Catalysts: Faraday Cage & Canary cry resonance.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cyfaill, Oct 14, 2021.

  1. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    I'm in my particular quest to finish some omnipotence items and have a question, are this items dropping for you? Maybe it's just bad luck but from some days ago (maybe one week or two not more) i haven't got any canary cry, and for the faraday i got just one when....I don't know, maybe when Krypton collapsed.

    So....are this catalyst dropping for you? Need I just to be more patient?

    PS: Just in casse, the faraday cage drops in the legion raid and in the alert too, right?

    PPS: Please, pray to Rao or to Trigon or to the one who can make i get my catalysts.
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  2. Aetrius Well-Known Player

    For me it's New Genesis Seeds. I'm running 3 characters through the solo daily, and I might get 1 every 3 days. I really wish they'd do something with the drop rates for the catalysts for this obsolete gear. Either push the drop rate WAY up so that you're guaranteed to get a drop every time you run an associated instance, or just put them on the episode vendor for a few source marks apiece. I understand the reasoning for lower drop rates when the content is current, but having to continually run obsolete content over and over and over hoping to get catalysts for a piece of gear you're going to equip for the style/feat and then delete is a bit much.
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  3. tukuan Devoted Player

    Yah I never completed the Omni legs myself so I'm in the same boat for the Canary catalysts. All I can say is keep grinding the content and/or watch the broker. I'm at 12/30 and I can't see myself spending the 100-150mill or buy them outright so I'm stuck with the former option.

    At one time I had hoped that they'd add omni catalysts to the broker after that episode retired it's currency but sadly that wasn't to be the case.
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  4. Cyfaill Well-Known Player

    Thanks for your answers, well, i'll be more patient then!
  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Unfortunately it’s all RNG. The only way to increase your odds is to run multiple toon through the area where it drops. I’m not on atm so I can’t check, but these type of items usually say where they drop I believe. And no I don’t mean the dlc. I mean the specific content they drop in. Solo/duo, alert, raid, loot caches, large loot caches. Instead of running everything, you can just run the specific place they drop in and repeat on an alt.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It does say in the description where it drops in what missions. I am thinking it said both the alert & the raid. But yeah I've had zero luck getting the Faraday cage to drop. I need 2 more and I am NOT spending $5mil each on them on the Broker.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When something lists raid it normally lists the large loot cache which is the open world weeklies. If you aren’t willing to spend the broker prices than your only option would be trying to run alts through the listed content.
  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes, as tiring and tedious as it is.
  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    sell stuff and buy catalysts from the broker. ;)