Can players please stop queing in as Tanks and Controllers in Alerts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dominic Blue, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Just chiming in to add a "+1" that yes alerts can be done without a healer. A tank or troll is fine if players pay attention. Can't even try to count how many healerless alerts I've done now on my tank toon. It is actually more fun. Healing alerts is so boring on my main. Unless I get everyone to use amulets and not cancel
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  2. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    As much as i like alerts with the 3dps and 1 heal formula, it is definitely healer skill dependant. And I honestly have more fun as a dps when I'm in a raid where everyone else is in their roles. I obviously don't want to be in an alert for an hour, but I'm not trying to set a speed run record either lol
  3. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    Then that needs to go BOTH ways, these holier then though DPS's need to get off their high horses and swap to a role every now and then when needed and not just always DPS because they think they are the lord's gift to DPS
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  4. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Eh I wouldnt say its healer skill dependent, as you can take a bad healer with 3 good DPS and still get through as if you had 3 mediocre dps and a superb heal.
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  5. Proxystar #Perception

    There are times in this game where you are better suited being support and better suited being DPS, that's how the game works, that's the way it's designed, each power has 2 accessible roles for a fundamental reason.

    Also, I laugh, not at you, but rather at your statement, because it's a two edged sword, you say "no one gets to dictate how others play" but then refer to a group build up as "proper" ironically inferring that there is a "proper" build and that is how people should play :p

    In reality, instances run smooth when the players are good at what they're doing, as I've said all along in this thread, the problem really is when people queue into an instance, particularly support and that's because there's a roleless buff without them, which then gets removed and that player then sucks at their job where sadly the roleless buff would've helped the group more, it does happen.

    As for playing both roles, the reason I advocate for it, is because when you play both sides of your powers roles, you get a far better level of experience in terms of what you're power is capable of and how to play the game in general, it in turn makes you a better player, I don't say this either to suggest you don't become incredily competent at the one role you do play, but let's say you're in an instance and its better someone change and that person can't... that speaks volumes, does it not?
  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Correct, would never say otherwise. and if I ever did or gave that impression, then apologies.
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  7. Magg Redd Well-Known Player

    As a troll, first of all, just cause you don't want to run with a troll or tank in your alert does not make any of us trash. Problem lies on the community with people like the OP for this post and his supporters. No one wants anyone to run roles anymore, they just want DPS and a healer so they can blast through everything as quick as they can and ignore the mechanics so they can beat it quick, try to be the top of the scoreboard and try to be the first person to have all the elite/op stuff the first 20 minutes after new content drops.

    If more people ran an 1-1-1-1 alert, more people would be playing their roles more often (on a daily basis) and would better know their role, but no one wants to do that, and no one wants to help anyone. I won't claim to be god's gift to trolls, and the best one there is, but I am pretty damn good, and I have been in alerts and raids where I am watching other trolls as we run thinking to myself "what in the world is this guy doing" but instead of dogging them I send them a tell saying "hey I noticed this, have you ever thought about trying such and such?" know actually helping them learn instead of just calling them trash.
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  8. myandria Item Storage

    "Sigh" Agreed.

    'Each one, Teach one," is a phrase that has been long lost through the sands of time and the indifference of society.
  9. Proxystar #Perception

    I can't help but feel you're taking an alternative viewpoint a little personally, no one here is calling you, specifically, trash, but that doesn't mean there aren't players out there that are and that can really lead to situations like the OP's frustration.

    If it makes you feel any better there's DPS that are the same, the reason why DPS aren't hit up quite so much isn't because DPS like to hate specifically on support it's that bad DPS are more easily concealed. It's easier to carry a bad DPS when you have other good DPS in the group without even noticing. However, if you've got a bad healer in a group, removed the roleless buff and suddenly the healer isn't healing then that issue is going to become glaringly obvious when people expect heals.

    As for teaching people, I 100% respect and agree with that assertion, but you'll also find too a lot of veterans in this game won't often bother because more often than not they're met with snarky comebacks when the prospect of even attemtping to help comes up to the extent now that most just simply don't even bother anymore, such is the vicious cycle.
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  10. Aesthete Well-Known Player

    This thread is silly.

