Customer Service

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by treehunter904, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. treehunter904 New Player

    lol its common sense. when you sign in just look. its half what it used to b.
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I love it when people who can't string a simple sentence together properly talk about common sense. :rolleyes:
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  3. treehunter904 New Player

    really? talking about grammar on a game? grow up kid
  4. Lantern Landen New Player

    Technically, Jafin's talking about grammar on the forums, not the game. I just thought I'd point that out.
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  5. Lantern Landen New Player

    You're silly.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I am a grown up, that's why I know about proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure. :)
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  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Really? Throwing your toys out of the pram because you deleted something by accident and you can't get your own way and get it back? Grow up kid.
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  8. Lantern Landen New Player

    I don't think you boycotting is going to hurt them, or help resolve the "issue" (and I use that word lightly) in any way. This was user error, that's not their fault.
  9. IIJetfire New Player

    Now that you have mentioned.....if i remmeber i deleted a t3 tank gear of mine when i was replacing with other gear for the instance i was going to enter for...but i regretted for that drop ..and had to do daily runs and get all instances done somehow to get the lost marks for the gear that i accidently i somehow bought the same one again that time after getting required marks for it...(unfortunately the gear i lost was also modded.....which again i had to re-make another mod or same one for that gear :( .......).
  10. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Wow Jaflin and lantern if you dont have anything constructive to say don't say anything at all. You sounds like stuck up little girls. I hate to come to the forums and see people bashing others just cause they dont agree. If you dont agree just say so dont carry on about it and start a flame war. People like you are the problem with these forums, You always have to be rite. God forbid if someone doesn't have the same views as you.

    The customer support used to be good, now it kinda stinks. I could see them not swapping gear and what not, but saying they cant do anything about trade scams is ridiculous. There needs to be some sort of "police" to enforce and punish people for scamming or else its going to get out of control with no repercussions.
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  11. IIJetfire New Player

    Can't agree less with you there :) .
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  12. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I read both of your posts in this thread and haven't found them terribly "constructive". Somewhat the opposite. If you're going to preach, please practise what you preach.

    See? That's constructive.

    One thing that I'd like to see added, even though it hasn't been an issue for me yet (though I know it has been for others and is bound to be one for me one of these days) is a lock on items you don't want salvaged.
    A confirmation would be have the same purpose, I suppose, but more time-consuming and I think a lock on certain items would be a better choice, so they don't even show up in your salvaging list at all.

    See? That's constructive too.
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  13. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    dont you mean more? lol
  14. IIJetfire New Player

    ah...i mean yes ' i can't agree more with you there' sry i forgot to edit..(i am abit messy on my fluency on language sector, i apologize about that).
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  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    My post was half constructive half telling these people to get off their high horses. And half yours was to flame me for no reason, but i do agree with your other half.
  16. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    lol i knew what you meant!;)
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  17. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I have yet to see the constructive half; and I don't flame anybody.
  18. IIJetfire New Player

  19. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Your doing it rite now, Your one of them to lol
  20. IIJetfire New Player

    judging people whether they are constructive or not is not anyone's choice to make, so if your posting, relate the reason's to the topic of the "thread" that has been discussed here ,rather than judging what's wrong and what's not isn't the point here.