was the first and only mmo i ever enjoyed playing.
    the counter delays need to be removed from the game. devs introduced counter delays in order to give players more time to respond to counters which is a horrible idea since in a fight TIMING IS EVERYTHING. every split second matters. if players who are unskilled have trouble being able to counter other players the problem is with them not the game, do not change the game to compensate bad players. because of delays pvp feels sloppy. pvp is about trying to predict what the other player will do not respond to what you see. FIX THE COUNTERS!
    as you hit the other player with your weapon and out counter them your hit counter goes up and the higher it is the more dmg your powers will do, that is how it should be. the devs removed this and that was a mistake. reward good players for being good do not pander to bad players who are not even devoted to the game. dcuo literally had youtubers giving them free advertising but they ruined the game and now many of those youtubers don't even touch this game anymore.
    rifle is unblockable and there is no reason for this to be the case. put rifle back to the way it use to work like literally all you have to do to fix pvp is undo all the changes you made to it since 2013.
    rage combos should be interruptible it is key when you are fighting a rage player or fighting as one. it takes more skill and strategy to play as rage that way. you have to try to predict if he is going to complete his combo or try and counter you. it makes fighting as rage and fighting against it more of a challenge instead of having what we have now where they just spam and you can not stop them. this use to be a well polished pvp game now it is a sloppy mess.
    healers use to be able to debuff tanks. controllers have nothing to debuff tanks. it use to be healers>tanks>troll>healer. healers would debuff tanks, tanks would cleanse troll effects, and trolls would debuff healers. when they got rid of healers ability to debuff tanks, tanks became immortal unkillable machines for years! bring back rock paper scissors!
    daybreak was the worse thing to happen to dcuo. i could go on about more changes they need to fix but this is long enough. the main thing is the counters that need to be fixed. we all know the devs will not fix it because they are stubborn, it has been over 10 years, they hate pvp, the can not admit when they are wrong and they can not take constructive criticism well.

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  2. FixPvPTho New Player

    I felt when you said the pvp is what drew you to the game. I loved the fact people had to spec their own skill trees and have a spec that worked for them. The game is so cookie cutter now is actually depressing to watch people play. You used to have 3 of the same power with a different rotation now there is one rotation for adds and one for ST that outshines them all. I literally would only pvp and it was my only reason for playing the game at all. Once they started throwing pvp into the gutter and let it rot I had to quit. As soon as they sold the company from Sony this game got worse and worse….and worse. They had to add artifacts into the game to try and revive all the money they lost from all the pvpers quitting, and it’s sad to see it work. New players can’t even compete with people who have been playing in the current state of the game because of all 740 capsules they released which all had feats signed to them. So now this game is literally surviving off players who have been playing it and have only really been pve players from the start. It’s so sad that this game had so much potential and then they started killing off their own players groups at a time. They just need to revert the game right tf back to before weapon mastery in the first Amazon fury dlc. Honestly the game back then was 10x better than the game now…Jump canceling was what made the game fun, skill point skill trees were what made the game fun, being able to compete as a f2p player was what made the game fun, and pvp was my only reason to play the game and what made it fun…Now this game is based around flavor of the month powers and I bet they love it cause people really power swap to compete. I hope for their sake and longevity of the game they start paying attention to people’s comments….
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  3. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    I had NO CLUE Rifle was BROKEN in PVP.

    Things are starting to make sense now. No wonder I see so many players use Rifle as their go to PVP weapon.

    ...but could you explain to me how it's broken?

    I really miss the Rock Paper Scissors PVP.
  4. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Although I love, and prefer the game we had pre that initial Amazon fury dlc, I can’t agree with with you stating that the game wasn’t revolving around a flavor of the month cycle back then. Fotm was a routine occurrence pre gu36, which can’t be said about the present state of the game
  5. Solarbound Committed Player

    I'm one of those who dearly wants PVP to be great again. But, why, just WHY, did you have to type your post like that? -_-
  6. GameOnGabeYT Well-Known Player

    Pvp was on the decline long before Daybreak took over.
  7. MojoDuul Active Player

    basically the tap is unblockable. on other weapons if someone taps melee you can block and they will be countered after like the third tap. with rifle you can pretty much just keep tapping and never have to worry about being blocked.
  8. Shalayah Committed Player

    Rifle is broken because you can just melee tap and not get countered. Plus the lunge is harder to block since it doesn’t cover much distance in comparison to other weapon lunges.
  9. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Well...that sucks.
    ...and here I was thinking the players I dueled against were just good, but they're cheating.
    I'm not that good myself, but I know how to counter. No wonder it's so difficult to beat players using Rifle.
    Why are Healers so difficult to beat? I remember way back when I would use a Healing Debuff, they would run away so fast, but now it's like my Debuffs do nothing at all.
    None of my 3 Debuff types seems to have any effect or visible effect at all.
    Damage Debuff a DPS player...I still get hit for tons of damage.
    Defense Debuff a player...I see nothing visibly with my eyes that I'm doing more damage.
    Healing Debuff a Healer...they still heal themselves (and their group) back to full health easily.
  10. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    Depends where you're fighting them. In arenas healers can hit pretty much as hard as a dps depending on the power. (Nature- Dog form hits as hard as dps dog form with extra healing, Electricity- tesla blast spam+Arc lightning, Water- Tsunami strikes infinite power and decent damage with heals, Sorcery- barely fought any but they might be less annoying, Celestial- Its a joke of a healer inside arenas honestly not even a threat) But in openworld healers are just practically unkillable because artifacts are allowed unless you're a troll with a rank 200 Amulet of Rao(debuff increaser).
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  11. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Probably that player did it on mobile and couldn't indent.
  12. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Hmmm, I see.
    Thanks for the info.
    I really wish we could go back to Rock Paper Scissors PvP meta. That alone might fix most of the problems PvP has (even the artifacts).
    It won't fix everything, but it might fix a few problems.
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  13. Operation Failure Well-Known Player

    Indeed, that will be one great fix for role balancing.
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  14. MojoDuul Active Player

    no more never ending healer vs tank battles instead healers can debuff tanks and fight is over. as it should be.
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  15. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player

    Yes, I totally agree.
    I really liked the Rock Paper Scissors meta because it pushed for TEAMWORK between players.
    In PvP phase, I remember seeing players just standing together in groups. More like "Protective Groups".
    A Healer would be standing near a Tank for protection in the event a Controller would sneak attack them.
    It's stuff like that I don't see much anymore in Open World.
    Players mingling with other players because they want to cooperate and protect one another from enemy players.
    Nowadays it's just players standing around bragging because they can solo anyone and any role because their powerset is broken (Gadgets, Mental, Atomic, most Healer powers).
  16. FrankZappa Well-Known Player

    I think it is time to give up on pvp altogether. I loved the old pvp system just as much as you guys but the devs have done nothing but hurt pvp for the last 8 years and they will never fix it so do not hold your breath.
  17. BƖack Dedicated Player

    True, true. +1