    OP and his supporters talk as if Tank and Trolls are the only people in PUG's who doesn't know how to play their role correctly. This applies to every role, especially DPS's who refuse to learn mechanics and think they can just burn through everything.

    As a troll myself, many of my CoP runs have actually been WITHOUT a healer and we've had no problem clearing the content. There are instances where I've outdps'ed DPS players and dealt with healers who are simply clueless in Alert content. Should I go and complain about queuing up with them too? If queuing up with other roles you deem undesirable is such a problem, make your own group. It's not that difficult and would've saved you much more time compared to typing this out.
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  11. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Did an all DPS (zero support roles) run today with leaguemates. Two total deaths, zero wipes. No healer? No problem.

    We also did a 4-man run of USe the other day with ONLY support roles (battle versions obviously). One battle tank, two battletrolls and one battle healer. Wiped twice but got it on the third time.
  12. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    This is how I look at playing multi roles, but this is just me - when you try to play 2 roles you only do both roles half as good, as someone who does 1 of the roles you do. I'd rather some be amazing at 1 role then half***ed at 2. Which is why I only do 1 role so I can give all my attention to doing that 1 role vs trying to attempt to do 2 different roles.
  13. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    There are some terrible healers out there lol
  14. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Heres from my PoV on helping from healers/troll view, I tried helping a friend that wanted to get into trolling so I tried teaching him everything I knew about trolling, and he acted like I was giving him wrong info or trying to misguide him, so the way I do things now is unless the person ask me for advice I dont go out of my way to give it. Sucks because theres plenty of times I could of gave healers some awesome advice, ways to think outside the box and be able to solo heal and be self sufficient.
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  15. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Indeed there are.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I do get that, I really do, but

    If you're good at one role that doesn't mean you're suddenly going to lose that skill because you attempt to also play the other role :confused:

    I get what you're saying, stick to your strengths, but seriously more often than not the only reason you're probably not as good at DPS is because you're not prepared to put in the practice, you don't have to be OMG Beast Mode, I'm going to make Youtube God Loadout videos good :D - It's good to just be adequate so that if the need arises, you can do it need be.
  17. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I get it that PoV too, and as I've told friends I play with daily if a friend wants to practice healing I will happily hit up on dpad so they can get in some practice and just switch back to heal if they ask me to.

    I did my share of DPSing over the years that's why I dont prefer to do it that and support roles are way more fun then DPSing, imo ofc.
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  18. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    As far as it's ok to be adequate in your off role, sure you can that route but in todays dcuo that leads to kicks, added to ignore and belittling. Which hurts your queue times and group building times which in the end hurts your SP gain.

    Idk I'm weird I guess, I'd rather do what I know I'm at my best doing then play a role I know I lack the stats and care to play the role, example if I blind queue in COP or VMF and theres a 312 healer who can only heal that doesn't leave, I usually leave and wait 3 minutes to re-queue to get a new group, while I wait for it to pop I'm LFGing to get 3 ppl.
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  19. wintermute Well-Known Player

    Long time reader.....kinda recent poster.

    My main is an unapologetic troll but I've found I have to dps just to pop alerts and raids.
    Which sucks because dps is 100% dumbest most boring form of this game.
    So I PUG troll/dps and 9 times out of 10 I load in as the geared troll that keep idiots alive with super dope shields and pickups and stuns and power blah blah.

    Quite frankly, you should be lucky to have me in your alert/raid to keep your pew pew alive.
  20. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    When I trolled on my alt in raid settings I only worried about tank and heals power, way I looked at it DPS' can drink a soda if they get low(which was rare) or use a supply drop for something other then damage buffs.

    But now with it being even more DPS Universe Online then when I trolled(back during Atlantis DLC, and DLC right after) it sucks for us support roles. Because we're looked at as piggybacking off of DPS'ers to get through content, when in all reality it's the other way around.