Controller gear from T4 Inner should have dom.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLoneLantern, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    Obviously, he does not or else he would not be crying about being under 500 dom. If he would have bought all his T3 gear before jumping into T4 content than he would have 177 Dom with just gear alone. After doubling that he is at 394.

    If he had SPs, like you claim he has, he would have filled up his dom innates and gotten another 64 Dom, which in controller role is 128.

    128 plus 394 is over 500; and we have not even gotten into controller weapons, necks, rings or baby mods.
  2. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I HAD over 600 with full t3 troller, fos3 troller weapon, seal of the council rings, amulet of the goddess reborn necklace, and one of those "ventilator" masks. Then I replaced the three pieces with the inner gear to help boost my vit and LOST A BUNCH OF DOM. I'm now at ~430 dom. I'm only missing like 2 dom innates, which i could respec and take.

    I've also got 50k MoT, which means I could easily buy back the T3 gears I deleted and lose vit again, but I'm not going to do that until I get confirmation that this isn't a mistake by a green name (hopefully).
  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I'm thinking this may be some kind of bug. I bet the Dom is supposed to be in the stats, but the bug has caused it to be deleted. This has happened in the past with other gear (like a year and a half ago, I think). The devs fixed it after it was pointed out, but it took awhile for it to happen.
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  4. Exostorm Well-Known Player

    I'm sorry to say, but it was probably pretty foolish to delete your T3 gear so soon. General rule I live by is to never delete tier gear until you have to next set of tier gear.

    Also, the vit you would lose going back to T3 is VERY negotiable. You would probably only lose about 3 or 4 ticks from your PoT, if that. High level gear drops are great to have if you're missing certain tier pieces, but they were never meant to replace any tier gear.
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    He stated it in this thread. He is Free to Play. He can't hold onto all that gear. It was a relief he could get something finally higher than T3. He also stated he can get those pieces again, as he is at the MoT cap. The problem is the gear itself that drops. It is a really weird setup. It has high might and no dom. This is an issue for trollers, especially if that is the intention of the devs in T5 for controllers.
  6. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    yea both the cr76 face and belt don't have dom either :( it does have 9 more vit then t4 belt :)

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  7. Capeo75 New Player

    It's similar with the gear that drops from Soul Alchemy too. It kills your dom. I don't get it. My modded Manipulator gear is better. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me either. I'm finally able to run T4 alerts and ops and wearing the gear that drops would put me under the Dom recommendation. Go figure. I guess I'll be wearing my old gear for a while.
  8. Old Gravyleg New Player

    Just so you know, resto contributes to your shields at a 100% rate. Even with your dom being doubled in troller stance, you get more shield and better heals from speccing resto because it's available at more than a 2:1 ratio to dom.

    I do think that the gear having 0 dom is an oversight and will be corrected in a future update or hotfix. Seeing has how this is rehashed content with rehashed styles and barely any changes to the raid mechanics, I'm sure they just threw this gear together in about 14 seconds and forgot to add dominance.
  9. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    No controller gear in the game should have less dom than the entry requirementsfor the instance in which it drops. That's madness. Controllers need to be able to control the mobs if necessary,and they can't if they have less dom than needed. "Get gear from this other place instead" is no excuse.

    I would love to keep the +7 extra vit I got from the mask, particularly sinceI deleted my old one, but I don't want it at the expense of everyone levelling up. I'll just have to cope with 1314+ vit instead again. Such a hardship,I know.
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  10. thoughtpatern New Player

    this gears stats no dom. got to be wrong. every other piece of troll gear has dom. upvote
  11. TheLoneLantern New Player

    What I meant is that since gear doesn't have resto, by default, it would essentially be a constant stat. Whereas, the dominance increases as I collect higher level gear. So, my shields' absorption increases as a function of my dominance.

    Hopefully, except green names seem to be ignoring this thread, even after I reported it, suggesting that it be moved to Arkham Asylum instead...
  12. Sylar-Man New Player

    Looks like they put the points allocated for dominance into might and precision. Me personally I like it that way and hope they do something close to that for T5 gear but I can understand how someone who likes dom to not like it.
  13. BumblingB I got better.

    As much as I like the idea of having higher damage, when you no longer have the minimum dom, you are basically a power battery that hits only slightly higher. If they remove dom from T5, that would be the end of me controlling. That would mean I'm just a power battery and not necessary. So yeah.
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  14. AgentX44 Committed Player

    I agree. and if they do that, they should change the role to say "Battery" (new icon too?) and should give these new "batteries" better power regen (more power back from weapon combos than other roles)

    but back on topic. I think some dropped gear do have some stats dropped. I remember as I was leveling up that there are some gear that I got that has either small or no prec/might. So this is probably just the same concept since these gear would not be your transition gear anyway until you can save for up for T4.
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    A lot of that gear is designed to get you to learn your role, as much as that is hard to believe. You beat bizarro and get a chest piece that has a massive amount of might but hardly any precision. Things like that.

    Also, back when dom made a difference, it wasn't uncommon to find things that has no dom (omac 1h) or only dom for controllers. There were also gear that had higher of either stat. There was a controller back in LoA that was like 1 vit I think and a lot of dom. But this, this is an entire set that has no dom. If this was intended, then oh no, rage. If this was an oversight, like the weapons in ferris t3 duo, then they need to fix it.
  16. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    Looks to me like dps/troller gear....
  17. Sylar-Man New Player

    I don't mean no dom on T5 gear but I do mean having less dom so that your gear doesn't put you 100+ over the minimum for the instances and hopefully it doesnt give a super high boost to vit and instead use some of the allocated points for vit and dom for might and precision.
  18. Taco Loco Active Player

    Some trollers don't want dom because we passed the limits of usefullness long ago. Please keep as-is, and if anything add more items with no dom and more vit.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    In other words, you prefer being the battery?

    Dom may not work with how long a CC lasts anymore, but it still has usefulness.
    Pulls (Only need minimum required for instance)
    Encasements (Once again minimum)
    Self Healing
  20. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I think I'm in the same boat. Giving power is a huge part of controlling, but the fun part is when you're pushed for power and have cc to do at the same time. Remove the ability to cc, and controlling becomes nothing more than a set rotation of pot-combo-defin-repeat. I know some people play that way anyway, but it's not controlling. There's no thinking involved at all, no decision making, no skill. No thanks.

    If this is the way controlling is going, I'll switch to tanking. Or maybe finally fiigure it how to dps well.