Countdown to Water Powers: Week Six! (Updated!)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    They were received either through mail or by completing a mission in game, not from the marketplace. Stuff in the marketplace redeem/claim window stays.
  2. DcuoProdigy New Player

    Mepps fix the Right tool for the job feat in Halls of power 2 the weapon isnt interacable therefore the feat is void and unable to attain. Its the last feat i need in the episode. Please release a hotfix soon.
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  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    A bit too slow mate :) I wrote my post from my work place a week ago. A few hours later I saw it alreay ;)

    But thanks for the advertising :p
  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Then next time.... don't wait a week for me to see your post..... ask right away. ;) ;)

    As for the advertising.... my analytics show me that I get at best.... 1% of my traffic from the Forums..... so not much advertising going there sadly. Just trying to help fellow posters. ;);)
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  5. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    So just to be clear, no gifts with water? That's fine, I wasn't "expecting" it. I obviously just misread your original post. Thanks for the clarification Mepps.
  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Pretty sure the Servo Unit came from the Reddeem Claim same as the Tom-Bot..... but it has been a while ago... so I might be mistaken.

    So I will grant you the point.... this time. ;) ;)
  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I was wondering about this as well. At this point we are down to under 10 hours before the reset and no "official" notice of down time tomorrow or a specific time when Water will be live.. Now i do know that part of the down time we had with update 74 was to load at least some of the stuff required for Water.

    This quote from the notes on what GU74 would include .. take note of the stuff I highlighted in red. So I'm curious as well. Will it simply go live on the 30th? Is it all ready to go on the 3oth but we need for some one to come in to work and flip a switch? Or do we still have some down time tomorrow while they complete the upload to make water a reality?

    MEPPS???????? Wazz up?
  8. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Yeah this is a case of the "BUT I WANT MORE!!! Daybreak already gave us gifts for 5 straight weeks leading up to water going live this week but no matter how much free stuff you hand out SOME ONE always thinks its not enough.

    Now stay tuned.. two weeks after Water has gone live the new thread will be "So fall is almost here when do we get a 50% off sale on the Market?' LOL:)
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  9. top New Player

    Hey anyone not getting membership to work i billed on the 24th and still no membership
  10. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Hey man, that post was off the back of one I made. There was never an expectation for more free stuff, it was a simple miscommunication as I stated in my last post.
  11. The Jelly Bean Dedicated Player

    Vote and leave a comment.
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I'm sorry Are we paranoid much? How is me responding to and agreeing with a totally different person some how directed at you. Yes I saw YOUR post and AMAZINGLY I understand that you are aware we are getting no new gift this week JUST water.

    My post was just adding to what Dark said and the undeniable fast that we have some players on these forums that are never satisfied no matter what they are given. You want example?

    Back when the Flash Cowl was given away.... We endured a lengthy all but insane thread and the jist of it was a guy that primarily ONLY plays villains upset because it was a "GOOD GUY" gift.. like you could not simply color the thing YELLOW and make a Professor Zoom clone.. which a number of other players did.

    An earlier thread on the upcoming water by a guy that insisted that at one point there WAS SUPPOSED to be a gift this week... and some how some way Daybreak snuck in, changed the announcement Mepps made and did away with the last freebie... Because Getting 5 of them over a five week time frame wasn't enough.

    Now lets get really silly and really stupid.... The almost to be expected thread that appears any time the game is off line and it takes a while before it is back and available..... " THE GAME WAS OFF LINE FOR SIX HOURS TODAY AND IT WAS DURING THE ONLY TIME I HAVE FREE TO PLAY... WHERE IS MY REFUND ON MY SUB?" Right because the absolute highest sub fee is if a player actually pays monthly which works out to $15.00 a month. Which is approximately FIFTY Cents a day.... Which is approximately TWO cents an hour. So there are idiots out there that actually expect to get a refund of a whole 12 cents if the game is off line while a new DLC or UPDATE is loaded.

    I could go on and on and on and on since there are at least a few thread like those any time anything new or different occurs in game but I think i made my point.

    At no time did i even mention you or refer to YOU post in this thread when i made mine so I'd suggest you take a pill and relax.
  13. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I think the point Magneto is making is some thing.. Like those anniversary poster you mentioned are only available on the market for a specific time frame. YES if you had characters is game when those items weer available and never claimed them then they are still sitting there waiting to be claimed.

    On the other hand.. as example.. I recently created a new ALT that will go WATER tomorrow. NOW as soon as I created her i was able to go to the claim area of the market place and grab my Tom Bot but because that alt did not exist back when those posters were available .. There were no posters waiting for her to claim.

    Some gifts are account bound and permanent .. like Tom .. others can only be claimed while they are available. And its usually very easy to tell They will actually come right out and say " Available to claim between (date number 1) and (date number 2).
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    As I mentioned in my reply to Magneto, the items that were single claim were *never* claimed through the marketplace, they were all claimed either through in-game mail or the mission journal, that includes the posters. Items redeemed like that have a time limit. Items that are redeemable from the marketplace do not have a time limit, they are on your account forever. Mepps has already confirmed somewhere, I don't know where, that you just need to log in by the 30th to have your account be eligible for the gifts. Once your account is flagged, the multi-claim gifts (such as the aura and emblems) will be claimable on all characters you have now and all characters you make in the future.
  15. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Oh damn that's true and i READ that and just had it slip right through me head.. LOL all that stuff was in emails you got per character .. Now in My defense I AM 63 and have trouble remembering what i ate for dinner yesterday Sorry I'll go take a nap now..


    .Huh? what day is it?
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  16. DcuoProdigy New Player

    What time is water going to be ready to use on live servers today?
  17. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    It's not going live today, it's after restart tomorrow
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Actually, no, it was a reply to the post after yours, and it wasn't directed at any one person anyway
  19. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    So at this point does anyone have a clue when Water will actually go live? Because the "theories" in game on the SHOUT Channel are vast and varied and .. some what funny. Now some one actually said it will go live at 7 AM of course he never said 7AM in what time zone or on in what country... But at that point since we'd gotten nothing official before i logged in..

    I parked my ALT and pulled up the internet to check. It's 12:08 AM EDT as of now ... so rule out those claims of "Midnight" Unless they were referring to Midnight PST which would be about 3 hours from now. We have no official word here on the forum aside for August 30th. I also checked Twitter and Face Book and nothing definitive there either.

    So we are still left to speculate .. just like they are doing in game.. could it happen at 4AM EDT when the daily restart takes place? Or are we looking at some thing like OH say 8 or 9 AM when the Devs start to plod in to the office after a good night's sleep?

    Some what of an educated guess and please take note................


    I seriously doubt it will go live at 4AM. Reason.. what if there is a problem that occurs? Who will be around to even TRY to fix it? So my "GUESS" would be some where around 7 to 9AM Pacific Time when people show up for work at DCUO HQ. Some one has to flip a switch to activate it since at this point i think its a fairly safe assumption the power was loaded and ready to go when GU 74 went live. Other wise.. we'd have definitely had a post from MEPP warning us about down time for X number of hours while they uploaded it. I think they'd wait till the team was on hand to deal with any bugs or glitches that might occur when it launches.

    Now i COULD be wrong and at 4AM people could be using power respecs and creating new Water ALTS.. but since I have no intention of being up at 4 AM LOL I'll do my thing with my ALT when I get out of bed and log in.

    And that would also be after I read the paper and have my Coffee.....[IMG] Just to clarify I normally do not wear my Batman outfit for Morning coffee. LOL Just to REALLY clarify I don't OWN a Batman outfit.
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Server restart. It's live on EU right now. ^^
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