Can we get mounts?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by MrGankU, Jan 26, 2014.

  1. Xorian Justice Well-Known Player

    Not sure why this is valid to the discussion, of course it has to remove them while in combat and mounts would follow the same rules but that does not mean there should not be vehicle travel powers.
  2. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    you're kidding, surely? the game's nowhere near big enough for mounts. it'd be a nightmare. dragons & tanks smashing into each other all over the shop ( probably on purpose ). Gotham & Metropolis would become completely logged in next to no time at all. no no no. there's nowhere in this game that takes more than five minutes to get to. nowhere. for a game like DCUO mounts would be a very very bad idea indeed.
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  3. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    He is the one I want.

    Can I go ahead place my pre-order to a DCUO gold seller for 1.5 billion dollars? And will this DCUO gold seller put me on the PBS easy checks plan to where I can pay 15 million a month for 10 months?
  4. Chia Death Well-Known Player

    I think there is a reason this thread was created in 2014 and we still haven't seen mounts.

    Amazing necromancy skills though.